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part time job not working out Empty part time job not working out

Post by dtg22 Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:33 pm

So I had a full time job that I was laid off from (the company closed) and I went on unemployment. I took a part-time job that I've been at since mid-December and my unemployment payments were reduced which I had expected to happen.

However - my part-time job is not working out. I have done the best I could at my job but apparently it is not good enough for my supervisor. She called me into HR and they told me that I am on an unofficial probation and if my performance does not improve they will need to terminate me.

They were very nice about the whole matter (and I think it was genuine) and they said if I cannot improve we could discuss options - maybe transferring to a different position or department or to a different location - but they seemed to be giving me the out in case I wanted to resign instead of be terminated. If I was terminated it would be a "without cause" termination - meaning my job performance just wasn't good enough - not something like I stole from them or came to work drunk. I have to meet with my supervisor and HR again in one week to discuss my job performance and my future with the company. But I think a termination is definitely on the horizon as the time allotted to improve my performance is not nearly enough time in my opinion. My sup is just expecting too much too soon for someone coming in with no experience in the field - which BTW she was aware of when hiring me.

So my question is if my part-time job terminates me for poor job performance what happens to my EDD payments? Do I go back to being completely unemployed and receive the full payment I was getting before? Do I receive only a percentage of the full payment that EDD needs to recalculate? Or am I now not eligible for benefits at all?

Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks!


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Join date : 2011-06-01

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part time job not working out Empty Re: part time job not working out

Post by wausauguy Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:42 pm

I am sorry to hear about the high expectations. I know this will not mean much, but I think this is going on far too often. It certainly is not fair to a worker who is doing all they can do.

You sound so well composed and I give you much credit for that. That is a great quality. And you certainly do have a right to be frustrated.

I am no expert so I am only giving comments based on my own experience and how I understand it. As for your unemployment, I believe what should happen is that you would go back to your full weekly benefit as long as you are in the plan year with the full benefit rate. As for having no benefits, I believe since you did not quit, and since you really did not do anything to get terminated I feel you will be eligible for continued unemployment.

I hope a better job comes your way.



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Join date : 2011-04-24

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part time job not working out Empty Re: part time job not working out

Post by broken72 Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:12 pm

I have a story I'd like to share with you. When I graduated from college with a degree in Journalism and Mass communications (Emphasis in advertising.), I had a very hard time finding a job. (I'll post the complete story about that at a later time.) I did get a job at a Wal-Mart Store for about 7 months. Then, my mother found a job listing for a typesetter at a print shop. I read it, but the ad said "Experienced Only." (which I did not have.) She told me to try it anyway.

I went in for the interview, I got tested, and the boss, (who was actually a cross between Fat Bastard, Mr. Spacely, and Kevin Spacey's character in "Horrible Bosses,") hired me. Well, to make a long story short, about a week and a half later, Fat Bastard called me into his office, and told me that he was letting me go, because he wasn't satisfied with the work I've been doing. He then told me he was giving me a week to shape up. THe next day, the opening for my job appeared in the paper, the day after that, Fat Bastard interviewed a candidate right there in front of me. Two days later, I got axed like Anne Boleyne.

To make matters worse, I didn't qualify for unemployment. I went without working for three months, that didn't work out, then went without work for another two months, didn't work out either. Then went without work for another four months. (I will post the entire story on the Rants section at a later time.)

Point is, I went through the same thing, and it sucks!


Posts : 13
Join date : 2012-02-16

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