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For mental health, bad job worse than no job

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by jj Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:14 pm

For mental health, bad job worse than no job

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Join date : 2011-02-20

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:53 pm

I agree with the article. I quit my job Feb 17, I absolutely hated it. Hard decision, but being miserable everyday was no way to live. I know exactly how it feels to go to a job that you hate EVERYDAY. 8 hours a day -5 days a week is way to much time to hate being there and being stressed out.

Thank God I found another job, though it is only part time I found another job 5 days after.

Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-02-24

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by JoblessInRoc Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:10 am

Wow! 5-day turnover. Share your secrets! Razz


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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:25 am

Well I work in the credit card processing industry, which is a niche industry. Their are at least 4 credit card processors and many agent offices (large and small) in the area i live in. I just got a on the phone and called them. One of them said that they did need someone Part time. I told them my experience and met with them a few days later and I got hired.

I guess I was blessed. Also my experience in the industry is always in demand and not many people have it. So i guess that helped.

I will admit it was scary to quit my job of 12 years without having another one, but I took a gamble.

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by NY Lady Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:20 am wrote:I agree with the article. I quit my job Feb 17, I absolutely hated it. Hard decision, but being miserable everyday was no way to live. I know exactly how it feels to go to a job that you hate EVERYDAY. 8 hours a day -5 days a week is way to much time to hate being there and being stressed out.

Thank God I found another job, though it is only part time I found another job 5 days after.

I hear ya there. I did the same thing. It took 11 months to get a job, and I quit after 3, due to an underhanded, unprofessional, immature co-worker. Since I was a newly hired temp, I think he felt threatened by my experience, which was more than his. So he proceeded to sabotage my work and make my life difficult. I found it an anacceptable, hostile work enviroment. I saw the proof, but didn't think to take a screen shot of the evidence so I couldn't accuse anyone. I e-mailed my boss on the day I didn't go in and told him of the goings on in the office and told him if they noticed a high turnover in the postion (and I know they had people quit before I got there)that they should investigate further, for the good of the company. I couldn't deal with untrustworhty, childish coworkers.
There are no other jobs in my area for my field, but I start Monday at another job. I'll be working with plants - outdoor Lawn & Garden. Yes, it's only seasonal, but I look forward to not sitting in a freezing, gray cube when it's so nice outside.

NY Lady

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Join date : 2011-03-02

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by carlch Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:30 am

Good luck in the new job even if its temporary. Working with plants/garden is much better than working with "people."


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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by NY Lady Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:41 am

carlch wrote:Good luck in the new job even if its temporary. Working with plants/garden is much better than working with "people."

Thanks! Very Happy

NY Lady

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Join date : 2011-03-02

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For mental health, bad job worse than no job Empty Re: For mental health, bad job worse than no job

Post by carlch Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:48 am

NY - I've worked in very similar environments that you describe in your message -- and you are right on! There are lots of immature, miserable workers and poor management to go around twice over. I thank God, I'm near the end of my working career.


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