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House GOP sets table for long, hot summer of debate

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House GOP sets table for long, hot summer of debate Empty House GOP sets table for long, hot summer of debate

Post by Guest Mon May 30, 2011 11:01 pm

Setting the stage for a long summer of heated negotiations, the House plans to reject a proposal Tuesday that would increase the nation's ability to borrow funds without also making cuts in federal spending.

A day before they huddle with President Obama at the White House, Republicans will hold a vote on the administration's initial request that the nation's debt ceiling be lifted above the $14.3 trillion limit without any accompanying spending reductions. Both sides now recognize such a request is politically impossible, given the current mood of the electorate against runaway federal deficits. House GOP leaders timed the vote Tuesday to demonstrate that point before all 241 members of the Republican conference visit Obama on Wednesday. It will be his first meeting with the entire group of Republicans since they won the House majority in the November midterms.


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House GOP sets table for long, hot summer of debate Empty Re: House GOP sets table for long, hot summer of debate

Post by Abbie Tue May 31, 2011 7:25 am

The rethuglicans are going to raise the debt limit. Dave Camp has already assured Wall Street this is a stunt. Boehner himself had a meeting with the local tea bags and told them it had to be raised and not just this time but several more times. He told them it would be 20 years to balance the budget. The tea bags want cuts w/ no debt limit raise, he thinks he can get by w/ cuts AND a debt limit raise and keep his job.

This vote is all for show to the tea bags they pander to trying to keep their jobs.

Now if the Dems had the cajones to stand up to them it would be nice because the Republicans are in a rock and a hard place now because no man can serve two masters, tea bags and Wall Street being the masters.

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Join date : 2011-02-22

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