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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:36 am

As previously noted, one reason economic recovery has been pinched is because state and local governments are laying off a large number of employees, with no end in sight. In fact, the 2012 fiscal year, which for many governments begins Saturday, may see the biggest cuts so far.

The impact goes well beyond the laid-off employees and their families. In some places, the school year has been shortened and class sizes increased, fire-fighting capability reduced, police forces cut back and library hours eliminated. Tens of thousands of additional layoffs are expected to exacerbate these cutbacks.


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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by jmainframe Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:20 pm

Yeah, what recovery!

Boy, it seems like yesterday the hottest jobs were municipal/government jobs, especially teaching jobs. I recall how they were hiring like crazy. They were hiring so much that you'd never get a response to any job openings you'd answer (at least that was my experience). I guess because they were so overwhelmed by the huge number of respondants.

Now, almost overnight, these jobs are being eliminated just as fast, if not faster than those in the private sector. If this recovery gets any stronger, there won't be any jobs left!

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:15 pm

That wasn't a very positive reenforcing article.
If the republicans gettjeir way it will be even worse. How can a recovery happen under these conditions. Private sector hiring is anemic at best throw in the proposed cuts and I can't see a recovery any time soon.

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by stansmad Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:44 pm

Seen this coming a long time ago. States are running out of stimulus money and they can no longer keep up with expenses.


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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:46 pm

Most of the Red states gave the money back. Why would they do that? That money could have saved jobs??

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:51 pm

Sadly, these are people just like us. It won't be the legislators who will lose their jobs or their personal staffers, it will be the regular working people. This week's job's numbers should be really interesting. To all these poor people, we know your pain and will pray for you.


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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:07 pm

MaryKay wrote:Sadly, these are people just like us. It won't be the legislators who will lose their jobs or their personal staffers, it will be the regular working people. This week's job's numbers should be really interesting. To all these poor people, we know your pain and will pray for you.
Unfortunately Mary, the people who will file "First Time Claims" this week will not be a "fortunate" (if you can call it that) as us. They receive only the initial state unemployment benefits of 26 weeks, and in several states now, it is less than that. I wonder if people are realizing this yet?


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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:05 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:Most of the Red states gave the money back. Why would they do that? That money could have saved jobs??

Wouldn't take the Obama handout as they called it. Let's see how they feel after the unused funding is applied to the northeast corridor railway renovation. I am sure Florida for one will have a very happy Governor, he didn't take the big bad bail out money.


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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by couth11 Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:29 am

Jobless_in_Ma wrote:That wasn't a very positive reenforcing article.
If the republicans gettjeir way it will be even worse. How can a recovery happen under these conditions. Private sector hiring is anemic at best throw in the proposed cuts and I can't see a recovery any time soon.

A recovery can't happen that way. What is really weird to me is that our country's safety and well being is being willfully compromised at a time when threats are being made against our country.

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

Post by lendmeflight2 Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:25 am

MaryKay wrote:
gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:Most of the Red states gave the money back. Why would they do that? That money could have saved jobs??

Wouldn't take the Obama handout as they called it. Let's see how they feel after the unused funding is applied to the northeast corridor railway renovation. I am sure Florida for one will have a very happy Governor, he didn't take the big bad bail out money.

I believe, here in NC, they applied for the money that Florida refused. The stimulus should have been much larger. With all these state layoffs, the economy will be rocked locally by less people buying things and jobs are going to get harder to find again. Things were just starting to look a little better here. I just applied for a retail position with Apple. They are opening a new store here. This momentum will be damaged by the state layoffs though.

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Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead Empty Re: Tens of thousands of state and local layoffs expected in months ahead

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