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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:59 pm

If I could say anything right now to John Boehner, it would begin with the letter F and with a U.

The notion that President Obama hasn't put forth a fiscal plan is absolutely ludicrous. (Even Boehner must remember it, because Paul Ryan was sobbing like a little child afterwards.)

The issue is that John Boehner doesn't agree with President Obama's fiscal plan. That's his right, but claiming that Obama doesn't have one is total garbage. And putting the full faith and credit of the United States on the line in a ham-fisted attempt to twist Obama's arm is deplorable.

Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Ransom10


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:04 pm

Tweet, one of my favorites!

ChicoDelainky ChicoDelainky
R.I.P. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, you will be greatly missed. I will try to do you proud. Love always, Paul Ryan.
1 hour ago


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:13 pm

Isn't it ashame that Dr. death could not end his own misery!


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Isn't it ashame that Dr. death could not end his own misery!

Paul Ryan was ready and waiting to do it for him too! affraid


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:24 pm

Shouldn't this be illegal? Purposely holding up important legislation that could have disastrous consequences for human beings if no action is taken should be against the law. This puts us all in danger just because the GOP are extreme control freaks and wants to strong arm Obama and the dems. The debt ceiling should be delt with as a separate issue, on its own. Its too important to be playing these games!! Evil or Very Mad


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:29 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:Shouldn't this be illegal? Purposely holding up important legislation that could have disastrous consequences for human beings if no action is taken should be against the law. This puts us all in danger just because the GOP are extreme control freaks and wants to strong arm Obama and the dems. The debt ceiling should be delt with as a separate issue, on its own. Its too important to be playing these games!! Evil or Very Mad

They have been doing this, blocking every piece of legislation that will help the American people, since Obama took office! Now the truth is coming out and all they can do is point fingers and say "It's Obama's fault for not giving us what we wanted for our rich, corporate friends"!
Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Gavel10


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:52 pm

I remember them writing a letter, I think it was the senate GOP a while back, stating that they would vote NO on anything that comes up if ...I think it was if they didnt pass the tax breaks for the rich?

Well they got the tax breaks, and they are all still saying no to just about all legislation brought forth by dems. They admit to it, put it in writing and people still go along with it. If it were the dems that did this, I would be against it too. Important legislation ie HR589, etc. is being ignored, people are suffering, and now the economy will suffer even more just because the GOP are on a power trip and don't like Obama.


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Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands Empty Re: Boehner angry that Obama hasn't agreed to GOP's debt ceiling ransom demands

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:36 pm

Not raising the debt limit means the Bush tax cuts will not happen. Its a Bluff, repukes sleep with their Bush tax cuts more than their wives or husbands.

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