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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:55 pm

If Republicans are able to get these funding cuts through the Senate, it will be a tremendous blow to the entire public interest media sector

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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:24 pm

I agree. NPR is a part of Americana. Not to mention an integral part of public broadcasting.
Anything that doesn't fit into their agenda is to be slashed.. Disgusting. I hope Americans wake up and see whats going on in this great land of ours..

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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by tristen303 Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:36 pm

Although Right I do not agree with that policy; I have very fond memories of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Zoom, and of course big bird. As an adult I listen to NPR; I do find it skewed to the left at times but still enjoy the reports and stories when I would be stuck in rush hour coming home when I was working. I find this to be a very slippery slope for my party and am concerned that this will further create a tit for tat environment where the winner gets the spoils.


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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by rainer123 Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:03 pm

If it comes down a choice between a 14 week extension or NPR/PBS I'll go with the extension


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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:11 pm

rainer123 wrote:If it comes down a choice between a 14 week extension or NPR/PBS I'll go with the extension

That is a double edged sword really. I think right now the GOP would like to say no to 589 as well as getting rid of NPR funding.

I do however feel that if funding was cut for NPR it would not mean the death of NPR. I think it would be picked up by some organizations and funding would come from there. I think the GOP knows this.

I just cant for the life of me see it going away so to speak. It wouldn't be the same either is my guess...

Plus the name would change to something else as well..

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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by rainer123 Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:31 am

When Lee has her meeting with Boehner she is going to have to go in with a list of things that need to be cut in order to pay for 589. I'm not saying it has to be or should be NPR/PBS but they are going to have to give up something


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Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS! Empty Re: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Post by lendmeflight2 Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:03 pm

Well, PBS isn't totally funded by the government. It may not even be mostly funded by it. Their programming is paid for by corporations and other organizations that donate to them. The impact it would have would be in the massive layoffs the NPR and PBS organizations would have to do. It would cost jobs. To view it at as Sesame Street is will have to be cut out to fix the deficit is false. The GOP should phrase it the way it actually is, should we cut these jobs so that can trim a few million off the budget? The Federal Government spends only about 500 million dollars a year on public broadcasting. This wouldn't come close to paying the $15 billion needed for 14 weeks of benefits. After that 14 weeks we still wouldn't have a job or any more benefits but those jobs at PBS and the way they operate would be gone forever.

The attack on PBS is just a reason to divert money from something that helps poor people to put more money in the pockets of rich people.

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