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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:46 pm

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Believ11

Did you say UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE? Five members of the CBC, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, Del. Donna Christensen of the Virgin Islands, G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina, Andre Carson of Indiana and Yvette Clarke of New York, met with President Obama yesterday at the White House for about an hour. It’s tricky with this meeting to know what will come up. Often, a meeting is planned on one topic and ends up floating on to another. But a note to the 99ers and all who are concerned about unemployment insurance: IT DID COME UP AT THE MEETING.
More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Ribbon13


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by delko Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:03 pm

It came up at the meeting. For whatever that's worth. Anything involving Obummer is worth nothing!


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:42 pm

Either poop or get off the pot. More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 562135 Contact your reps!

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:11 pm

Yeah sure it came's how it went

Oboma: And do we do with the 99ers?
CBC: Well odds are if they ain't working by now they won't be in 14 weeks

Oboma: But these are hard working Americans who voted for me
CBC: Yes but the are poor now and want any kind of change so they will vote
for the Repub. Canidate or Donald Trump

Oboma: Oh well the world needs ditch diggers
CBC: Not really sir, that's what the ileagal aliens are doing for very low pay

Oboma: So, with no unemployment or ditches to dig what will they do
CBC: Some will move in with parents friends, become homeless, suicide, and
turn to crime.

Oboma: Oh. Then America is headed for a real down fall.
CBC: Yes Mr. President, and because you didn't turn the country around like
you said you would,the voters will look at you like a failure.

Oboma: So if America is scr@wed then I'm scr@wed
CBC: Yes sir, that is American politics

Oboma: Dang, Oprah didn't tell me about this.
CBC: Yeah but it makes for a great movie on the OWN network.

Oboma: Ok, just tell the 99ers the GOP is against them they, they fight us,the
party of no, the debt and recession was inherited, did I leave anything
CBC: No that's usual stuff that seems to prevent riots

Oboma: Throw in "The fight is not over, it has just begun" they love that BModerated
CBC: Yes sir great idea, they sure do eat it up, but can we add in a
"Let me be Clear"

Oboma: Absolutley, that's what got me elected. So we're done with the 99ers
CBC: Yes, if they can't help you in 2012 why help them now

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by superstevies Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:16 pm

I am starting to get the picture from the few articles I have seen about yesterdays meeting, that unemployment was just a blip in what the meeting was really about.

I read that Cleaver said the meetings intention was to present the President with a list of problems faced by the African-American communites one of which included unemployment not necessarily H.R. 589 or Long Term Unemployment.

Man, I'm gonna catch a lota flack on this one, but I am starting to think that H.R.589 smells a lot like the Senate S.3706 bill that got us all excited and now look where the heck has Stabenow been? I just hope Mrs. Lee is in this for the long haul unlike Stabenow was.


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:19 pm

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 317789

Lets wait until we hear what was said....this COULD BE positive news.

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 34243


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:31 pm

superstevies wrote:I

Man, I'm gonna catch a lota flack on this one, but I am starting to think that H.R.589 smells a lot like the Senate S.3706 bill that got us all excited and now look where the heck has Stabenow been? I just hope Mrs. Lee is in this for the long haul unlike Stabenow was.

NOT BY ME!!! That was my first reaction when it came out. 3706 came out in Aug. the start of election season. And what happened to Stabenwhereisshenow?

The only reason why we got 99 weeks is because Bush didn't want everyone hating him and Oboma wanted people to like him.

giving us more weeks is just a temp. band aid. If they give us 26 more weeks will we find a job in 26 weeks- no, so why spend the money.

It's like holding the ocean back with a broom. If any bill is good for the USA it would have been passed.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:31 pm

troycomic wrote:Yeah sure it came's how it went

Oboma: And do we do with the 99ers?
CBC: Well odds are if they ain't working by now they won't be in 14 weeks

Oboma: But these are hard working Americans who voted for me
CBC: Yes but the are poor now and want any kind of change so they will vote
for the Repub. Canidate or Donald Trump

Oboma: Oh well the world needs ditch diggers
CBC: Not really sir, that's what the ileagal aliens are doing for very low pay

Oboma: So, with no unemployment or ditches to dig what will they do
CBC: Some will move in with parents friends, become homeless, suicide, and
turn to crime.

Oboma: Oh. Then America is headed for a real down fall.
CBC: Yes Mr. President, and because you didn't turn the country around like
you said you would,the voters will look at you like a failure.

Oboma: So if America is scr@wed then I'm scr@wed
CBC: Yes sir, that is American politics

Oboma: Dang, Oprah didn't tell me about this.
CBC: Yeah but it makes for a great movie on the OWN network.

Oboma: Ok, just tell the 99ers the GOP is against them they, they fight us,the
party of no, the debt and recession was inherited, did I leave anything
CBC: No that's usual stuff that seems to prevent riots

Oboma: Throw in "The fight is not over, it has just begun" they love that sh!t
CBC: Yes sir great idea, they sure do eat it up, but can we add in a
"Let me be Clear"

Oboma: Absolutley, that's what got me elected. So we're done with the 99ers
CBC: Yes, if they can't help you in 2012 why help them now

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557

I don't think this was funny. From what I read on the site of the CBC, the President scheduled the meeting for one hour. Just the fact that unemployment and the 99ers was mentioned is a good sign. Also, more meetings are being arranged.

Do you know how many people are counting on this as their last resort? IMO, to make a joke out of it is insulting to everyone who has been working so hard to get this bill passed. I am not a 99er yet, I will be in 3 weeks. I can't even imagine what it has been like for people who have been without unemployment benefits for over a year.

Sure, make a joke out of it, insult the people that will make it happen. Are we suppose to laugh when some people take you seriously and end it all because they have no hope left?



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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by js123 Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:02 pm

troycomic wrote:Yeah sure it came's how it went

Oboma: And do we do with the 99ers?
CBC: Well odds are if they ain't working by now they won't be in 14 weeks

Oboma: But these are hard working Americans who voted for me
CBC: Yes but the are poor now and want any kind of change so they will vote
for the Repub. Canidate or Donald Trump

Oboma: Oh well the world needs ditch diggers
CBC: Not really sir, that's what the ileagal aliens are doing for very low pay

Oboma: So, with no unemployment or ditches to dig what will they do
CBC: Some will move in with parents friends, become homeless, suicide, and
turn to crime.

Oboma: Oh. Then America is headed for a real down fall.
CBC: Yes Mr. President, and because you didn't turn the country around like
you said you would,the voters will look at you like a failure.

Oboma: So if America is scr@wed then I'm scr@wed
CBC: Yes sir, that is American politics

Oboma: Dang, Oprah didn't tell me about this.
CBC: Yeah but it makes for a great movie on the OWN network.

Oboma: Ok, just tell the 99ers the GOP is against them they, they fight us,the
party of no, the debt and recession was inherited, did I leave anything
CBC: No that's usual stuff that seems to prevent riots

Oboma: Throw in "The fight is not over, it has just begun" they love that sh!t
CBC: Yes sir great idea, they sure do eat it up, but can we add in a
"Let me be Clear"

Oboma: Absolutley, that's what got me elected. So we're done with the 99ers
CBC: Yes, if they can't help you in 2012 why help them now

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557

Funny but true. I have given up on CBC, Mrs. Lee and the president. I won't send out anymore faxes or call their offices. More meetings with the president and Boehner in a few weeks will or will not take place, how many 99ers are suffering and need help now. That is obviously not the issue anymore. Their meetings are not helping me anymore. Every discouraged and angry. Wish every 99ers good luck on faxing, calls and emails. We are being intentionally ignored and that is the truth.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:20 pm

I for one will take this as positive news.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:21 pm

tiya wrote:

I don't think this was funny. From what I read on the site of the CBC, the President scheduled the meeting for one hour. Just the fact that unemployment and the 99ers was mentioned is a good sign. Also, more meetings are being arranged.

Do you know how many people are counting on this as their last resort? IMO, to make a joke out of it is insulting to everyone who has been working so hard to get this bill passed. I am not a 99er yet, I will be in 3 weeks. I can't even imagine what it has been like for people who have been without unemployment benefits for over a year.

Sure, make a joke out of it, insult the people that will make it happen. Are we suppose to laugh when some people take you seriously and end it all because they have no hope left?


No it is not funny, it is sarcastic. A lot of people "mention" the 99ers but nothing yet. Yes I do know how many people are counting on this as a last resort because I am one of them. I've been a 99er for about 9 months now. In 5 months after you savings are gone and Credit Cards maxed, and no good jobs in sight while your friends buy homes let's see how hopeful you are when you hear "99er" on the lips of so so so many people, but nothing in your pocket. My guess you will grow to be sarcastic.

Now I am still hopeful, I sent thank you emails to Lee. "You take the good, you take the bad, and there you have, the Facts Of Life" Tutie, Mrs. Garret, and Buddah were right. In one hand you have Hope and in the other hand you have Doubt, and each day, hour, minute, second the weight of each vary.

I've been advocating a tier 5 for a very very long time well over a year. I have been here from the start, I have fought, wrote, called, & emailed. I am realist and my sarcasim is "educated" from the countless articles I've read, shows and news stories I've watched, and stories I've heard. I am not insulting anybody, WE are being insulted.

What I wrote is the truth about American politics. Stabenow's bill came out just before elections, where is it now? Lee is part of the black caucus, a large number unemployed are black voters.
Every politician has said we must stop our addiction of foriegn oil, have we? No

Are you seeing the pattern?

The only reason why bills get passed is to get elected over the next guy. If giving more weeks to us would get politicians elected we would have unemployment for life.

This was not a funny post but I am a funny guy, do stand up comedy. I am able to make myself laugh over crying most of the time. If you didn't like my post then you probably wouldn't like some of my posts (1.5 years there have been a lot) and you probably won't like my future ones as well. So I kindly invite you to not read them.

I am not angry at your post, I understand we are all sencitive to things said just like the chubby guy who listens to the fat comic joke about being fat.

Also I enjoyed writing that, it took my mind away from depression for a while. So I wish you well, and keep posting, especially about what you don't like.

Last edited by kemcha on Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:53 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : wrong quoote)

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:14 pm

I am taking it as some positive news as well. And please, if you are not going to be part of the solution, don't become part of the problem. We have many members here who are literally waiting for this news. If you wish to vent, use the vent thread. We live with daily disappointment from our elected officials as it is. More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 34243


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by steveninspokane Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:29 pm

tiya wrote:
troycomic wrote:Yeah sure it came's how it went

Oboma: And do we do with the 99ers?
CBC: Well odds are if they ain't working by now they won't be in 14 weeks

Oboma: But these are hard working Americans who voted for me
CBC: Yes but the are poor now and want any kind of change so they will vote
for the Repub. Canidate or Donald Trump

Oboma: Oh well the world needs ditch diggers
CBC: Not really sir, that's what the ileagal aliens are doing for very low pay

Oboma: So, with no unemployment or ditches to dig what will they do
CBC: Some will move in with parents friends, become homeless, suicide, and
turn to crime.

Oboma: Oh. Then America is headed for a real down fall.
CBC: Yes Mr. President, and because you didn't turn the country around like
you said you would,the voters will look at you like a failure.

Oboma: So if America is scr@wed then I'm scr@wed
CBC: Yes sir, that is American politics

Oboma: Dang, Oprah didn't tell me about this.
CBC: Yeah but it makes for a great movie on the OWN network.

Oboma: Ok, just tell the 99ers the GOP is against them they, they fight us,the
party of no, the debt and recession was inherited, did I leave anything
CBC: No that's usual stuff that seems to prevent riots

Oboma: Throw in "The fight is not over, it has just begun" they love that sh!t
CBC: Yes sir great idea, they sure do eat it up, but can we add in a
"Let me be Clear"

Oboma: Absolutley, that's what got me elected. So we're done with the 99ers
CBC: Yes, if they can't help you in 2012 why help them now

More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 9685 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 318754 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 780423 More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 938557

I don't think this was funny. From what I read on the site of the CBC, the President scheduled the meeting for one hour. Just the fact that unemployment and the 99ers was mentioned is a good sign. Also, more meetings are being arranged.

Do you know how many people are counting on this as their last resort? IMO, to make a joke out of it is insulting to everyone who has been working so hard to get this bill passed. I am not a 99er yet, I will be in 3 weeks. I can't even imagine what it has been like for people who have been without unemployment benefits for over a year.

Sure, make a joke out of it, insult the people that will make it happen. Are we suppose to laugh when some people take you seriously and end it all because they have no hope left?


You are right, not funny

It went more like this:

CBC: So about those 99ers...

Obama: Ah those guys, haha

Obama: So I am thinking of really bombing that crap out of Libya.

CBC: Yeah, lets bomb em all.

Obama: Word.

So yes we were mentioned.

I really wonder, what else could we do with our time instead of waiting for the government to give us more money? Sorry, but all these bills and all these politicians talking about us every now and then gets a little frustrating, because if they really cared they would push this with as much fight as they did with ObamaCare.

I am just saying, are numbers are small, perhaps if we had all 5 million of us sending faxes instead of maybe 20 people, then something might happen. My point is, at what time to you not give up, but let go?


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:43 pm

Troycomic, I don't find you funny, amusing, or insightful. You say you are a stand-up comedian.

Sit down.


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:47 pm

I understand everyone's frustration at what at times seems like a lack of exposure or action by congress and the president in regards to 99ers. I ask though that you not shatter others hopes of something happening.

Some folks are literally hanging by a thread, so I ask that one thinks 3x before they hit the reply button.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:48 pm

We have no other choice but to keep going. There are no jobs, lord knows we have all been making every effort to get one. So IMO what else is there to do but keep doing what we are doing?

I dont understand those of you who say you have given up on HR is obvious to me that the CBC has not given up. Do not compare this bill to S3706. S3706 was introduced...and that is about it! No push for cosponsors, no press conference, no request for a meeting with GOP Leaders and never mentioned by congress again. HR 589 is still being worked on. Republicans agreed to meet and discuss how they can get the bill on to the house floor. We have a much better chance with this bill. It just gained 4 more cosponsors so that tells me that someone is still trying to get this done.

I understand feeling of defeat and despair, but all we can do at this point is fight for this and job creation. What have we got left to lose?


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:55 pm

troycomic, please don't post derogatory remarks about the unemployed or 99ers, even if it's in a joking manner. Some members may be personally sensitive to that fact.

I removed the possibly offending statement.


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:59 pm

X wrote:Troycomic, I don't find you funny, amusing, or insightful. You say you are a stand-up comedian.

Sit down.

How can you make such an unfounded comment. You NEVER heard me even try to be funny.

As far as me not being insightful, well your opinion differs from many many many others, and that's ok.

Just FYI I have had a lot of success on stage such as winning a contests one was out of 100 people, autograph requests from a few TV spots. I have game on stage, not enough to make a living, but I enjoy and get enjoyed.

And why are trying to knock me down, which I don't mind because the shoe don't fit and I won't wear it. But if your going to cut me down, please show me YOUR insight so I might learn from you.


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:59 pm

kemcha wrote:troycomic, please don't post derogatory remarks about the unemployed or 99ers, even if it's in a joking manner. Some members may be personally sensitive to that fact.

I removed the possibly offending statement.

What was derogatory?

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:05 pm

Back on topic folks please.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by superstevies Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:05 pm

I would think that by now...Somebody from the CBC especially Ms. Lee should have had a press confrence or gave a full statement about the meeting. This knowing we are all hanging by a thread.

If there was something positive, wouldn't they have shouted it from the rooftops by now? I need a handfull of Xanax. I can't take these little bones that are thrown our way over and over. I feel like I'm gonna crack.

I call, fax, write, tweet, email, instant message ect. I do it all, but when is enough going to be enough and something going to happen? I don't know if I'm coming or going. This time I fell like if it doesn't pay out, I'm going to CRACK....I've been paddling up chit creek for so long, I need a litter box. and some pet febreez.

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:23 pm

I know its frustrating, superstevies. We are all hanging by a thread. I hope something good happens for us all very soon.

I do understand, hearing something from them would give us a boost. I know your probably sick of hearing this, but please hang in there. Somethings gotta give.

In the mean time, we are all here for the same reasons...lets all try to be here for each other even through difference of opinion. Support from friends and people in the same position, can make a big difference. We are all in this together!
More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama 34243


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:23 pm

troycomic wrote:
kemcha wrote:troycomic, please don't post derogatory remarks about the unemployed or 99ers, even if it's in a joking manner. Some members may be personally sensitive to that fact.

I removed the possibly offending statement.

What was derogatory?

Sorry troycomic.You have a right to your opinion just like I do. I am just so frustrated right now.


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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

Post by troycomic Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:42 pm

tiya wrote:
troycomic wrote:
kemcha wrote:troycomic, please don't post derogatory remarks about the unemployed or 99ers, even if it's in a joking manner. Some members may be personally sensitive to that fact.

I removed the possibly offending statement.

What was derogatory?

Sorry troycomic.You have a right to your opinion just like I do. I am just so frustrated right now.

No worries here. I just want to know what was so derogatory so I don't repeat it.

Frustration is an emotion of intelligence.

Posts : 144
Join date : 2011-03-13

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More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama Empty Re: More Info to Follow, but....CBC Talks Unemployment Insurance with President Obama

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