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The Jobs System is Failing

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The Jobs System is Failing Empty The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:58 pm


"That said, the jobs system is failing. Jobs are being wiped away via technology, jobs are being wiped away via outsourcing. It's all become a crap-shoot, a game of musical chairs, where the music plays and there is a giant crowd and only a small circle of CHAIRS [decent jobs] they are all competing for. The music plays on, and many find themselves standing, outside the circle, alone, told they belong nowhere. Some play desperate attempts to run from room to room, or state to state to find a place to BE. What does this do to a society in the long run when most remain standing, when the chairs are all taken up?"

I agree with this article....


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by jmainframe Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:04 am

What infuriates me is the fact that we let it happen!

With so many educated, skilled, highly motivated people forced out of their careers, for some reason we still can't seem to organize and put a stop to this criminal act.

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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:35 pm

I agree. People believe the lies, that is the problem. They have everyone thinking they are the ONLY ONE.

All this education and skills and no place for it to go. That is what happens when global elites destroy a specific economy via plan and send all the jobs overseas.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by USA Citizen Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:29 pm

The article said:
"If you have a young person, have them go to "" pick whatever city you live in or they desire to live in, leave the job space empty, and see what comes up."
I did that and saw hundreds of jobs, but most of them were specialized - none entry level. Switching from one job market to another means that you are always entry level in the next job you seek.
jmainframe suggests that organizing and putting a stop to the criminal act that is exploding the job market is necessary. I agree. Who do you organize with? There are thousands or millions of people with degrees and smarts that could probably come up with some ideas that would save our economy and the willing workers in America, but organizers get branded as commies, socialists, or worse. Trying to make a living is difficult or impossible for the millions who have dropped out of the job force. How about all the new graduates with or without high school diplomas and those with various degrees who cannot find work? How about the teens who need part time work? How about the elderly who need to work because their social security payments are too low to make it? How about the millions who got displaced by technology and outsourcing? How about those whose work is done by illegal aliens? How about those who have few skills and fewer prospects for employment? This situation is bound to give an unemployed American a headache or even depression.
What can be done? The politicians are pushing the economy off another fiscal cliff with the sequestration that will cut a million jobs in the next few months. The drive to shrink government is shrinking paychecks and forcing employees off the payroll and into desperation. At least government agencies are stocking up on ammunition to deal with the zombie apocalypse which will consist of starving homeless unemployed Americans with no place to go and nothing to do except...
Even the unions can only look after their own and can't help the unemployed except with some advice.
Most everyone seems to be against the unemployed and the few charities that care are only able to do so much. The question is: How can we lift ourselves up by our bootstraps? That is the question.
USA Citizen
USA Citizen

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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by MarilynL Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:49 pm

I think the growing market for technology has played a big part in this country's down fall. Wonderful to have access to all kinds of that we think we can't live without....however, they are destroying the jobs that used to be done by hand, or by multiple people. I can almost see the future taken place with computers operating everything, they will even have robots out on the fields on farms, robots picking the tea leafs, and the corn...etc.... One good thing about getting old...I won't be around to see it.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by 503Depressed Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:12 pm

Look for Science Fiction to become fact, which is what we are living, and yet it is the very tip of that iceberg. Computers and robots are still in their infancy.

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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by elvis44102 Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:43 am

503Depressed wrote:Look for Science Fiction to become fact, which is what we are living, and yet it is the very tip of that iceberg. Computers and robots are still in their infancy.

I see ads were autos can do all kinds of fancy things, and such with newer advanced technology.....

my last two cars have needed work done to the rear suspension....

i wont put any money in the rear, being a front wheel drive car i figure as long as the rear wheels dont fall off, they are not CRITICAL to the car rolling along

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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by MarilynL Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:50 pm

503Depressed wrote:Look for Science Fiction to become fact, which is what we are living, and yet it is the very tip of that iceberg. Computers and robots are still in their infancy.

The problem with all that is that we the consumer took part in this problem. Most people run out the instant a new update on their latest Iphone, computer, Ipad, Tv, etc. comes out. The consumer has shown that they value toys, or the lazy man's way of life, much more than really taken part in each process of life..being the machine behind progress, instead of allowing progress dictate to them. Believe it or not, I still have a VCR, because I refuse to be forced to go to a DVD or a tv(that records it for you) when my old things are still working. I don't even have an Iphone, or Ipad, or Nook... I would rather read the hard book...there is nothing more wonderful than walking in a book store, and smelling the pages these stories were written on. So, unfortunately most of society is to blame for where this world is going...


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:03 am

MarilynL wrote:I think the growing market for technology has played a big part in this country's down fall. Wonderful to have access to all kinds of that we think we can't live without....however, they are destroying the jobs that used to be done by hand, or by multiple people. I can almost see the future taken place with computers operating everything, they will even have robots out on the fields on farms, robots picking the tea leafs, and the corn...etc.... One good thing about getting old...I won't be around to see it.

One thing about technology, anyone notice how none of it is impacting daily life beyond pretty screens for us to look at? Our furniture and day to day life outside of TV and computers is still like the 1950s. A high wind and your lights going out still means civilization is on the edge of collapse. Something very wrong with that.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:04 am

503Depressed wrote:Look for Science Fiction to become fact, which is what we are living, and yet it is the very tip of that iceberg. Computers and robots are still in their infancy.

I don't see it advancing, because we are facing societal collapse. Will things proceed when most of the populace doesn't even have a job or a livelihood?


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:06 am

MarilynL wrote:
503Depressed wrote:Look for Science Fiction to become fact, which is what we are living, and yet it is the very tip of that iceberg. Computers and robots are still in their infancy.

The problem with all that is that we the consumer took part in this problem. Most people run out the instant a new update on their latest Iphone, computer, Ipad, Tv, etc. comes out. The consumer has shown that they value toys, or the lazy man's way of life, much more than really taken part in each process of life..being the machine behind progress, instead of allowing progress dictate to them. Believe it or not, I still have a VCR, because I refuse to be forced to go to a DVD or a tv(that records it for you) when my old things are still working. I don't even have an Iphone, or Ipad, or Nook... I would rather read the hard book...there is nothing more wonderful than walking in a book store, and smelling the pages these stories were written on. So, unfortunately most of society is to blame for where this world is going...

I don't know, I've never had money for any new toys, and to be honest, I think that has to be only a thin sliver of the population. I never have bought a TV new in my life, and this computer someone else got it for me. I refuse to read a book on a screen, I think it damages the eyes and I have to watch eye strain from computer as it is. I think people who have money need to buy land with it, and actual materials and goods and help others, and not be diverted by the toys.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by MarilynL Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:12 am

Springflowers wrote: I think people who have money need to buy land with it, and actual materials and goods and help others, and not be diverted by the toys.

I totally agree, but I doubt that'll happen. Those who have money will only buy more toys for themselves...that's what people have become...a selfish society.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:13 am

USA Citizen wrote:The article said:
"If you have a young person, have them go to "" pick whatever city you live in or they desire to live in, leave the job space empty, and see what comes up."
I did that and saw hundreds of jobs, but most of them were specialized - none entry level. Switching from one job market to another means that you are always entry level in the next job you seek.

You are right about the jobs being specialized. Some are so specialized, that there is no education for that job, they are being sold to those already in the field who specialized already. If some kid tried to train for the job, it could be gone.

jmainframe suggests that organizing and putting a stop to the criminal act that is exploding the job market is necessary. I agree. Who do you organize with? There are thousands or millions of people with degrees and smarts that could probably come up with some ideas that would save our economy and the willing workers in America, but organizers get branded as commies, socialists, or worse.

The problem is any organizing gets co-opted. Soros had his paws in Occupy, and both sides of the politicial divide ignore that the corps and gov't are working together. More gov't doesn't seem a solution as we go into a police state where there are no rights, and the corporations are greedy and spitting on the social contract and care more about the globe then they do America.
I would tell young people, try and keep your family together, go rural, learn basic practical skills and build your own helpful and spontaneous groups of friends and family where you can be there for each other.

Trying to make a living is difficult or impossible for the millions who have dropped out of the job force. How about all the new graduates with or without high school diplomas and those with various degrees who cannot find work? How about the teens who need part time work? How about the elderly who need to work because their social security payments are too low to make it? How about the millions who got displaced by technology and outsourcing? How about those whose work is done by illegal aliens? How about those who have few skills and fewer prospects for employment? This situation is bound to give an unemployed American a headache or even depression.

Getting a job should not be like the Lotto. I agree, since people in labor force can barely get jobs, what are the kids coming out supposed to do? And how come Obama is supporting more illegals coming over? Americans don't get to go to Mexico, they toss you in jail, think about how unfair that is. Its like the leaders are working against Americans. Some may think this is conspiracy, but I think that is by plan, it's the only thing that explains the insanity. I know that zombie apocalypse stuff freaks me out, almost like they are announcing how desperate they plan to make everyone. It's sick.
The charities seem all big and impersonal and run by out of touch types. Remember when i was posting on food pantries, we are doing a bit better, but except for a church that serves meals once a month for the poor I don't even bother anymore, they declined in quality so much.


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The Jobs System is Failing Empty Re: The Jobs System is Failing

Post by Springflowers Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:14 am

MarilynL wrote:
Springflowers wrote: I think people who have money need to buy land with it, and actual materials and goods and help others, and not be diverted by the toys.

I totally agree, but I doubt that'll happen. Those who have money will only buy more toys for themselves...that's what people have become...a selfish society.

I think it's become selfish too, but one thing I do think of what do the young do, in a country where families are no longer together, where there s no "place" of being, where there is nothing personal anymore. People are almost burying themselves in the entertainment and "toys" for those who can afford them to avoid the pain. I think it started with selfishness years ago.


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