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I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed. Empty I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed.

Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:27 pm

Prayer is what we all have been doing, but it appears that action is now looking like what has to happen over the next several years to save us all. Total breakdown of the middle class just can't happen, can it?


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I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed. Empty Re: I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed.

Post by elvis44102 Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:15 pm

""It is the accumulation of decisions made and not made since 1981, when the Age of Ronald Reagan replaced the Age of Franklin Roosevelt""

No one is going to "save" us...
1) it took 400 years after the invention of the printing pressfor 25% of the worlds population to become literate...
2) it took 7 years for as many people to have cell phones...

everyday we have access to more information than anybody had in the world just a few years back....

the mass media will not produce a "savior" they are owned by the money people....

there have always been small groups of people "peace movements" for lack of better descriptors, they are drowned out by manufactured wars and such....

whats new is the mass communication of the web and it will be small groups of "regular" people speaking out.....

there are immense groups of narrow minded "good" people who have to be willing to learn the truth about the ways of the world....that's a tuff nut to crack, but not impossible

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Join date : 2011-03-07

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I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed. Empty Re: I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed.

Post by need_a_break Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:39 pm

I saw this on CNN, this morning.

Corporations are taking advantage of their workers, the poor and the middle-class. The politicians are too weak to stop it.

I am not completely on-board with how President Obama is running things but in no way do I want a corporate-minded person like Romney running things.


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I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed. Empty Re: I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed.

Post by elvis44102 Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:55 pm

the "old style" conservatives are being put out of office by the far right party-of-no types.....comprimise is a sign of maturity except in the NEW republican party....this will probably run its course, but the money people have very long term goals which are in fact working...the entire discussion is very far to the right of 30 years ago...

this is a geberational looong term plan, not strictly dependant on any election..

and yes we are nearly back in the 1890s economicaly, just need to repeal child labor, womens right to vote and a few other nasty liberal type policies....

I have met a few young people who are interested in what i say, and have been told by their parents that that kind of stuff is conspiracy-nut case gives me hope...

the Warren commision report more or less says that Lee harvey Oswald was not the lone nut assasin of JFK, if anybody bothers to read the thing....

the unofficial responce to this is of course "but the American people dont read"...

Posts : 656
Join date : 2011-03-07

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I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed. Empty Re: I'm not sure if this gives me hope, or makes me depressed.

Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:58 pm

I don't know if the middle class can breakdown anymore than it already is. I suppose it can. Yes, I agree we can all pray, we all have faith that things that happened in other countries could never happen here, we are smarter than that, we know better. It seems lately, we don't though. Sometimes I feel we almost have another complete depression for all people to believe that change is needed everywhere. If things don't personally effect people, they don't think anything is broken, it's the fault of the people who are being effected. Action is only taken when it effects them.

The question is then, do we all stand by and say, well nothing I do is working, or do we keep working. I, sometimes sadly, feel nothing I do is working, then I read a post and find an article, see an interview and it gives me hope. I say we keep working.

I will continue to pray, because I do believe it helps. We are all still here, it's not easy, but we are here.


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