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War on the Unemployed

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War on the Unemployed Empty War on the Unemployed

Post by USA Citizen Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:52 pm

War on the Unemployed
Published: June 30, 2013

"Is life too easy for the unemployed? You may not think so, and I certainly don’t think so. But that, remarkably, is what many and perhaps most Republicans believe. And they’re acting on that belief: there’s a nationwide movement under way to punish the unemployed, based on the proposition that we can cure unemployment by making the jobless even more miserable."

"So what’s going on here? Is it just cruelty? Well, the G.O.P., which believes that 47 percent of Americans are “takers” mooching off the job creators, which in many states is denying health care to the poor simply to spite President Obama, isn’t exactly overflowing with compassion. But the war on the unemployed isn’t motivated solely by cruelty; rather, it’s a case of meanspiritedness converging with bad economic analysis."

"Can anything be done to reverse this policy wrong turn? The people out to punish the unemployed won’t be dissuaded by rational argument; they know what they know, and no amount of evidence will change their views. My sense, however, is that the war on the unemployed has been making so much progress in part because it has been flying under the radar, with too many people unaware of what’s going on.

Well, now you know. And you should be angry."
USA Citizen
USA Citizen

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Join date : 2011-06-06

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War on the Unemployed Empty Re: War on the Unemployed

Post by jmainframe Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:53 pm

Sure we're angry. We always have been. But when they hold all the cards, what can be done? We try to organize, but are unable to. That's what congress keeps counting on.

I noticed too that the interest on federal student loans has doubled, costing current and former students thousands of dollars per year. Congress simply left for the holiday and did nothing to extend the time for the interest rates to remain low. To all past and present unemployed people, this strategy by congress should sound all too familiar! All of those fine representatives should choke on their barbequed ribs!

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War on the Unemployed Empty Re: War on the Unemployed

Post by elvis44102 Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:34 am

An individual has to be able to think outside their own circumstances, while one not need be a "genius"
to acomplish this, i sometimes wonder ifa certain LARGE  minority is indeed inteligent enough to be able to do this.
Put that together with the neo-christianity of "prosperity" meaning god rewards in wealth his "true" believers and therefore is punishing those un-beliving jobless people, etc.,etc...
everytime some new news tidbit comes along i always remind people of the JOBS problem...
but then if we as a human society could truly relate to each other and each others problems
the powers that be would not be able to scare us into Wars....hmm

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Join date : 2011-03-07

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