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Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... Empty Meeting on 99er unemployment extension...

Post by MoInSTL Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:25 pm

...bill produces little results

It's an Mlive piece, but it lays it out in clear language.

Excerpt: "It will take some serious will to move this legislation. Reps. Lee and Scott can be commended for keeping the issue of 99ers in the forefront; however, until they credibly discuss ways to pay for the bill, it stands no chance of passing the Republican-led House of Representatives."

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Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... Empty Re: Meeting on 99er unemployment extension...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:01 pm

I had seen that piece on mlive. The person expressing her opinion basically states the same thing the 99er's Union released, just with a different spin on the words.

I don't agree with the writer that there is no chance of this passing. John Boehner suggested to Rep. Lee to work with the Ways & Means Committee to find a way to pay for it. Ms. Lee has stated that she will fight for this bill and will find a way to pay for it, despite her opinion that it should be considered "emergency spending".

I remain hopeful that this will pass. This quote by Rep. Lee keeps my hope alive:

The meeting with Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep, Bobby Scott, Rep. John Boehner & Rep. Eric Cantor has concluded. Rep. Lee said, "There was no argument about the situation" . The conversation revolves around funding, emergency funding vs. "paid for".

Based on Speaker Boehner's suggestion, it is urgent that ALL the unemployed, not just the "99ers" continue to take action by contacting all the parties involved, including the Ways & Means Committee, even during the two week "District Work Session". Contact information can be found here.

Also, in response to the many questions surrounding the meeting last week, Gregg Rosen, who is a member of UF2 and President of the American 99er Union posted this over the weekend:

Regardless of the mainstream media bubble that has been created with respect to our Nation’s “solid” recovery, macroeconomic indicators which have been growing at an anemic pace at best, are now in some key areas, beginning to move in the opposite direction. As was stated by both Rep. Lee and Rep. Scott, Speaker Boehner & Rep. Cantor did not deny the protracted unemployment problem, as well its devastating effect on the population. The Republican leadership could have easily taken a hard stand with respect to UI, just as they have with many of the other entitlement programs of late. I would certainly not proclaim victory at this time, but this is a major step forward.

Gregg has been and still is in contact with Representative Lee's office. The rest of the statement can be found here:

The American 99er's Union, along with UFF2 cannot stress enough the importance of keeping the contact going. I hope everyone will keep participating in the action and not be discouraged by negative news reports. If we give up, we will gain nothing.


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Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... Empty Re: Meeting on 99er unemployment extension...

Post by MoInSTL Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:11 pm

I agree with you DIRI. Was digging around for more news.

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Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... Empty Re: Meeting on 99er unemployment extension...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:21 pm

MoInSTL wrote:I agree with you DIRI. Was digging around for more news.

We need all the news we can get on this topic just to remind people how important it is to keep taking action!

Thanks for posting this. Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... 34243


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Meeting on 99er unemployment extension... Empty Re: Meeting on 99er unemployment extension...

Post by MoInSTL Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:41 pm


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