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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by Guest Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:47 pm

While some hiring has begun in the private sector, a devestating report is concluding that public sector jobs are hemorrhaging at an increasing rate, with much more jobs losses coming soon:


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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:20 pm

The last thing this country needs is more teachers losing their jobs. Because we all know that 50 kids to a classroom is conducive to learning.
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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:32 pm

imagine how many we will lose next year if the tea party gets their way.

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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by Guest Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:36 pm

I wasn't aware that teachers jobs were public sector jobs.


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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:48 pm

Why wouldn't they be? They are paid by the state unless they are private school teachers.

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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by tristen303 Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:46 pm

With as many bad teachers as there are it will be good to purge the ranks. 50 kids per bad teacher or 100 per good I'd go on the side of good vs bad anytime and vochures are starting to come back; imgaine when people have a choice between private schools that manage to actually teach, pass tests, and graduate kids vs the public sector doing what? In order to compete maybe the public sector might actually have to produce results and perform in order to survive (instead of existing off a captive audience). We need to purge the ranks and keep the good ones and reorg. same for all the rest of the public sector jobs if we can't afford them. Tough times call for tough measures (and that doesn't mean raise taxes first) it means stop the bleeding save what you can then start pumping blood into the patient not just pumping blood into some one who is bleeding out like our state and federal government is.


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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by Guest Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:52 pm

It gets worse for Michigan. The person that has been put in charge of turning the Detroit schools around has suggested closing down schools and increasing classrooms from 30 to as high as 69.

Our Public Education system is being slowly dismantled by people who don't know a thing about education. Instead, they're approaching the problem from a business angle and it's going to prove even more detrimental than it already is. I know, here in Flint, Michigan, they're talking about doing the same thing.

There already aren't enough teachers to handle the current class sizes. To expand them anymore is going to cause a total shutdown of our educational system. What's even more hilarious is that it's not getting better ... it's been slowly hemorrhaging for years and it's now become a national problem.

Our educational system is in distress and now everybody keeps wanting to shut down school building and expand class sizes. The only thing that's going to do is create an even bigger problem with schools passing failing students, expanding the dropout rate and eventually lead to our educational system being dismantled.

They are squeezing the educational system to make up for budget shortfalls when they should be taking money away from other worthless programs.

My question? Why aren't elected public officials sharing the same sacrifice they expect the rest of US to share?


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Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs Empty Re: Public Sector Continues to Hemorrhage Jobs

Post by tristen303 Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:05 pm

Thats why private schools do so much better being run as a business they understand that they have to be successful whereas the public sector just as to exist and that the elected officials are more worried about Union benefits and contributions to their campaigns then ever educating our kids FDR warned of this so I would like to see privatization and getting rid of the dead weight.


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