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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Tue May 24, 2011 11:57 pm


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by Guest Wed May 25, 2011 12:05 am

Where is S & T's flaming finger picture?!?!

Cantor doesn't really have much to say about it does he? The President decides how much aid is given to those states affected by the tornadoes.

Oklahoma was hit by an F5 around 5 or 6 o'clock tonight. The orignal footage of the destruction was on a Twitter link live feed. It was devastating.

Too bad Cantor's house couldn't be blown to Oz - with him and his cronies Boehner, Camp and Ryan in it. They could take Charles Payne with them, but they wouldn't be able to keep enough food on hand to feed him.


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by mistermunster Wed May 25, 2011 1:01 am

DesperateInRI wrote:

Where is S & T's flaming finger picture?!?!

Cantor doesn't really have much to say about it does he? The President decides how much aid is given to those states affected by the tornadoes.

Oklahoma was hit by an F5 around 5 or 6 o'clock tonight. The orignal footage of the destruction was on a Twitter link live feed. It was devastating.

Too bad Cantor's house couldn't be blown to Oz - with him and his cronies Boehner, Camp and Ryan in it. They could take Charles Payne with them, but they wouldn't be able to keep enough food on hand to feed him.

Cantor's house needs to be BLOWN to hell! I wouldn't subject the munchkins to HIS evil.

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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by Guest Wed May 25, 2011 7:07 am

Sorry you feel that way cablab. I think you can understand how people feel. Elected officials in the name of making a name for themselves to garner favor among the Tea Party using the tragic circumstances of Joplin and other tornado victims deserves a little more than a few negative posts. His comments were simply pandering to the ignorant Fox News lovers. You can be a conservative, you can attempt to be fiscally conservative without ripping the hearts out of those people who are facing months and months of heartache and the loss of not just homes, valuables and memories, but of loved ones.

If Mr. Cantor were truly sincere, since he is such the "genius" of the Tea Party, he would sit down with serious people and work out cuts and budgets for all to reduce the deficit and it would be over 10-20 years. It will not happen within 2 years. What he showed us with that statement is that he, Eric Cantor, is inhuman, classless, unchristian, uncaring and out for one thing, Eric Cantor 2018. This is the time for serious legislators to work for the people who elected them, not for the
next election.

Every person on this forum is praying for all the victims of this current batch of bad weather which is hitting many places in this country. I don't think it would have taken very much for him to either remain SILENT, or ask for prayers for the victims.

Eric Cantor is very against everyone sharing in the pain of reducing our country's deficit, he is only for certain people paying off that debt. When he is really serious, people won't be so negative.

Then, a complete turn around, he found the cuts. I want to search high and low and find out what they are. "the cuts" were found after the backlash of negative publicity shot a flaming arrow at him. He's not serious, he's a soundbite, he's a phony.

The prayers of this forum and this writer are with all the families while they deal with something Eric Cantor and the rest of us hope we never have to endure and really can't even imagine.


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by Abbie Wed May 25, 2011 7:46 am

Cantor's cuts came from a loan program set up to encourage buying fuel efficient cars. He is more interested in money and power, than people, like the rest of the GOP. He should have kept his mouth shut period, but it is more important for these money grubbing goons to push their agenda even as people are still trapped/missing or dead somewhere. He isn't fit to live in this country let alone represent it IMO. Too negative, too bad, people better be waking up to this pile of trash in the GOP.


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by Guest Wed May 25, 2011 9:09 am

MaryKay wrote: Elected officials in the name of making a name for themselves to garner favor among the Tea Party using the tragic circumstances of Joplin and other tornado victims deserves a little more than a few negative posts. His comments were simply pandering to the ignorant Fox News lovers. You can be a conservative, you can attempt to be fiscally conservative without ripping the hearts out of those people who are facing months and months of heartache and the loss of not just homes, valuables and memories, but of loved ones.

If Mr. Cantor were truly sincere, since he is such the "genius" of the Tea Party, he would sit down with serious people and work out cuts and budgets for all to reduce the deficit and it would be over 10-20 years. It will not happen within 2 years. What he showed us with that statement is that he, Eric Cantor, is inhuman, classless, unchristian, uncaring and out for one thing, Eric Cantor 2018. This is the time for serious legislators to work for the people who elected them, not for the
next election.

Every person on this forum is praying for all the victims of this current batch of bad weather which is hitting many places in this country. I don't think it would have taken very much for him to either remain SILENT, or ask for prayers for the victims.

Eric Cantor is very against everyone sharing in the pain of reducing our country's deficit, he is only for certain people paying off that debt. When he is really serious, people won't be so negative.

Then, a complete turn around, he found the cuts. I want to search high and low and find out what they are. "the cuts" were found after the backlash of negative publicity shot a flaming arrow at him. He's not serious, he's a soundbite, he's a phony.

The prayers of this forum and this writer are with all the families while they deal with something Eric Cantor and the rest of us hope we never have to endure and really can't even imagine.


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by americatheneedy Wed May 25, 2011 10:49 am

But keep that money flowing to Pakistan and Libya!!!! Our government should be ashamed to call themselves Americans!

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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by Jerry Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 am

And these clowns are all "Pro-Life!!!" Apparently it doesn't apply once the life has commenced...


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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

Post by MoInSTL Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 pm

As a Missourian, I will keep this brief. Cantor is an id*ot. I received a FEMA check for $100 to replace all of my food that was lost in my refrigerator due to an extended power outage caused by the tornado in St. Louis. I live only a mile from the airport and was lucky to have no damage.

Joplin has been devastated by an F5. There are a lot more local stories than what made it on national news outlets. Roy Blunt, the republican senator here went after Cantor and it has been resolved. Cantor is an id*ot and should be ashamed.

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Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made Empty Re: Cantor says no to AID for Joplin unless cuts are made

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