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PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by munster05 Wed May 18, 2011 7:26 am

Hi, I am pretty new to the forum and unemployment and have a question. I started collecting UC on week ending 3/26 and am currently in my initial 26 weeks of UC, then I guess I would get 20 additional weeks of Tier 1 EUC since my UC claim ends before Dec 24th according to the PA Website. My question is that if I find employment and my earnings are less than my WBR + my PBC credit, I still receive the difference in benefits correct ? If I start new employment on 5/23, I would report my gross earnings for week ending 5/28 and anything less than my WBR + my PBC I can claim? Also, If I do accept employment does that in any way compromise claiming the 20 additional weeks of EUC or do the same rules apply to EUC compared to UC ?

Thanks, Ed


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by PamelaJo Wed May 18, 2011 8:58 am

I suggest you call the PA UC Service Center at 1-888-313-7284 to speak to a representative. Prepare for a long wait, or having to leave your phone number and then waiting for a return call from them. The instructions for the call are clearly described when you are connected and you will know what to do when you get through to the office.

Personally, I have been through the entire UC process in PA and am now collecting my final weeks of HUP EB from PA. Each time I've had a question, I've received help when I called the UC office. Every person I spoke with was very polite and understanding and I've never had a negative experience with them.

I can tell you that much is up in the air at the moment. There are bills in both the PA General Assembly, and in the House of Reps in D.C which could change everything if they pass. Some of those bills would help the unemployed and others would cause it to become more difficult to collect the Federally funded EUC Tiers. None have been passed or signed into law at this point. Who knows which way it will go at this point. Because of the current uncertainty on all fronts, I truly do believe it would be best for you to speak directly with the PA UC office.

Hope that helps, and wishing you success in finding the answers you are looking for!

Pamela Jo

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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2011 10:03 am

Regarding your question about UI "making up the difference" in pay for a full-time job, I can only answer from my what my state's policies are.

No, UI will not make up the difference when you accept a full-time job. Also, you may be denied future benefits if you refuse the job. The stipulation that you don't have to accept a job if it is less than your previous pay also has a stipulation attached. There is a percentage range as to what is acceptable. You definitely have to call your UI Center for more information.

As far as counting on 20 weeks of Tier 1 - that program is in serious jeopardy right now with the introduction of HR 1745. The tier system may not be available when you reach the end of your initial 26 weeks. Given the fact that PA no longer qualifies for Tier 4, and is expected to stop EB Payments in June, there is a very good chance that if this bill passes, your state may choose to divert the funds for EUC08 to tax credits for employers to hire, training programs and paying down their debt to the Federal government, rather than putting the money in the hands of the individual.

EUC08 is no longer a "given". Take it from someone who has been a "99er" for over a year - take the job. The longer you are unemployed, the more difficult it is to find any kind of employment.


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by munster05 Thu May 19, 2011 7:51 am

Thanks for the info !! Another question regarding the stipulations of accepting employment. I was a salaried manager making 60K. The offer on the supervisor position I have a 3rd interview for is an hourly position with no guarantee of 40 hrs. I have a feeling they are not going to offer any more than $13 per hour, which at a max would only be 27K per year & possibly less if I get less than 40 hrs per week. If I do not accept this job I still will be able to collect UC correct, since the difference in pay is so much ?


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 8:32 am

munster05 wrote:Thanks for the info !! Another question regarding the stipulations of accepting employment. I was a salaried manager making 60K. The offer on the supervisor position I have a 3rd interview for is an hourly position with no guarantee of 40 hrs. I have a feeling they are not going to offer any more than $13 per hour, which at a max would only be 27K per year & possibly less if I get less than 40 hrs per week. If I do not accept this job I still will be able to collect UC correct, since the difference in pay is so much ?

Unfortunately, your job situation is one that we are all facing now. The 60K managerial jobs don't exist anymore and we beg for McJobs and other part-time, minimum wage jobs, only to be told we are "over-qualified".

The purpose of unemployment benefits isn't to supplement income. I believe if you have a full-time job, you are no longer eligible for UI. The best thing to do is to call the PA UC Service Center at 1-888-313-7284.

Just my opinion, but if you are offered the job - grab it! You will be in a much better position to find another job than someone who is unemployed. The longer you are unemployed the harder it will be to even find a $27K job.


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by PamelaJo Thu May 19, 2011 4:31 pm

munster05 wrote:Thanks for the info !! Another question regarding the stipulations of accepting employment. I was a salaried manager making 60K. The offer on the supervisor position I have a 3rd interview for is an hourly position with no guarantee of 40 hrs. I have a feeling they are not going to offer any more than $13 per hour, which at a max would only be 27K per year & possibly less if I get less than 40 hrs per week. If I do not accept this job I still will be able to collect UC correct, since the difference in pay is so much ?

Here is some info I have copied and pasted directly from the PA Labor & Industry website. It can be quite a challenge to find what you are looking for on their site, so I thought this might be helpful to you. I still think you should contact the UC office directly in order to know exactly what is acceptable and what is expected, according to PA UC Laws. That is the only way you will know the facts as related to your situation. Here's the info:

Partial Benefit Credit

You may earn up to 40 percent of your weekly benefit rate in each
claim week before your earnings affect your weekly benefit payment.
This 40 percent of your weekly benefit rate is your "partial benefit
credit." Any amount that you earn over the partial benefit credit earned
in a week will be deducted from your weekly benefit rate
dollar-for-dollar. When reporting earnings for a calendar week, always
give the actual amount of gross earnings. The amount is
rounded up to the highest dollar amount (i.e., $76.07 = $77) when
determining the amount payable for the week.

The following example shows how the partial benefit credit works:

A person becomes unemployed and applies for UC benefits, and is
determined to have a weekly benefit rate of $200. With a weekly benefit
rate of $200, the partial benefit credit is $80 (40% of $200 = $80).
This means that the claimant could earn up to $80 and still receive the
full $200 in UC benefits for that week.

After being unemployed for a few weeks, the claimant found a
part-time job that pays $99.25 (rounded up to $100) a week. The claimant
is required to report the gross amount of part-time earnings when
filing for benefits. The easiest way to figure the amount of benefits
payable to the claimant for the week is to add the weekly benefit rate
and the partial benefit credit together and subtract the weekly


(Rounded Up)

In this example, if the claimant had earnings of $280 or more in
any given week, there would be no benefits payable for that week.

Partial earnings are to be reported in the week earned, not in the week in which they were paid. All earnings must be reported, even if they are less than the partial benefit credit.

Q. What work must I apply for and accept?

A. If you don't expect to find work in your customary occupation within
four weeks, don't have a definite offer of employment in your customary
occupation with a specific starting date, and don't have a specific
recall date from your employer, you must apply for and accept any work
that is within your capabilities if: (1) the work pays at least the
higher of the state or federal minimum wage; (2) the work pays more than
your weekly benefit amount plus the amount of any Supplemental
Unemployment Benefits you receive; and (3) the work is listed with the
PA CareerLink® or offered to you in writing by the employer.
If you
reasonably expect to find work in your customary occupation within four
weeks, have a definite offer of employment in your customary occupation
with a specific starting date, or have a specific recall date from your
employer, you must apply for and accept work that is suitable for
claimants receiving regular UC.

PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Sp

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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 5:48 pm

Great info Pamela Jo. munster05, I highly recommend as everyone did you use the phone and call. Things are changing and I can tell you for sure, the partial benefit only applies to part-time work, not full time. Go through everything with the counselor you get. As PamelaJo stated, I too have been through the entire system and am now a 99er, they are helpful, they will explain it in easier terms, the navigation of the site can be tricky and is written in legal terms. What you don't want to do is get caught up in a pay-back situation, because it can and will hurt you if you should ever have to collect again. I hope this helps and congratulations on getting the interviews. It's really difficult right now, so I am glad when one of our members gets results for their efforts.


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by pinball Thu May 19, 2011 10:39 pm


Add your WBR & PBC together and that is your combined (comb) rate. Anytime you earn under your comb rate you can file for UC. Just subtract your gross wages from your COMB rate and you will recieve the difference.

It is always easier to find a job when you have a job. I too went from 60k to 28k. You have to remember, you have to start somewhere. Those 60k don't exist like they used to. Also keeps those holes in your resume smaller. You never know what opportunities may come your way. If that job is under 40hrs you make out because you then can still collect a partial. So if you work 39hrs x 13= $507. If your comb rate is $700 - 507= $193 as a partial. vs 40 hrs @ 13/hr = 520.

Just make sure that employer considers FT as 40 hrs.


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by pinball Thu May 19, 2011 10:41 pm

Add your WBR & PBC together and that is your combined (comb) rate. Anytime you earn under your comb rate you can file for UC. Just subtract your gross wages from your COMB rate and you will recieve the difference.

Up to your WBR.
Sorry, forgot to add that!


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by munster05 Fri May 20, 2011 7:31 am

Thanks for the info pinball. So you are saying that I can still collect UC even though the position is full time ? I will be making less than half of what I was so I would think I could collect regardless if it was part time or full time.

Thanks !!


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by Guest Fri May 20, 2011 8:22 am

Just my opinion, but take the job and worry about your UC later. Finding a job in this economy should be your number one priority. I know my opinion is biased, I have been a 99er for well over a year. You need read Pamela's information so you are prepared when you call PA UC Service Center.

When December 24, 2011 arrives, the last week to certify for EUC 08 (as is stands now, it could shut off on July6), this 27K job is going to look like a million dollar job to you.

I just can't emphasize enough how lucky you are to receive a full-time job offer. Most of us here earned the same as your former wages, had homes, savings, retirements, etc. It is all gone now - everything! We can't even get a part-time, seasonal McJob!


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by munster05 Fri May 20, 2011 8:29 am

Thanks DesperateInRI....I agree with you. I will take the job if they offer it and call the PA UC service after the fact to see if I can receive anything. I had my 3rd interview with the store manager yesterday and it went well, but he was a little disorganized and didn't even talk to the other two managers that interviewed me yet. My interview card said "3rd interview & paperwork" so I was a little disappointed, but it just sounds like they are a little disorganized. Either that or they found someone else for the position.


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PA Members:  PBC Question related to EUC Empty Re: PA Members: PBC Question related to EUC

Post by pinball Fri May 20, 2011 8:14 pm


If you work FT you cannot collect UC. I'm saying you will make out better if you work less than FT hrs. Some employers consider 32hrs FT, some 37.5 and some at 40. In order to collect partial UC you need to work less than FT. Your employer determines what is considered FT.


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