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Post by Dazed&Confused Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:43 pm

Jul 122011
Lee: Obama Said He’d Push For Unemployment Benefits in Debt Deal

Rep. Barbara Lee, the author of H.R. 589, told me this morning the President said he’d push for unemployment benefits as part of the deal on the debt ceiling. That feeling would seem to backed up in a story by Arthur Delaney in the Huffing ton Post on the same issue. read that story here Over fourteen million people are currently unemployed and the June unemployment figures were not encouraging. The overall unemployment rate is 9.2%. It’s unclear when the President indicated this to Lee but she is a frequent visitor to White House events and pushes her issues constantly. The issue was also raised as a CBC priority and two meeting the CBC had with the President this year.

House Majotity Leader Harry Reid indicated to Huffington Post the unemployment benefits would be part of the $4T so-called “grand bargain.” President Obama has indicated in the past the unemployment benefits are part of what may be part of any negotiation. At yesterday’s press conference the President indicated that unemployment benefits would be a good short term way to stimulate the ecomomy. Whether benefits would apply to those needing short term or long term unemployment is unclear.

Since it is Lee talking here, can we hope that a 99ers bill will be part of this? D&C

Time for a war against our Government, I am so sick of this. Half of the time I should have been looking for a jobs, I was watching CNN so see when they were going to uck us again. They ucked us so much and so often, I think they gave me Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Can I put a claim in on that disease

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Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:48 pm

Lets give them hell until the say 99ers need help!

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Crew of 42 Empty Re: Crew of 42

Post by TR11005 Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:16 am

People need jobs, even if they can go out and clean up the environment or tear down old dangerous buildings. Repair homes for the homeless at least.

Extensions were great, but the temporary measure did not help with jobs.


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