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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:10 pm

PRESIDENT: "So, when Congress gets back in September I want to move quickly on things that will help the economy create jobs right now. Extending the payroll tax credit to put a thousand dollars in the pocket of the average American worker. Extending unemployment insurance to help people get back on their feet. Putting construction workers back to work rebuilding America.

"Those are all steps we can take right now that will make a difference and there is no contradiction between us taking some steps to put people to work right now and getting our long-term fiscal house in order. In fact, the more we grow the easier it will be to reduce our deficits."


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by TR11005 Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:21 pm

Is this for September, 2011? Sounds like a repeat.


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by mistermunster Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:16 pm

and the 99ers +??????

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:31 pm


I think "99ers" is extinct from their vocabulary....


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by steveninspokane Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:35 pm

I think we have heard this before.

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:16 pm

sorry, yes I am sorry! But, he is grasping at straws. he mentions things about ideas like stradgities to create jobs! Damn Obama, you've been in office 3 yrs now and you keep talking about ideas but NOTHING firm. He even said payroll taxes cut Get this: He said so employees could take more money home in their pockets"... Hello! Payroll tax cuts is for employers to pay less taxes on payrolls and give them more spending capital. BUT they'll never spend for hiring with an uncertain economy! duh! Hello! again, better come up with something to repair a fragile economy. Instead of pulling ideas out of a hat! hasn't he realized by now that speeches to make things sound good ISN"T working??? Blaming it on politics. You are president and if you had a solid positive plan that was great, I wouldn't want to be the bad person to vote it down! But stuck in speechville! Three years of speeches and excuses but no results. But I know, its someone elses fault! On and on and on! He really thinks and feels when he makes a speech that we all should perk up and stand up and cheer! Instead we look around for results to cheer about! Don't hold your breath for 99er extensions. look what he did in Dec... extended tiers to dec 31st.. nothing for 99er's. Why would he change now! No confidence at all in him or his fantasies!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:19 pm

watched his speech today and same Obama. He honestly doesn't realize how his speeches never change and neither do the results! If we'll do this everything will be great because we are Americans! But hello! You are suppose to be the president!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:22 pm

healthcare plan driving up cost two trillion in 10 yrs. when it was suppose to be 100 billion! Lies, lies.. now employers dropping healthcare coverage,, is it really better!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by superstevies Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:05 pm

I feel like I am watching the movie GroundHog Day when POTUS speaks. Par for the course....Extend Unemployment bennys, YES...But Help 4 the 99ers.....WHO?

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:10 pm

This is our chance to really be heard. Extending benefits needs to include the 99ers of course, and it's the time for all to be heard.

I am not getting into the healthcare bill, believe what you want. Companies will continue to cut healthcare all over the country because they are allowed to, it will be expensive no matter what plan they choose to use. It needs to be stopped. That needs to be addressed with the Health Care Companies, which in turn reduces their profits, and no one in DC has the "GUMPTION" to do it, same with Torte Reform and Tax Reform, the Tea party members won't allow it. Now they don't have much of a leg to stand on.

Get you voices heard quickly, put your stories out, send tweets and emails and make sure they know you are a 99er and a long term unemployed person. Don't assume everyone already knows. Just do it.
This is the time for it. Strike while the iron is hot and it's as hot as it will get. Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" 34243


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by nfpexec Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:23 pm

I'l do it but I am highly skeptical as I've been in this game since last summer. even if by some miracle there was some kind fo relief for the unemployed it will never include 99ers. We aren't on the government's radar and the backlash will me immediate and swift, labeling us as lazy, stupid and all the other insults that have been hurled since this mess began.

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:33 pm

This is our chance and we don't even have to say the word "99ers"! They can ignore us all they want, but if HR 589 passes with the additional 14 weeks, WE WILL BE INCLUDED!

We need to push even harder now for this bill. On August 1, it picked up another sponsor - the Delegate from the US Virgin Islands. Although this is not a voting member of Congress, it does show that Rep. Lee and the other co-sponsors have NOT forgotten about this bill.

We should be overloading the Capitol's servers like Americans did when the President asked citizens to contact their Reps. over the debt ceiling debacle. No reason we can't do it for this, and if we don't, we will be forgotten!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:01 pm

nfpexec wrote:I'l do it but I am highly skeptical as I've been in this game since last summer. even if by some miracle there was some kind fo relief for the unemployed it will never include 99ers. We aren't on the government's radar and the backlash will me immediate and swift, labeling us as lazy, stupid and all the other insults that have been hurled since this mess began.

I have too nfpexec. I have nochoice but to do it. I know you and many others are just as "exhausted" as our benefits, but we have no choice. This is the time, it's really bad, I don't wish this on our country or anyone, but it's our time. The 99ers having benefits will be adding revenue, spending where it needs to be spent, and you can bet with additional benefits being paid, they will jump at the chance to create a JOBS PROGRAM. Every news station is gathering people and they are all talkings, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!! This is the time. Please stay with us and please help. We need everyone. All Long Term Unemployed need to rally as well, they will make this two seperate bills and they will try to pit us against each other, don't fall for it. We will help you, please help us. I can tell you after one year and 4 months as a 99er, it's not a place you want to be, it's scarey, lonely and physically and mentally sickening and I am not talking drama either. It is. Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" 34243


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by fredm74 Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:21 pm

DesperateInRi, I agree. The "99ers" are NOT in their vocabulary, if Obama is serious about extending Unemployment Benefits. HR589 HAS TO BE INCLUDED, therefore helping the 99ers. HR589 didn't exist last December. It does now. We need to have this be attached to the next Unemployment bill extension. HR589 will only benefit those who exhausted their 99 weeks.


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:45 pm

589 is a dead bill! Unless they revive it! If unemployment extensions come up, they'll rewrite a bill. Obama has to do his budget by October I think! Its based on what congress just passed. we'll see!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:55 pm

Do you know this for sure 1208? Did you get a memo, email or letter telling you this. As stated above, it received a new co-sponsor just this month. Please stop this. We are all trying to help one another, don't report your opinions please, just keep to the facts. Venting can be done in another forum.

This is our time, if you don't wish to join us, no one is forcing you to.

Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" 34243


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by TOO OLD TO HIRE IN PA Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:52 pm

Welcome back Mary Kay! Have missed your posts and support. Hope everything is OK with you and your family. I do hope that the 99ers are included in any extensions. What really bothers me is that our government is not listening to the problems that people 55 and over are facing. Even with extensions, job prospects are dwindling every day due to discrimination. Please do not feel that I am favoring one unemployed group over another, as I have been fighting for ALL the unemployed. I have also been on twitter exposing job ads that discriminate against the unemployed. It irritates me when I hear that payroll tax cuts put more money in peoples hands. It sure does, but people who have jobs are more likely to save that extra money right now, especially those who have taken a financial beating during the recession. But they frown on giving the unemployed extensions, when we will SPEND IT IMMEDIATELY. I will continue doing anything and everything to get the word out about our plight.


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:12 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:589 is a dead bill! Unless they revive it! If unemployment extensions come up, they'll rewrite a bill. Obama has to do his budget by October I think! Its based on what congress just passed. we'll see!
If HR 589 was a 'dead' bill, it wouldn't have picked up 5 SPONSORS IN THE PAST MONTH! Also, as far as what Congress just passed and the budget - they haven't even started choosing their "Super Congress".

And no, they won't have to "rewrite" the bill. All they have to do is strike the current dates and replace them with new ones, add HR 589 as an amendment, and give it a new bill number. With all that has happened with our economy over the past few weeks, I think it is very plausible. Everyone knows there are no jobs out there and now the situation is getting even more grave.

If you don't want to advocate for it - DON'T, but please, do not discourage anyone for fighting for this right now harder than we ever have.


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:52 pm

TOO OLD TO HIRE IN PA wrote:Welcome back Mary Kay! Have missed your posts and support. Hope everything is OK with you and your family. I do hope that the 99ers are included in any extensions. What really bothers me is that our government is not listening to the problems that people 55 and over are facing. Even with extensions, job prospects are dwindling every day due to discrimination. Please do not feel that I am favoring one unemployed group over another, as I have been fighting for ALL the unemployed. I have also been on twitter exposing job ads that discriminate against the unemployed. It irritates me when I hear that payroll tax cuts put more money in peoples hands. It sure does, but people who have jobs are more likely to save that extra money right now, especially those who have taken a financial beating during the recession. But they frown on giving the unemployed extensions, when we will SPEND IT IMMEDIATELY. I will continue doing anything and everything to get the word out about our plight.

Thank you. I have read and retweeted some of your tweets. I have been out of commission for a couple of days, but I am back and will start full tomorrow, tweeting in the afternoon. Hoping everyone on the forum joins in as well. Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" 34243


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by freds Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:42 am

Sorry to give you this information but today after many applications even the office of the president has turned me down for employment knowing I have been unemployed for 4 years 7 months, so I have to ask whom will help if anyone, the only known help is to renounce our USA citzenship to survive the USA citizen can not get any help! Oh guess what non US citizens get 2,640 per month from social security, free housing, food stamps, and college, get the picture!


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by jmainframe Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:35 am

freds wrote:Sorry to give you this information but today after many applications even the office of the president has turned me down for employment knowing I have been unemployed for 4 years 7 months, so I have to ask whom will help if anyone, the only known help is to renounce our USA citzenship to survive the USA citizen can not get any help! Oh guess what non US citizens get 2,640 per month from social security, free housing, food stamps, and college, get the picture!

I'm going to assume you're talking about the president of the united states, and not the ceo of a company. If that's the case, what a bunch of hypocrites! You could have been a shining example of the caliber of unemployed worker who's willing and able to get back to work and do an outstanding job.

I'm sorry to hear this freds. DON'T GIVE UP!! There is a job (hopefully good-paying, permanent, fulltime) out there for you.

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Hunterforjobs Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:51 am

Extending unemployment would not create jobs, it would make life easier if those who have exhausted their benefits would benefit from it.

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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by TOO OLD TO HIRE IN PA Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:47 am

Hunterforjobs wrote:Extending unemployment would not create jobs, it would make life easier if those who have exhausted their benefits would benefit from it.

Would not create jobs directly, but would put money in people's hands who will spend it immediately, thus stimulating the economy (or at the very least get it jump-started), then businesses will start hiring ........ Maybe


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by freds Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:30 pm

jmainframe yes president of the usa, no offense hunterforjobs but have you been living in your car yet?


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Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now" Empty Re: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Help Create Jobs Right Now"

Post by Hunterforjobs Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:42 pm

I beg to differ, in the past when I collecting UE, I had not seen any hiring, thats when the govenment was more generous and extended them without the drama we see today. Many people were collecting UE and it did not create jobs. Instead there was a trend with employers who outwardly said, they would not hire the unemployed.

So you tell me, do you recall any jobs being created with many people on UE, it made life easier for me and many while job searching and the counltess rejections, no replies, or when I did land an interview,the blank stares of the interviewer. But I had not seen any jobs created.

What would create jobs? Faith in the economy again.

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