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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore? Empty What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

Post by Springflowers Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:09 pm

"The sad thing is the right wing will tell the employed and upper classes, those "poor people" are dragging the country down, we need to cut them off! This is the purpose the Tea Party served to take the heat off the banker bail-outs and trillions of dollars streaming overseas and put it on the increasing numbers of the poor of America as the 'culprit" for the national debt.

The left wing will have Obama continue to sign more NAFTA like bills like the Trans-Pacific and who is just as committed to the globalist vision destroying America. What else do you think will happen when American workers are competing against enslaved third world workers who work for pennies a day?"


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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore? Empty Re: What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

Post by elvis44102 Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:42 pm

yes this has been an ongoing fight for at least 200 years as the central bankers of the world have set up national central banks that are interconnected.

Our own revolution was printing our own money and getting out from under the "Bank of England"...we are now on our third central bank incarnation i believe. (the Fed) during that time England and ourselves had an additional war 1812 and England backed the south in our civil war.

This has been an historic struggle for centuries and realistically i dont see the swing back to non-central banking with REAL government back currency any time soon....

as has been said most Americans are unaware of the issue, and further more are unaware they are unaware.

while both parties are in cahoots with the central banks and do the bidding of those at the very top. there are a host of "trivial" problems which are not trivial to the survival of us at the bottom.

These matters include unemployment benefits, and social safety net programs. these are trivial compared to global mulch-trillion dollar wars.

we seem to be divided into a group of guns and religion a**-kissers who don't even realize they are one step above poverty and jobless/homelessness and are doing the bidding of the global elite

and another group who have higher development of humanity and are starting to realize what going on.

This is not about EVIL bankers, Illuminati, the free-masons or anything else
it is simply about the supremacisy of money.

religion, ethnicity, race, good,evil do not enter into this those are TOOLs traditionally used to separate us. The small core of people who make monetary decisions often back both side of wars, revolutions etc.

They would do a business deal with aliens if they brought gold...

Please no references to the Reptilians, greys etc intended..

Good/evil is the way we have been conditioned to think....the world is grey and much more complex with most things being a combination of positive and negative intelligent discussion would determine if one outweighed the others, always with unknown effects needing to be thrown back into the loop


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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore? Empty Re: What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

Post by Springflowers Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:09 am

I agree the central bankers have been doing their thing again, now we have the inclusion of globalism and strong multi-national corporations who basically are interested in the rest of the world and have thrown America overboard and their politicians lackeys who they buy and sell DO THEIR BIDDING. The bail-outs definitely were the politicians rewarding their banker friends and back room deals.I agree most are unaware of what is going on and have not put the puzzle pieces together but then that is the influence of the media where too many are told what to think.

Yes the cost of welfare is low compared to the trillions they trade overseas and play their games in. They got most divided into two groups. I am a Christian but tired of the deceived Christians who somehow think Jesus Christ stood for endless wars, hating on people and pushing the poor into the gutter, and loving the police state. With the left side, I think the populists and progressives would be barfing their guts out to see today's Democratic party, hey add in real conservatives of years ago too.

What is sad is the powers that be influence all to vote against their own interests and as people grow poorer and poorer, one step above homelessness they seem to ask for more chains.

I think human evil, greed and quest for power does prop it all up though I have my religious beliefs as to why this is happening as well.

They definitely use the dividing tools to keep the populace fighting. Right vs Left is a stage show while they march the country at gunpoint over the cliff and PROFIT the whole way.


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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore? Empty Re: What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

Post by elvis44102 Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:38 pm

i will not say that "evil" does not exist, just saying that some people tend to point fingers at things far to often than they should at things they dont understand or fear......

why is it that catholic priest tend to be democrats while bishops tend to be republicans....

one of the "nuns on the bus" has a quote along the lines of true spirtuality
must also want justice

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What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore? Empty Re: What Do They Expect When There's No Jobs Anymore?

Post by snday Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:02 am

They would do a business deal with aliens if they brought gold.


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Join date : 2012-05-08

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