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Post by hello Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:54 am

So did a few "tests" at my job. The tests and training were full of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc. All the resources are also seriously flawed. I am thinking "so these guys have jobs and I didnt for so long?". Really really furious right now. Came back home in such a bad mood on friday. How can these people have jobs when I had to go without one for long? Seriously. I know the subject matter 10000000 times better than these ppl. I hate nepotism and favoritism.

Whatever though. I am over it.


Posts : 110
Join date : 2011-04-07

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pretty angry right now. Empty Re: pretty angry right now.

Post by 462Tech Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:19 am

It's the old not what you know, but who you know and whose butt you kiss syndrome. Ran into it alot when I was in the service and it's just as bad or worse in the civilian world.

There's an old saying; What comes around, goes around. That's how I deal with it.


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Post by Hunterforjobs Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:24 am

I would have corrected the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

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pretty angry right now. Empty Re: pretty angry right now.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:46 am

The really sad part about all of what you say is that this was rampant when we were all working, way back when dirt was on the pyramid table as a protein. We all worked with clock watchers and do the minimum and get the hell out people. Of my 4 jobs in 38 years, I worked with them back to 1972 when I first entered the full time work force. It just drives it home all the more when we've been looking for work for three plus years and living on air for that same period.

Now we all have to ask ourselves, could we live with ourselves if we became just like them. I know I couldn't and will continue to be who and what I am. They, "minimums", have their jobs and will have their jobs, I can't let myself get upset over it. If I did I would have been upset for 38 years of working life. Did it annoy me, you bet. But I am not going to look to blame those still working for a situation they contributed to but did not ultimately cause. We need to focus our energies on getting jobs, getting help and getting it now. That's the unfairness we HAVE to address if we hope to get anywhere. The "minimals" are usually found out. pretty angry right now. 34243


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