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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Does this diminish the hope for HR589

Post by mrmarti Thu May 12, 2011 8:47 am

First topic message reminder :

Does this mean the fight is over?

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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 8:59 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:why was the other topic locked???

If you are referring to the topic with the contact information for today's hearing, it is because the meeting is over. A new thread with the initial information from the meeting today was started and a link provided to that thread.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu May 12, 2011 9:01 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Obama will sign off on the repubs. two bills. Sorry, but IMO!!!
Care to explain why you think this? Its a pretty outrageous comment to make on the cuff.

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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:04 pm

I hear ya superstevies, take a break. It can get very overwhelming to say the least.

IMO we cant give up. I am hoping that in light of these 2 new bills brought forth by GOP in house and senate, that more unemployed will stand up and fight.

They will be getting a crash course in politics and maybe stay on board to fight for HR 589. We need more people to advocate for benefits. If we get more people to fight, more people will notice and possibly help with massive protests.



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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:05 pm

There is another thread running with similar discussion,"Does this diminish the Hope of HR 589.

I am going to merge it into this one so we can continue the conversation in one thread.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:06 pm

Merging this topic into "Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting".


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:11 pm

superstevies wrote:It is very clear everyday even before this meeting that Mr. Obama has no intensions of helping the LongTermUnemployed. The CBC has been gracious to help but I am staring to feel that the CBC & President would be just as happy to help only the African American Poor Communities. I'm done putting my efforts into HR589.

This is just like the Senate S.3706 bill....A lot of high hopes...but resulting in a big fat goose egg.

I feel like I cannot mentally handle this cat & mouse game one more time with out any payoff. Mr. Obama knows that we cannot even threaten him with voting for the opposition in 2012 because they hate us even more. So he wins, No help for us and knows the other alternative is even worse for us. So we are no longer a threat.

Maybe I just need to take the Night off from all this and clear my head and will feel different in the A.M. but this whole process is bringing me WAY DOWN.

Steve, see Ron S's post in this thread. It makes sense and gave me some hope. Time to compromise with the GOP again and attach HR 589 to HR 1745. Neither will pass if a compromise isn't worked out. Ron had some great points and combining these two bills could actually help us.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by superstevies Thu May 12, 2011 9:16 pm

Heck I'd Pee On A Spark Plug at this point if it could help....Ok so we compromise....I am just done waiting & Waiting & WAITING!!! We just need some help YESTERDAY! I'm not sure how much longer my roomate is going to let me stay with her. She cannot afford to pay all the rent & bills taking a tole.

We just really need to work...and doesn't feel like that is happening anytime soon. I am now getting to the point that on webistes that I try to re apply for jobs, it just says you have already applied for this job and will not even let me reapply.

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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu May 12, 2011 9:32 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
superstevies wrote:It is very clear everyday even before this meeting that Mr. Obama has no intensions of helping the LongTermUnemployed. The CBC has been gracious to help but I am staring to feel that the CBC & President would be just as happy to help only the African American Poor Communities. I'm done putting my efforts into HR589.

This is just like the Senate S.3706 bill....A lot of high hopes...but resulting in a big fat goose egg.

I feel like I cannot mentally handle this cat & mouse game one more time with out any payoff. Mr. Obama knows that we cannot even threaten him with voting for the opposition in 2012 because they hate us even more. So he wins, No help for us and knows the other alternative is even worse for us. So we are no longer a threat.

Maybe I just need to take the Night off from all this and clear my head and will feel different in the A.M. but this whole process is bringing me WAY DOWN.

Steve, see Ron S's post in this thread. It makes sense and gave me some hope. Time to compromise with the GOP again and attach HR 589 to HR 1745. Neither will pass if a compromise isn't worked out. Ron had some great points and combining these two bills could actually help us.

Bear in mind... S post is just an opinion and by no means reflects what is actually going on. Rumors get going as usual and here we'll have a compromise and they have made a deal and oh boy.. This is a good plan... Sorry. how many times have we been through this... Enough already with speculation and scenarios and nothing but fact filled statements with proof. otherwise its just garbage!


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Angelicrisis Thu May 12, 2011 9:33 pm

Okay, today has been ultra-stressful; and Superstevies I hear you, im very tired of the waiting. Some form of confirmation either way would be nice. I like the idea of the compromise at this point, but in all honesty people are dying, bills are not getting paid and it's a blatant patriotic slap in a the face with a knee to the groin to be so slow in response.

I have faith and will continue to do so, but after not only witnessing all of this b.s. being played out, but being drastically affected by it, after I get back on my feet, I plan on voluteering someway cause right now I feel its the only thing that is going to help ease the pain of winessing all of this evil and feeling helpless to do something about it.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:34 pm

superstevies wrote:Heck I'd Pee On A Spark Plug at this point if it could help....Ok so we compromise....I am just done waiting & Waiting & WAITING!!! We just need some help YESTERDAY! I'm not sure how much longer my roomate is going to let me stay with her. She cannot afford to pay all the rent & bills taking a tole.

We just really need to work...and doesn't feel like that is happening anytime soon. I am now getting to the point that on webistes that I try to re apply for jobs, it just says you have already applied for this job and will not even let me reapply.

Just my opinion, but if the two bills were combined, they would sail through the House and Senate. Neither can survive on its own and both parties know that. A compromise would give us a chance of seeing 14 weeks very soon and also be a win-win situation for both Parties.

As far as the job situation, hang in there. I applied and had a phone interview for a job late last fall. Out of the blue the HR manager called me today to set up an in person interview next week. It took me totally off guard, I didn't even remember it and had to ask what job she was talking about.

We are hanging on a very thin rope now and the only solution I can see is if Reps Lee and Young sit down with the GOP Leaders and work out a deal. If that happens, we may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

Just like you, I would "pee on a spark-plug". I have nothing to hide and can provide volumes of job search documentation.

Maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:40 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
The intent of HR 1745 allows for an option for states to curtail the
emergency federal tiers expeditiously that are currently set to expire
in January of 2012; there are other provisions in the bill but this is
potentially the most significant aspect of that bill’s deleterious
effect to the unemployed. The majority of the GOP likely wants to get
out of the unemployment insurance business altogether and is probably
the underlying basis for taking such a hard core position. Nonetheless,
since these federal tiers are only meant to be in place on a temporary
basis during an economic emergency, then Congressman Lee should consider
offering to compromise on that point. Congressman Lee should offer her
cohort of support for HR 1745 contingent on whether that bill is amended
with a extended time trigger set go into effect only if HR 589 is
supported and passed and is allowed to run its 14 week payout of
benefits to the longest term unemployed whose benefits are exhausted.
Once HR 589 is fully implemented then the states option in HR 1745 for
reallocating the federal money away from unemployment benefits to other
uses can only then be triggered at the election of any given state.

Brilliant analysis, Ron. And I agree with you. The only way either bill is going to pass is if a compromise is offered and I do believe that is what will happen now. Rep. Lee along with the 80 co-sponsors should sit down with the GOP leaders to strike a deal that would be of some benefit to all the unemployed. There is no other way HR 589, or HR 1745 will move forward.

I listened to the House Ways & Means Committee hearing on 1745 yesterday, and although it was hard to sit through without wanting to throw my computer out the window, I have been thinking along the same lines you have when I regained rational thinking.

States with the highest unemployment rates would be doing themselves a great disservice if they allowed the current tier system to end. Taking the money out of the hands of the consumer will only lead to fewer jobs in those states that are already hurting economically on all fronts due to lost revenues from payroll and consumer taxes and put more of a strain on social service programs that the states cannot afford to keep up with now. Although they have the option of paying down their debt to the Federal government due to underfunding their own unemployment system, they would pay for it dearly with the influx of new claims that would result.

As far as the states option to allow incentives for businesses to hire, I would hope the Governors and state's legislatures would know that these jobs are not going to appear overnight. Again, there is a lot of room for compromise in that area.

Another point to consider that was brought up by the GOP at yesterday's hearing is that if a state did intend to use the funds from EUC08 in any other way than paying the individual directly, it would require each state's legislature to vote on it. Even though there would be a possibility that payments could be shut off on July 6 to those that are currently receiving benefits under this program, it is highly improbable. By the time compromises are reached on the Federal level and HR 1745 moves through the House and Senate (which wouldn't happen unless HR 589 was attached), it would be around that date the bill would become law. Then should states decide to divert the money in other ways, it would have to go through a similar process in their own state assemblies, most of which are wrapping up their legislative sessions within a few weeks and won't reconvene until the Fall.

Compromise on HR 589 and HR 1745 is a win-win situation for both parties and the unemployed will benefit. By the time the dust settles should states decide to keep the money, the deadline for payments under the current tier system will be looming.

To choose to keep these bill as stand alone, with no compromise by either party will not benefit anyone, neither will pass. As it stands, HR 1745 will never pass the Senate and would be dragged out by filibusters and eventually defeated, taking the attention away from other crucial issues that face our country today. HR 589 will not make it out of the House as it stands.

I do believe this is what the GOP Leaders had in mind when they met with Reps. Lee and Scott in April.

The more I think about the possibility of combining these two bills, the more sense it makes. At least we would have some chance of seeing some kind of relief in the near future. I only hope our Reps and Senators had this in mind when they introduced HR 1745.

Here is breaking news from CNN on today's meeting. It was focused on jobs. If you read it, I think you will agree that the best thing that could happen right now for us would be compromise between Rep. Lee and the GOP.
Congressional Black Caucus vows to keep pushing Obama on jobs


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 9:58 pm

here is another article about it. pretty much the same as the others, accept one little paragraph at the end:

Cleaver told reporters that representatives are confronted with the issues whenever they return to their districts, and “they are begging for help.” The caucus, he added, will introduce legislation on Capitol Hill, but will also continue to push the White House for solutions.

I wonder what legislation will be introduced?


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu May 12, 2011 10:00 pm

Analysis. Here we go again. Another done deal!! Based on someone's opinion... Not in the works and wasn't mentioned and yet as usual congratulating everybody as though this is in the works.. How many time have we done this and gone through this!! Folks if it isn't on the floor for debates and then votes and passed and signed, then it ain't happnin.. wait til those procedures take place and not from someone's hypothetical dreams.
If yu only knew how many times many of us sat on this site and read when the past extensions were battled out and some would say" Hey they got a deal behind the scenes".. Or hey this is going to pass!! And it was no where close. And now an opinion has just been moved to the floor and wow this is a great idea... Hello!!! Not happening until we see it!!! already saying these two bills do not stand a chance unless they combine! Hello, why do you think they drew up two bills seperate???? So if one fails then have another to fall back on!!! Hello! Otherwise they would have presented them as one!!!Sorry, very angry and we're headed down the opinion alley that drains peoples emotions just because someone has a dream...


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Angelicrisis Thu May 12, 2011 10:00 pm

It is the only thing that makes sense DesperateinRI. It also goes to show theatrics play a big part in all of these games. I just wish the soap opera could be fast forwarded through like the DVR I used to own.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu May 12, 2011 10:04 pm

where is 589 mentioned and pushed for support????????????


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 10:08 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Analysis. Here we go again. Another done deal!! Based on someone's opinion... Not in the works and wasn't mentioned and yet as usual congratulating everybody as though this is in the works.. How many time have we done this and gone through this!! Folks if it isn't on the floor for debates and then votes and passed and signed, then it ain't happnin.. wait til those procedures take place and not from someone's hypothetical dreams.
If yu only knew how many times many of us sat on this site and read when the past extensions were battled out and some would say" Hey they got a deal behind the scenes".. Or hey this is going to pass!! And it was no where close. And now an opinion has just been moved to the floor and wow this is a great idea... Hello!!! Not happening until we see it!!! already saying these two bills do not stand a chance unless they combine! Hello, why do you think they drew up two bills seperate???? So if one fails then have another to fall back on!!! Hello! Otherwise they would have presented them as one!!!Sorry, very angry and we're headed down the opinion alley that drains peoples emotions just because someone has a dream...

I know how long we have waited and watched 1208. You were still on one of the tiers when you joined UF, I was already a 99er. I have sat back and watched this whole grueling ordeal just as long, if not longer than you have. I lost my job in March of 08.

I am willing to bet though that there will be a compromise. If that is not what the GOP intended when they introduced 1745 knowing it would never pass the Senate as it stands, then they are even dumber and more evil than I thought.

Nobody wins, including the politicians, if they don't strike a deal right now. Elections are not that far off and campaign season will beginning very shortly. Isn't that what drives and motivates them to actually do something?


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 10:09 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Analysis. Here we go again. Another done deal!! Based on someone's opinion... Not in the works and wasn't mentioned and yet as usual congratulating everybody as though this is in the works.. How many time have we done this and gone through this!! Folks if it isn't on the floor for debates and then votes and passed and signed, then it ain't happnin.. wait til those procedures take place and not from someone's hypothetical dreams.
If yu only knew how many times many of us sat on this site and read when the past extensions were battled out and some would say" Hey they got a deal behind the scenes".. Or hey this is going to pass!! And it was no where close. And now an opinion has just been moved to the floor and wow this is a great idea... Hello!!! Not happening until we see it!!! already saying these two bills do not stand a chance unless they combine! Hello, why do you think they drew up two bills seperate???? So if one fails then have another to fall back on!!! Hello! Otherwise they would have presented them as one!!!Sorry, very angry and we're headed down the opinion alley that drains peoples emotions just because someone has a dream...

Take a breath and think about it for a minute. I understand your frustrated, but no one said it was a done deal. People are just discussing what they want to happen and what they think makes sense. We all know that congress doesnt make sense most of the time, so no one is getting their hopes up any more than usual. it was an idea and there is nothing wrong with that.

I do understand what your saying though, at the old UFF I remember some rumors getting started and people were crushed. This is not the case here though.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 10:15 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:
exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Analysis. Here we go again. Another done deal!! Based on someone's opinion... Not in the works and wasn't mentioned and yet as usual congratulating everybody as though this is in the works.. How many time have we done this and gone through this!! Folks if it isn't on the floor for debates and then votes and passed and signed, then it ain't happnin.. wait til those procedures take place and not from someone's hypothetical dreams.
If yu only knew how many times many of us sat on this site and read when the past extensions were battled out and some would say" Hey they got a deal behind the scenes".. Or hey this is going to pass!! And it was no where close. And now an opinion has just been moved to the floor and wow this is a great idea... Hello!!! Not happening until we see it!!! already saying these two bills do not stand a chance unless they combine! Hello, why do you think they drew up two bills seperate???? So if one fails then have another to fall back on!!! Hello! Otherwise they would have presented them as one!!!Sorry, very angry and we're headed down the opinion alley that drains peoples emotions just because someone has a dream...

Take a breath and think about it for a minute. I understand your frustrated, but no one said it was a done deal. People are just discussing what they want to happen and what they think makes sense. We all know that congress doesnt make sense most of the time, so no one is getting their hopes up any more than usual. it was an idea and there is nothing wrong with that.

I do understand what your saying though, at the old UFF I remember some rumors getting started and people were crushed. This is not the case here though.

And face it, it is a fact that even with the President's backing, there is no way that HR 589 can pass in the House given the fast track HR 1745 was given.

I am only expressing my opinion
as far as a compromise. I will hold on to that opinion and hope to give me the strength to even get out of bed tomorrow morning.

Sick & Tired is right. Take a deep breath and relax. I was as outraged as you are about the W & M hearing yesterday. Now that I have had time to think about it and read other people's opinions, I can still remain hopeful that we will see some help very soon.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu May 12, 2011 10:48 pm

OK, I am like others not in a position to get hopes up anymore. But what choice do I have but to wait and see!!!!


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu May 12, 2011 10:50 pm

Here is a frustration also... Is this just this forums opinion and hope that the above mentions of compromise or is this something that Lee is considering and hs mentioned. Otherwise wouldn't this be better if it was coming from her?


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2011 10:53 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:OK, I am like others not in a position to get hopes up anymore. But what choice do I have but to wait and see!!!!

I am not in any position either to get my hopes up too far. I have lost everything and I am still years away from retirement age. I don't think anybody here is in any position to have to wait longer than we have to. We are all in the same situation and looking at a very dark future. Nobody here is any better off than anyone else. If we were, we wouldn't be here.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 8:24 am

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Here is a frustration also... Is this just this forums opinion and hope that the above mentions of compromise or is this something that Lee is considering and hs mentioned. Otherwise wouldn't this be better if it was coming from her?

Everything here, except the links to actual new articles, is discussion of opinions among members.

It only becomes a rumor when it is taken from this thread and spread around as fact.


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 9:14 am

White House "read out" of the CBC meeting


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Fri May 13, 2011 10:25 am

DesperateInRI wrote:
exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:Here is a frustration also... Is this just this forums opinion and hope that the above mentions of compromise or is this something that Lee is considering and hs mentioned. Otherwise wouldn't this be better if it was coming from her?

Everything here, except the links to actual new articles, is discussion of opinions among members.

It only becomes a rumor when it is taken from this thread and spread around as fact.

Amen Desp.. That was what my rants were about yesterday! Even though some were coming up with positive statements about what they thought be a good idea to merge the two bills and this would happen or that might happen. There was nothing wrong with that and yes it is everyone's right to express thoughts about what it may take to get 589 to pass. I like some others was emotionally drained from this cycle of events once again of the many times we have been through this. So if anyone wants to express their thoughts and ideas of what it may take to accomplish this or that, hey go for it. My major point was I want to be clear is to not get confused with someone's statements or post and assume it is what is actually going on with Lee and her bill. So I hope that the ideas of a bill merger if it is a good one was sent to rep. Lee... No matter , what will be, will be..Besides I just woke up in a good mood , give it til the end of the day and that will change! Watch for the rants later, then you will know my mood changed.. Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 806957 Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 545210 pouty


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Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12 - Page 2 Empty Re: Initial Report from CBC / Obama Meeting May 12

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 10:26 am



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