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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:06 am

Just the cold hard facts.

Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:41 am

Which proves my theories....It's not always government that sends the jobs overseas...our own US business owners have turned their backs on us..they're the ones that swim in greed and do anything to get more what they already have. Think about it...if we owned a huge corporation and had an opportunity to produce billions by giving the jobs to China, what would we do? It comes down to loyality to our own country, to our own people. Yeah, maybe we don't have all that they need to become billionaires over and over - but the bottom line should be what is more important. Personally, I'd love to see USA boycott all Apple Products, or boycott all items manufactured over there. I also feel they are all traders and I wouldn't give them an ounce of respect if they were standing in front of me.


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by elvis44102 Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:54 pm

its says we don't have enough engineers, and china manipulates its currency...

somehow i doubt Jobs assertion of 30,000 engineers as wozniak was the nuts and bolts guy that brought Jobs and Apple to prominence...

Jobs was the PR salesman of the two......

How in the world can we "force china" to do anything...???

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:19 pm

Don't hit me but... these poor Chinese workers are just piecing together ingenious devices (tools) that were designed elsewhere.

It's where these completed tools, together with their owner's creative ingenuity and talent that will fashion the future.

Attaching a wifi receptor and touch screen dabber for 10 - 14 hours a day should not be our envious lower than minimum wage plan.

Our plan should to be the innovators using these tools to shape the future, not the factory workers who will throw off the macro economics of this whole mess!



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by DesperateInRI Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:01 am

I saw an editorial on MSNBC on Apple, the "All American" company that outsources the assembly and mfg. of all their "I" products to China. These people work in horrid conditions for a pittance. Apple does this for higher profits. Americans should demand that this company bring good paying jobs back here by not buying their products. If Apple brought these jobs back, they would have to raise the price of their products by $50 to $200. So what! If you have $600-800 for an iPhone 5, what's another hundred. It will bring back American jobs, putting money in the hand of the American consumer to spend. All these greedy outsourcing companies should be doing this. You would see our economy turn around quickly. Apple is right up there on my sh*t list with WalMart!

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:03 am

I'm talking more about iPads and MacBooks, predominately used in schools today. Debbie Downer! bounce



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by DesperateInRI Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:36 am

Merry Macky, I was talking about all Apple products! Boycott them until they bring the jobs back!!

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:51 am

mackylebourne wrote:
Attaching a wifi receptor and touch screen dabber for 10 - 14 hours a day should not be our envious lower than minimum wage plan.

In my young days, they used to call this kind of work in the US "Piece work"...where several people had to assemble little things ...the more they assembled per hour, the more they got paid. My girlfriend's fingers used to be raw by the end of the week. Granted they got paid more than the Chinese, but the US people were still willing to work on these lines. That's one of the problems that we have in the more manufacturing jobs. I also agree that if Apple were to manufacturer here, the items would cost more...but that would probably mean less kids would be walking around with cell phones to their ears, or texting 24 hrs a day...may be kids would learn to communicate the real social way. So, in truth I blame China for steeling our jobs, instead of providing their own people with jobs of their own....and I still consider those who send our jobs overseas...traders...instead of supporting their own country and unemployed.


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:55 am

DesperateInRI wrote:I saw an editorial on MSNBC on Apple, the "All American" company that outsources the assembly and mfg. of all their "I" products to China. These people work in horrid conditions for a pittance. Apple does this for higher profits. Americans should demand that this company bring good paying jobs back here by not buying their products. If Apple brought these jobs back, they would have to raise the price of their products by $50 to $200. So what! If you have $600-800 for an iPhone 5, what's another hundred. It will bring back American jobs, putting money in the hand of the American consumer to spend. All these greedy outsourcing companies should be doing this. You would see our economy turn around quickly. Apple is right up there on my sh*t list with WalMart!



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:07 pm

I agree that if it means my iPhone will cost me 100 more but it will give thousands jobs so be it!

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:09 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:Merry Macky, I was talking about all Apple products! Boycott them until they bring the jobs back!!

Oh Desperate Debbie, what make is YOUR phone ? Let's all boycott by throwing our cell phones out the window because, heck, guess where they probably weren't made!

p.s. there's no friggin' way an iPhone would be built here for only a few hundred dollars more per unit... more like $1,000 more a unit! I've done the math.

merry macky Very Happy


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by DesperateInRI Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:40 pm

You are losing this one, Marvelous Macky!! Putting money back in the hands of American consumers will benefit everyone. The richest company in the world can afford to pay to have their products made here! Raise the price if they really feel they have to. Training and employing Americans will be to their benefit, hey, I might even be able to buy one! Apple should take the lead on strategies like this so other corporations follow suit. Of course they won't, it makes too much sense!

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:27 pm

Oh Delirious Debbie, how wrong wrong can be at times! I need to run out for tissues. My makeup is shot from my lol tears running down!


mathematical macky cheers


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:54 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:You are losing this one, Marvelous Macky!! Putting money back in the hands of American consumers will benefit everyone. The richest company in the world can afford to pay to have their products made here! Raise the price if they really feel they have to. Training and employing Americans will be to their benefit, hey, I might even be able to buy one! Apple should take the lead on strategies like this so other corporations follow suit. Of course they won't, it makes too much sense!

With you all the way! And if this means that less young people will be able to have access to these computer gadgets, so be it. I think this electronic age is the downfall of this world anyway....There is no more direct human contact anymore. I would much more appreciate young people interacting the old fashion way instead of across ciber space. We are going to end up being robots pretty soon!


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:55 pm

Jobless_in_Ma wrote:I agree that if it means my iPhone will cost me 100 more but it will give thousands jobs so be it!



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by elvis44102 Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:36 pm

technology is supposed to "free us" from drudgery....

i worked in a pizzeria that had the manager always call out numbers from the software that was continually running in the background...

he was a realist enough to know NOT to kill the morale in his store with that BS....(i am sure he took abuse from his boss)

i know many who do "piece work" and HATE it...but currently they consider themselves lucky even to have a job....


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:14 pm

MarilynL wrote:
Jobless_in_Ma wrote:I agree that if it means my iPhone will cost me 100 more but it will give thousands jobs so be it!


UN-DITTO! Very Happy




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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by DesperateInRI Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:22 pm

You remind me of Mitt Romney! You say in another thread, 'post, post, post, the jobs are out there', yet agree that Apple should continue to assemble their products in China so they can make even more billions than they already have. They could bring these jobs back, raise the prices for their product minimally and pay the American worker a decent wage and not even make a noticeable dent in their outrageous profit.

Post, post, post...... to what, Macky? Give us YOUR plan!!

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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:43 pm

Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Baby_c10

later, it's too fun watching the anticipation and the tears flow...

macky Very Happy


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by elvis44102 Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:42 am

well, how much more would these products cost if made here??

china has ALL the rare earth metals and such within their borders...

Globalism seems to consider the cost of labor as the PRIME factor in location of production...

American style capitalism, seems to only consider quarterly profits....

there are also longer term costs to globalism that we are NOW experiencing....

i am willing to bet that somewhere on some university campus somebody has made computer models of many more of the total costs including damage to the environment from toxic manufacturing methods etc, etc....


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:11 am

Yes Elvis, you've hit on my "about" 10 point items that makes this emotional outburst of "jobs jobs jobs" a quick bandage and one i'm too tired to address tonight.

The next one will be the Enterprise Apple being incorporated into K - 12 in our schools - guess what - unaffordable at higher costs and desperately needed for USA to compete.

I don't give a damn to hear someone is "in theory" going to buy the same unit at loads of money more. That's mere bull!

The loss of technology and entrepreneur app business is outstanding to what "yes make it in America, ship the raw material, pay the price, etc" short term "let's make the highways better... the jobs are there... who cares who can't afford the new Hindenburg landing on the SOB...".

All I have to say tonight is "get real" and "jive up" to reality.

Nothing less is going to save us all.



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by MarilynL Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:40 am

So, we give up, and send all our jobs to China or other countries, just so we can afford to purchase these items...sorry... How the hell is that supposed to help this country!!!!! What? we can afford to purchase what ever we need to get the education we need, just so we can graduate and go without a job because they've all been sent to China?

The true fact could possibly be that our country's manufactures run their business on greed. When I was in the business, the bulk production of items, reduces the cost of any item. Therefore I can't imagine a mass production of computers will cost so much that it would be out of reach.

Do you know how much more we pay for jewelery that we actually shoul? Check out the real cost of what these retail stores buy them at, you would never want to purchase another piece of jewelry again.

So, it would all come down to what our businesses and retail really want to charge...and that's the bottom line.


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:37 pm

Introducing the cost of jewelry? Oh Marilyn, that's rich!

Sorry, BRB



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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by elvis44102 Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:36 pm

by MarilynL Today at 10:40 am
""Do you know how much more we pay for jewelery that we actually shoul? Check out the real cost of what these retail stores buy them at, you would never want to purchase another piece of jewelry again. ""

Gold mines operate under virtual "slave labor" conditions the deeper you go into the earth the hotter it gets...the workers are also made to undress and be searched for possibly concealing gold within there bodies...

Primarily People of color work in gold mines....I have for years informed any of my friends who would were jewelry of this information...

The diamond "industry" is very much the same and a complete monopoly controlled by a small elite minority...

the high tech industry NEEDS gold and other scarce minerals, so there is NO way around SOME consumption...

China has ALL these materials within there borders with NO consideration to the actual workers who will obtain some of these extremely toxic materials...

NOT only does CHINA pay a devalued currency to its workers (so that a devalued 40 cents pay purchases $1.00 within China) but it also has no regulations upon workers conditions....

The US is not the only country that has gone through a recession...

The Chinese have approximately 200 million people who are in the process of migrating to or wanting to migrate to their more prosperous industrial centers looking for what is an improved standard of living for them...

This is a worldwide phenomenon that we are going through not just American...we can raise tariffs and such but these are temporary fixes..

The Chinese economy is growing at an extremely high rate, and they are producing coal fired power plants just as fast...the demand on the worlds oil supply by China past Alarming...

The west has long dreamed of an open market within China, always from a racist viewpoint that the west would dominate careful for what you wish for...

The entire monetary system is run by "fear and scarcity" we produce
products that don't last in order to be able to make "next years model"

and we make war machinery which is almost useless....

after writing all this, i realized that what we want as Americans, or more universally as humans is simply a "decent" job....but when you give us a whole lot of "downtime" some of us use it to research things...(maybe too much)......

I think FDR said one of the "new deals" principles was such a job...but then
the other side of the political spectrum still hates the New Deal...


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Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Empty Re: Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:53 pm

Elvis, again you scored a bullseye! Another point "steaming" in my head. This is a global recession and Americans must realize that what they hope for in the ways and means of growing jobs by disrupting the global economic and trade balance is horrifically without deeper understanding of how these actions will in short order bite them in the behind.

Additionally this "me me me" is turning a "blind eye" to the struggling impoverished individuals around the world whose only means to survive is to work for these rotten contract companies.

Apple's cost to build the iPhone 5 is approximately $197 per unit. It is sold by Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon for $199 to $399, depending on the gigs.

Yes, let's make these Apple products more expensive so few people and institutions will buy them. Guess what! Layoffs at AT&T, Verizon, Sprint!!

And go after these American retail stores. They're making a hell of a profit too. Bring the house down!

At least the iPhone is now being made in America - manufacturing plants, worker pension plans, unions still to be determined!

Why Apple will never bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Baby_c11

macky Rolling Eyes


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