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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:58 pm

First topic message reminder :

Its all about race and they will NEVER be happy!

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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:02 pm

nky101 wrote:Hyou not paid attention at all....As I said earlier. Dems had TOTAL CONTROL of ALL THREE BRANCHES of our Govt. So you cannot put all the blame on the GOP. In order for a lot of his programs to fail, quite a few Dems had to cross over. So stop the party of NO crap. it just isn't so. Look, you are NEVER going to change my mind about the failure of Obama, and you don't seem able to try to stop your addiction to the Kool-aid. So, we will just have to agree to disagree. Even thought I am "RIGHT" opposed to left. <g>

So you know the dems could not pass what they wanted right? It takes 60 votes for the majority? SAY IT THE DEMS DID NOT HAVE 60 MEMBERS IN THE SENATE. SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTROLL OF ALL 3 BRANCHES IS NOT RIGHT DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK OF STUPID PEOPLE!!!!

Maybe if you read this post it wll sink in but I doubt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:11 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:
nky101 wrote:Hyou not paid attention at all....As I said earlier. Dems had TOTAL CONTROL of ALL THREE BRANCHES of our Govt. So you cannot put all the blame on the GOP. In order for a lot of his programs to fail, quite a few Dems had to cross over. So stop the party of NO crap. it just isn't so. Look, you are NEVER going to change my mind about the failure of Obama, and you don't seem able to try to stop your addiction to the Kool-aid. So, we will just have to agree to disagree. Even thought I am "RIGHT" opposed to left.

So you know the dems could not pass what they wanted right? It takes 60 votes for the majority? SAY IT THE DEMS DID NOT HAVE 60 MEMBERS IN THE SENATE. SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTROLL OF ALL 3 BRANCHES IS NOT RIGHT DODO HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK OF UNINFORMED PEOPLE!!!!

Maybe if you read this post it wll sink in but I doubt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:22 pm

Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 2564727711 The Dems did have the majority in the Senate for a short period of time while Obama was President. AND THERE WERE NO FILIBUSTERS ON UNEMPLOYMENT EXTENSIONS until Ted Kennedy passed away. He was replaced for a short time by Kirk, but at the same time Nelson of NE came out of the closet and proved to be a disguised Republican. HR 3548 stalled in there for about a month in the Fall of 2009, but passed and it included incentives for employers to HIRE. After Scott Brown was sworn in, it was all over. After almost a year of temporary fixes, and long lapses in benefits, the non-majority Senate passed 4213 at the end of the year STRIPPED DOWN WITH THE INCENTIVES FOR JOB CREATION TAKEN OUT!


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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:31 pm

Boehner and his HELL NO YOU CAN'T took over. He made love to TARP and threw the stim pack on the floor?


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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:35 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:Boehner and his HELL NO YOU CAN'T took over. He made love to TARP and threw the stim pack on the floor?

Oh well, SO BE IT!! Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 1606838706


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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:28 am

This is a ridiculous topic. Chitter chatter.


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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by tristen303 Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:30 pm

As the resident Repub let me clear the air a bit; the fault does not lie with Obama but with the Senate and the House of both parties period. Look I'm not a big fan of Obama but considering the choices I think we made out ok. I find it insulting as a vet, as a Repub and an American that the sitting President had to produce a birth certificate because a draft dodging failed silver spooned businessman decides to use it as an issue to promote his failing circus act of a TV show (I’ve been a lifelong Repub and I was always under the impression he was a Dem; Trump is an imposter there’s your conspiracy theory to follow).
I would like to further remind all my Repub brothers and sisters out there that the healthcare Mandate, as well as Cap and trade were all Rpub ideas during Clinton’s term. We floated them out on capitol hill even campaigned on them and climate change, those are facts take the hot tub time machine back to the 90’s you’ll see for yourself. Further as everyone knows about me I am against tax increases and redistribution of wealth programs but with that being said I do not find a return to the previous tax levels to during the economic expansion via the Clinton era to be bad. Look brothers and sisters if this was baseball our batting line up thus far has not even made any base runs, it’s time we start switching up the batting line of ideas if we want to win versus make just good TV. To make an analogy we are Dr’s in an Er with a patient dying before us and unless the ideas come from our side and our medical schools we won’t consider them or even try them as hail Mary’s to save the patient **ck ideology the patient is dying type stuff? My fellow Repubs we inherited a surplus, we achieved this by working with Clinton by being the middle of the road party and working together with Dems. Our party has been overrun with Neocons and the far right. The above were our ideas, hell Romney was our test case for healthcare just a while back ok.
We have a debt my brothers and sisters because the borrowing started under Bush Jr and got us to where we are now, these is facts (using Bush Jr.’s words) we need to own up to. Now it wasn’t like the Dems didn’t make things worse and jump in the car drunk right along with us but were here now because our boy Cheney said “deficits don’t matter”, we were wrong they do; we have no moral high ground in the budget debate. What’s worse we have done nothing, nothing to help create desperately needed jobs or at the very least (while we dick around with ideological fights) extend benefits for the UE until we turn everything around right. They only way my friends things are going to change is when we own up to what we did and put any and all options on the table to fix things. Boehner should be having daily prays, Native American economic ran dances and travelling to India to meet a swami (if our party is out of ideas at this point) to demonstrate he is leaving no stone unturned to find a path to economic recovery anyway anywhere. In my mind I would have more respect for all that then debating the birth certificate of our first African American President.


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Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:39 pm

Good to see ya again Tristen, and thanks for your level headed post.

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Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS! - Page 3 Empty Re: Goldie Taylor breaks is down for the people who don't understand why they want Obamas PAPERS!

Post by lendmeflight2 Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:48 pm

You are correct sir, the republican party is gone. There are no true republican politicians anymore, they have all been replaced by fascists. Your party members are soon going that way. Did you see the speech Trump made the other day where he said that if he was president he would tell China "I'm gonna tax you 25% mother f***er"? That is a d@mned disgrace. So that happens and they say "Ok, well, I'm gonna detonate this nuclear device in the middle of Chicago, mother f***er". What happens next?

Your party is in love with John Wayne. Americans love cowboys but a fist to the face is not always the answer. It does work a lot of the time, I grant you, but it's not always the answer. This plays well in your party because your party no longer knows how to think.

The "Tristenian Republican" is very rare these days. The neo-cons are what is bringing your party down. It's so popular to be insensitive these days. I was out with a friend the other day and the place was having some kind of trivia night. The answers were multiple choice and every answer either had some kind of personal knock on a democrat or a joke about the disaster in Hawaii ("too soon"? "Yeah @**hole, it's too soon".) This is what represents the voters in your party now. Everybody laughs, "oh those stupid democrats".

Now, when I play music at the same venue and I do my songs about the economy or unemployment, I write about things that effect me, or anything topical someone always says "I don't need to hear your politics". These are the same people that laugh when the trivia guy says Pelosi looks like a rat. What they mean is I don't want to hear your opinion, I only want to hear mine. This is what comes from YOUR party. Their opinion is the only one that matters and no the left is NOT like that.

If anyone can't see how much of damned disgrace it is that we are asking the only Black president in history to show his papers then I am not sure there is much help for them.

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Post by New_Wave_Princess Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:49 pm

Tristen I enjoyed your post and agree with it. I wish the Republicans would move back to the center because many moderates would move there as well. I am neither party myself but generally considered myself a Democrat in the past (though I vote for the best candidate regardless of party).


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Post by tristen303 Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:10 pm

and you are right lendme they are evolvingb intov facists. And before my fellow repubs start saying no remember they are working to end the flow of views and solutions. The real Repub party isnt like that. these are the same dummies that look for black helicopters and tracking devices in flu shots.


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