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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:39 pm

Is the meeting still on? YES. Boehner has to be in the Oval Office at the White House today at 1 p.m. As of the time I hit the PUBLISH button for this post it is ON… will update later…. Once again, there is a budget war raging in the background and political tension is high as you can see on CNN and MSNBC. Regardless, the friendship between Rep. Scott and fellow Virginian, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor will help… as will the focus of Rep. Lee.

Rep. Lee understands that if the bill is designated as an “emergency” finding funding is unnecessary. Can the White House be convinced that’s a good idea? Sources say they already have been. Did CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver think of this at the White House meeting last week? No… but that was then. This is now. Praying

Last edited by DesperateInRI on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:58 pm

Can the White House be convinced that’s a good idea? Sources say they already have been. - Update from the Crew of 42!

HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 168630


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:27 pm

If this is true, then that is what I consider GOOD NEWS for now.

btw from where do you get all this news?
Agent Smith
Agent Smith

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:29 pm

Today 12:01 PM White House Shutdown Talks Preempt Boehner Meeting On 99ers

HuffPost's Arthur Delaney reports:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had to cancel a planned meeting with Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) to discuss possible legislation for the long-term unemployed on Thursday.

Instead of chatting about “99ers” – people who’ve exhausted 99 weeks of unemployment benefits without finding work -- Boehner’s heading to the White House Thursday afternoon for more shutdown talks with President Obama.

“We’re disappointed Speaker Boehner had to cancel the meeting,” Lee spokesman Joel Payne said.
We hope it can be rescheduled for next week.”

HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 681285


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:57 pm

lol! That is exact what I am saying the whole time.
They don't give a s.h.i.t. and they will always find an excuse for canceling the meetings. You'll see.

HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 938557
* all Politicians, capitalist pigs and Boehner!
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Agent Smith

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by CA99er Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:01 pm

Does anyone else just call him Boner?


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:02 pm

CA99er wrote:Does anyone else just call him Boner?

That's a good one. HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 938557
Agent Smith
Agent Smith

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Dazed&Confused Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:09 pm

CA99er wrote:Does anyone else just call him Boner?

I call all Republicans Boners, because they are a bunch of stiffs, and not the good stiff.


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:14 pm

CA99er wrote:Does anyone else just call him Boner?

I saw a sign the other day that said More Weiner and less boner with pictures of Anthony Weiner and John Boehner lol!

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:15 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:
CA99er wrote:Does anyone else just call him Boner?

I saw a sign the other day that said More Weiner and less boner with pictures of Anthony Weiner and John Boehner lol!

This one?
HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Bner10

Agent Smith
Agent Smith

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by 4got10 Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:01 pm

In the midst of severe budget cuts, government shut downs, republican resistance and, a slowly declining unemployment rate, how does anyone find the strength to continue to believe the 99ers will suddenly start receiving unemployment benefits after one year without them?


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:05 pm

4got10 wrote:In the midst of severe budget cuts, government shut downs, republican resistance and, a slowly declining unemployment rate, how does anyone find the strength to continue to believe the 99ers will suddenly start receiving unemployment benefits after one year without them?

Still a lot.
Agent Smith
Agent Smith

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:08 pm

Agent Smith wrote:
gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:
CA99er wrote:Does anyone else just call him Boner?

I saw a sign the other day that said More Weiner and less boner with pictures of Anthony Weiner and John Boehner lol!

This one?
HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Bner10

It had the saying less boner with a picture of boehners head that was real small. The other side said more weiner with a hug picture of weiners head.

Of coures boehners head was REAL orange.

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by superstevies Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:52 pm

As if we didn't know the meeting would be cancelled. Maybe we can get free tickets to the 3 ring circus going on in D.C.

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by laine25 Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:16 pm

We have elected a bunch of clowns!!!!!

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:20 pm

Update from the Crew of 42:

99ers: Boehner Called to White House, Lee Meeting Canceled

Rep. Lee Meeting on 99ers cancelled as Boehner called to White House. Speaker Boehner was called to the White House for a 1pm meeting with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid in the Oval Office. There was a 2pm meeting set with the Speaker, Eric Cantor, Rep. Barbara Lee and Rep. Bobby Scott. They plan to meet next week and there will be a brief statement from Rep. Lee’s office later. pouty


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by rxfranimal Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:23 pm

What a mess this country is in! Such a shame. And from what I gather the differences aren't about money now but about ideology? HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 86524


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:24 pm

laine25 wrote:We have elected a bunch of clowns!!!!!

You mean him ------------------>>>> HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Clown10


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by wantjob Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:34 pm

Talk to the hand The Tan Man is useless and ineffective as a leader. His party wants the cake and eat it too. This is not a way to negotiate, I believe it is give and take process.

Some of the people in WA are nothing but useless, overpaid people who look and say the right things to the media but are useless to get our country out of the depression. We the 99ers are hurting the most in this depression that politicians got us into. Funny, the politicians are the ones working in this depression and the 99ers have nothing.

Last edited by wantjob on Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:38 pm

rxfranimal wrote:What a mess this country is in! Such a shame. And from what I gather the differences aren't about money now but about ideology? HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 86524
HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 895764
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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by laine25 Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:50 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
laine25 wrote:We have elected a bunch of clowns!!!!!

You mean him ------------------>>>> HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Clown10


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Agent Smith Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:56 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
laine25 wrote:We have elected a bunch of clowns!!!!!

You mean him ------------------>>>> HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Clown10

At least you know that you don't have to expect something serious from this guy.

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by laine25 Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:05 pm

That's for sure....just expect some tears!!!! Sad

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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Feyth Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:47 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:Can the White House be convinced that’s a good idea? Sources say they already have been. - Update from the Crew of 42!

HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! 168630
No matter what the naysayers say, this is hopeful news. I'd say the fact that Obama is addressing unemployment among blacks in his speech today is also hopeful. Perhaps he has been waiting to act until he had announced his 2012 presidential run.


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HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!! Empty Re: HR589 Meeting Update: Is the meeting still on? NO!! Cancelled due to Shutdown!!

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:55 pm

I hope you are right Feyth. We all do.

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