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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Angelicrisis Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:33 pm

Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 168630 Looks like some of our hard work could be paying off...Lets just hope and pray.

34343234 Let's keep up it up!!!!!!!!


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:40 pm

We HAVE to make sure the 99ers are included. Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 562135 This is it CRUNCH TIME!!

Thanks for the post Thats what Im talkin

If you are reading this you have to be tweeting and sharing and getting others involved. Otherwise you are wasting your time. The time to ask is over. Its time to DEMAND ACTION!

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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by fredm74 Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:59 pm

Oh Mercy Jesus, I almost passed out. That is indeed promising but we need to make sure the 99ers are not forgotten like they were in December 2010, at the time I was just about to collect Tier 4 and didn't really feel the impact like I am 7 months later, now a 99er. I am fighting hard. Let's do this people. Keep at it. Don't give up until the Fat lady has sung.


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Angelicrisis Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:00 pm

No problem Getthem.

It is definetly time to make some more noise, I'm all for it. We cannot be ignored again given the current economic climate, in all reality 14 weeks should be extended to 6 months , with the "experts" predicting things getting worse as far as hiring goes imho. but I guess beggers can't be choosers.

Let's GO!!!! Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 671705


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by kjps12 Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:08 pm

there is also an article in todays huff po that says the 99ers are part of the big deal obama is pushing for


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by superstevies Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:35 pm

The Huff Post article doesn't say anything about helping 99ers. It ONCE again leaves us out. It says that it will enable those that have been cut off to 72 weeks to be allowed to collect the full 99weeks. But doesn't say anything about any help past 99weeks in the form of HR589

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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:38 pm

Well, let's get loud and let's get busy. If you have not signed the 99ers letter please do so. Tweet deck is free to download and we need to tweet it to everyone in the meeting. No question, this would be a big break for us, but remember, the Republicans have walked from the table on the "big deal", so let's make them our first target. Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 34243


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:39 pm

And a note to Harry Reid as well. Maybe we need Lady Gaga to join forces with us, she helped with Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 34243


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:43 pm

Barbara Lee needs to hear from us as well. Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. 34243


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by superstevies Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:44 pm

MaryKay, I guess U don't remember me, I just took a Hiatus from the site. I was starting to be negative & made people mad. I didn't quit my duties however, I Tweet like crazy. I have tried over and over to put my name on the list but I am never added when I request. U used to check out my recipes

Steve Pfarr
Rancho Cucamonga Ca

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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:04 pm

You will be added immediately, and I have seen your tweets, I believe you have retweeted me and are following me as I am you.

Thanks for the signature. I hope you are well and I miss those recipes, did you try the lemon cake?


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Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal. Empty Re: Crew 42 update Obama said he'd push for Unemployment benefits in debt deal.

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