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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by jj Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:23 am


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:20 am

But don't worry. We should have confidence in the new Republican leadership in the House of Representatives. Speaker Boehner has said on many occasions that he understands the message of the 2010 elections – the American people want Congress to focus on one main issue: creating jobs. LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:33 am

I want to work at Wal-Mart. I love the idea of working hard for peanuts and being paid less than a male. After all I am smaller than most men I eat less.

I am being sarcastic btw.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by Mike473 Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:14 pm

The Republicans may be bad. But, I am still waiting for all those high paying jobs Al Gore promised when he showed us how wrong Ross Perot was on outsourcing.

Where are all the "shovel ready" jobs Obama promised? Nothing going on where I live. And why no word from Obama on the "real" unemployment #'s? Could it be he doesnt care if real jobs are created or 5 million people are not counted, so long as the rate looks good at election time. He steps up for the Unions all the time. When will he step up for the unemployed?


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by Mike473 Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:25 pm

One other thing that i think is a serious, serious problem as well. Our wages are going down or stagnating, but property taxes and fees at the local level have and will continue to go up fast. At $12 an hour, which would be a good job here right now, one full weeks net pay would be needed every month just to pay my property taxes of $350 per month, or 25% of the net pay for a month. My wife and I will likely be moving back to a small apartment soon. I think that most people will have to do that. In 10 years, I am betting property taxes on this home will double from about $4000 per year to $8,000, yet I doubt even when we both have full time jobs that our income will be able to keep up. Also, water and sewer bills are going up fast.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:46 pm

I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, Mr. Speaker, where are the jobs? You all insisted that the top 2% would create good jobs with these extensions, where are the jobs???? I have not heard of one, not one, meeting with any corporations, small companies, start ups etc to get them to move to any district and create jobs. I don't know about you, but I don't want another do nothing Congress until December 2011 and then in one week accomplish more than they did all year. We need jobs now. People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  34243


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:19 pm

MaryKay wrote:I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, Mr. Speaker, where are the jobs? You all insisted that the top 2% would create good jobs with these extensions, where are the jobs???? I have not heard of one, not one, meeting with any corporations, small companies, start ups etc to get them to move to any district and create jobs. I don't know about you, but I don't want another do nothing Congress until December 2011 and then in one week accomplish more than they did all year. We need jobs now. People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  34243

Naw we just GOT 193,000 LOW PAYING jobs...didn't ya hear???? That supposed to make it ALL better now.

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by tristen303 Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:25 pm

I don't think there are any other jobs anymore; I actually believe that we are seeing a reset of what a job is and pays. With no benefits, and only these type of jobs as an option it appears to be a complete reboot in the wrong direction.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:38 pm

tristen303 wrote:I don't think there are any other jobs anymore; I actually believe that we are seeing a reset of what a job is and pays. With no benefits, and only these type of jobs as an option it appears to be a complete reboot in the wrong direction.

Yeah and when that realization is FINALLY realized by the public. There could be (I hope) lots of fat, bloated, Armani suit and tie wearing slobs lined up on a wall or 2 or 3 or a thousand. Wink

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:13 pm

mistermunster wrote:
MaryKay wrote:I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, Mr. Speaker, where are the jobs? You all insisted that the top 2% would create good jobs with these extensions, where are the jobs???? I have not heard of one, not one, meeting with any corporations, small companies, start ups etc to get them to move to any district and create jobs. I don't know about you, but I don't want another do nothing Congress until December 2011 and then in one week accomplish more than they did all year. We need jobs now. People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  34243

Naw we just GOT 193,000 LOW PAYING jobs...didn't ya hear???? That supposed to make it ALL better now.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:19 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:
mistermunster wrote:
MaryKay wrote:I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, Mr. Speaker, where are the jobs? You all insisted that the top 2% would create good jobs with these extensions, where are the jobs???? I have not heard of one, not one, meeting with any corporations, small companies, start ups etc to get them to move to any district and create jobs. I don't know about you, but I don't want another do nothing Congress until December 2011 and then in one week accomplish more than they did all year. We need jobs now. People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  34243

Naw we just GOT 193,000 LOW PAYING jobs...didn't ya hear???? That supposed to make it ALL better now.


AHHHHHHHHHHBULLSH!&!!!!!! Talk to the hand BLeep

When the Revolution comes, they need to be FIRST on the wall!!!! Evil or Very Mad

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by New_Wave_Princess Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:34 am

tristen303 wrote:I don't think there are any other jobs anymore; I actually believe that we are seeing a reset of what a job is and pays. With no benefits, and only these type of jobs as an option it appears to be a complete reboot in the wrong direction.

These are all I am seeing sadly. The amount of $10 hour jobs (which is barely above minimum here)requiring college degrees upsets me. I am astounded to see $30,000 jobs yet that is less than I should make.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:04 am

New_Wave_Princess wrote:
tristen303 wrote:I don't think there are any other jobs anymore; I actually believe that we are seeing a reset of what a job is and pays. With no benefits, and only these type of jobs as an option it appears to be a complete reboot in the wrong direction.

These are all I am seeing sadly. The amount of $10 hour jobs (which is barely above minimum here)requiring college degrees upsets me. I am astounded to see $30,000 jobs yet that is less than I should make.

and WHO do we HOLD responsible for this???? Well WE know but the rest of the sheeple are still all comfy as long as they HAVEN'T lost their job.

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by New_Wave_Princess Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:09 am

We all know who but you're right the sheeple don't care. I've seen so many jobs go down in salary, including one that used to pay about $45,000 now paying $29,000.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by angie6205 Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:22 am

Well i work at Wal-Mart,its better than no money at all,these days you have to take what you can get!!


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:25 am

angie6205 wrote:Well i work at Wal-Mart,its better than no money at all,these days you have to take what you can get!!

But that is part of the problem. Accepting less to survive and being content while the ROBBERY on a national level continues. That is WHAT they want us to be.

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by angie6205 Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:35 am

I totally agree with that,but i had to or i would be getting nothing,my unemployment ran out a month after i took the job,after many applications,i was getting scared,they were the only one to call me!! Times are scary out there!! I would love a better paying job,but i'm thankful they called!!


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:40 am

angie6205 wrote:I totally agree with that,but i had to or i would be getting nothing,my unemployment ran out a month after i took the job,after many applications,i was getting scared,they were the only one to call me!! Times are scary out there!! I would love a better paying job,but i'm thankful they called!!

I'm not knocking that as I too have to take what I can get. However WE have to do something soon to BE HEARD. The criminal powers that control it all NEED to be confronted one way or another.

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by New_Wave_Princess Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:44 am

I understand taking what you have to, but the reality is Wal-Mart shouldn't be a permanent situation.


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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by mistermunster Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:47 am

New_Wave_Princess wrote:I understand taking what you have to, but the reality is Wal-Mart shouldn't be a permanent situation.

No, and THATS what the corrupted powers want.

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People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart  Empty Re: People want Congress to create jobs, and not the kind at Walmart

Post by JoblessInRoc Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:52 pm

I would be overjoyed to get a job at Wal-Mart. That would literally be the crowning achievement of this year for me. Any job is better than no job.


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