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America the Angry

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America the Angry Empty America the Angry

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:52 am

Is the Arab Spring headed stateside? A Newsweek/Daily Beast polls finds Americans are more fed up with the economy than ever—and that last jobs report didn't help.

Gas and grocery prices are soaring, the housing market is crashing to new lows, and yet another dismal jobs report has confirmed a stubbornly high unemployment rate. Could the anger fueling the Arab Spring soon bring club-wielding protesters to America?


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:50 am

I am not advocating violence, but at this point, I do ask myself, what would it take to get those not in our situation fired up. We have a different set of problems from them for obvious reasons, but I can't imagine having a job and being so complacent that the prices of gas, oil, food, presriptions, utilities and so on are making anyone happy. Their salaries are being eaten alive. How can people not start to think that all these tax cuts and corp. giants are not something that needs to be addressed. Do they not think that they could be the new "us". Do they live in that much of a dream world? I guess they do, that would explain some who currently hold office in Congress and the Senate.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by TR11005 Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:24 am

no "What me angry?" No, I am mad as Hell!

Enough of this support the rich, screw the poor!

Where is Robin Hood when we really need him?

I say give a flat tax rate of 90% against the rich or we take it all.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by laine25 Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:42 pm

While I was working and had a job, I didn't realize the economy was so bad. I couldn't relate because I was working and didn't pay too much attention to those who were unemployed. After I was laid off and started networking, then I could see the sheer numbers of people attending these events...reality set in. My eyes were opened and I realized our economy was going downhill fast. I have changed how I live and now only buy what I need. I watch how I drive. It's very frustrating because nothing seems to be improving despite what people in government tell us.

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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:51 pm

Things are worse in a lot of ways. When this depression started everyone had ui benefits and were buying things etc. Remove a few million or more from the rolls and the economy takes a dive.

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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by lam Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:01 pm

Most of the unemployed can no longer buy anything!! Because most of the unemployed in this country have no money to buy anything with.
Between paying to keep a roof over your head or where you are going to sleep tonight most of us don't have the money or the strenght to buy, shop or do much else!!!!


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Join date : 2011-04-13

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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:59 pm

I would hope people would revolt, but unfortunately people have become stupid and the politicians knew it would happen. It's no coincidence that the education system has been lowered, it was intentional so people wouldn't realize what was happening.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by americatheneedy Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:20 pm

Yep. New Wave right on once again. People are stupid for the most part. I am beyond outraged.

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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:34 pm

Me too, especially when people (not here) are reluctant to change things. If we revolted like they did in the Arab countries people would listen.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by emvie Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:41 pm

Stupid and brainwashed by "Dancing with the Stars," and "The Bachelorette!" Also poisoned by high fructose corn syrup, benzoates and flouride.

I'm three months in my temp-to-hire job, and work with people who have been with the company for years. While they "felt" the pain of the recession in 2009, they recovered in 2010 - it's "business as usual" now.

Very strange new world we live in!


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by americatheneedy Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:01 pm

People are stupid, look at the trash on TV-envie is sooo correct. Why is Kim Kardashian famous??? She is just a loose women that profits from flaunting her body.

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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:21 pm

And look at the media so called "news". One day I counted fluffy topics versus hard news and the fluffy was way more than hard news.

Reality tv has detroyed a lot. It has made stars of people we shouldn't glamorize. Recently Reese Withersppon attacked reality tv(good for her) for making stars out of people that shouldn't be. We shouldn't be glamorizing shows like Teen Mom or the Bachelor because they are insulting. I will admit to watching Dancing With The Stars but have gotten mad when it was not true stars on the show.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:16 pm

americatheneedy wrote:People are stupid, look at the trash on TV-envie is sooo correct. Why is Kim Kardashian famous??? She is just a loose women that profits from flaunting her body.
Who? I can't stand any of the reality tv shows. I started watching one once, when they first became popular, and haven't been back since.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:04 pm

the one I cant stand most is the show about SNOOKIE!! I FORBID MY KIDS TO WATCH HER!! lol


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:10 pm

americatheneedy wrote:People are stupid, look at the trash on TV-envie is sooo correct. Why is Kim Kardashian famous??? She is just a loose women that profits from flaunting her body.

Because in this society sleazy behavior is tolerated, which makes me sick. Just look at that disgusting Teen Moms and how it glamorizes single motherhood. Or go to a store and see how they sell little girl bra and panty sets. Or how a teen girl gets pregnant and we just give her welfare. Then we wonder why this country's a mess.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:18 pm

New_Wave_Princess wrote:
americatheneedy wrote:People are stupid, look at the trash on TV-envie is sooo correct. Why is Kim Kardashian famous??? She is just a loose women that profits from flaunting her body.

Because in this society sleazy behavior is tolerated, which makes me sick. Just look at that disgusting Teen Moms and how it glamorizes single motherhood. Or go to a store and see how they sell little girl bra and panty sets. Or how a teen girl gets pregnant and we just give her welfare. Then we wonder why this country's a mess.

I don't think teen moms can get welfare, at least not in my state. In high school, two of my friends got pregnant. They couldn't receive welfare until they were 18. It was their parent's responsibility until then. These two girls did receive some type of welfare for a while after they turned 18, I don't really know for sure nor do I care, but they finished high school, went to college and have successful careers. That is more than I can say about myself right now.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:21 pm

In Illinois they can get it at any time. I think the baby daddy's should be payng too. Actually, the parents need to be watching the kids to make sure this doesn't happen.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:27 pm

New_Wave_Princess wrote:In Illinois they can get it at any time. I think the baby daddy's should be payng too. Actually, the parents need to be watching the kids to make sure this doesn't happen.
Are you kidding me? I would have run away from home if my parents went out on all the dates I had in high school! Come on, that is going a little bit too far!


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:32 pm

But they need to be watching more closely including curfews and things like that, not allowing them to be alone for hours.


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America the Angry Empty Re: America the Angry

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