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Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by rodneysjones Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:53 am

Has anyone ever been to a job fair where some kind of coaching was offered? Someone to actually help you approach the companies with a level of confidence?


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by need_a_break Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:07 am

I had been to a job fair recently that was aimed at the older job seeker. From people I had talked to who attended, it was a big waste of time. All the employers did was tell you to go to their website to apply for their jobs. Wasn't worth the time to get dress to go there.

The coach there seemed best for people who were maybe newly unemployed. She gave the usual career advice about researching companies and using keywords on your resume. But when we asked her what do you do when all you get from an employer is to go to their website to fill out an application to contact them, she didn't have an answer. It seems now that if you don't know anybody in the good paying job that you want you need a recruiter.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by zphtar Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:44 pm

I don't go to job fairs anymore. They were a waste to time for me also. Same experience as need_a_break. You get all dressed up and wait in line to get in. They tell you to bring dozens of resumes with you and when you get there they just tell you to apply on their website. They don't want to take your resume. What's the point? I would also so say the majority of employers are looking for sales people anyway.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by zphtar Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:47 pm

Also to meant to add that if you want couching, try your local Work Force center or whatever it might be called in your area. They might have seminars or you can meet on one with a couch.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:19 pm

You have pretty much described every job fair but one I have been to in the last 2 years. Everyone has a table, collects resumes, gives you a card and then directs you to a website to apply. No interviews, just basically a meet and greet. I applied to every one of them and have never heard once. I sent thank you, nice to meet you notes to all who gave me their cards, nothing.

I try now to look up all the information I can on those attending these fairs. Most lately are part time retail, mobile phone or my favorite, insurance (where they want you to borrow from them and start your agency, after you pay for your licensing).


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by need_a_break Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:34 pm

I believe that they are now trying to call them career fairs, so they don't have to have current openings available. But you really get very little info except for flyers to drive you to their jobs page. They are even getting away from providing business cards so you don't get any information about internal contacts. I think these mostly help Business to Business of the companies present, so they can market to each other. And they are also more interest in you knowing about their goods and services.

That is so true, Mary Kay, about the insurance carriers at these job fairs.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:05 pm

I don't attend them either. When I did (once upon a time) have a real career. We had a duty (sort of like United Way), to sign up to be at our Corporate table and visit with potential employees. We never actually had any real job openings. But, management thought since our banner was there for all to see, we were "good corporate citizens". I also did not want to give out my business card, kept getting flooded with e-mails and voice mail asking if there were any openings, etc. Man, that was a long, long, time ago. I'm starting to see them being held now for our Veterans, hope those jobs are real.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by rodneysjones Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:15 pm

I've seen some career fairs that tout "interview on the spot". Should I expect the same results from them? I guess something like a coach would be nice. Someone needs tell whoever puts those things together that it would be a change of pace to have someone coach, or a speaker present on how we can better our chances to get hired! I wonder how that would fly?


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:40 pm

I have had the same thoughts rodney. By the way, welcome to our forum.

Coaches and speakers would be helpful, I just don't understand why if you have companies participating in job fairs, they aren't companies that are hiring. If you live in a certain area, such as here in PA/NJ area, we are all aware of Aramark, the giant caterer for all public stadiums and corps. We are all aware of TD Bank and Wells Fargo, I don't need to see their banner, particularly if they aren't hiring anyone. I don't want to sound cynical, but why bother. Like you rodney, I hope the returning vets are not finding this same bait an switch.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:41 pm

I meant bait and switch. sorry.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by superstevies Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:00 pm

You don't need any coaching ahead of time at job fairs in So. Cal. why? because most of the time there are not many company's even hiring...there are a few but most are Schools with booths set up to try and enroll you or the sherriff's dept./ CHP / Gov. offices trying to get you to sign up all of which are good & could lead to a job somewhere down the road...but WE NEEDED A JOB YESTERDAY...& Most of us don't have any money ...yeah yeah, I know financial aid but still doesn't cover the costs & out of pocket expenses.
I have get to go to one that I left & felt it gave me the edge...Why do businesses go to job fairs where ahead of time say they will be hiring on the spot then you go and wait in line for almost 2 hours in my parts then hear from the few that are hiring we will be hiring at Xmas time...well duh...or they just tell you to do what you have been doing all along...Go to the company's website and apply.

I'm sorry, I have been to over 10 job fairs keep going and keep seeing the above over and over....

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Location : Rncho Cucamga, CA

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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:21 pm

I think the local Chambers should be made aware of these practices. Lots of money being spent to put these on and sometimes I swear it's for the publicity. As a matter of fact, I think I will write my local Chamber of Commerce now. Bait and switch, maybe I should also write the BBB (lol).


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by Guest Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:21 pm

hi, ss. Hope you are well. Miss you.


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Job Fairs:  Do They Offer Anything Else? Empty Re: Job Fairs: Do They Offer Anything Else?

Post by superstevies Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:44 pm

Hello right back attcha MK> Miss ya too...but I didn't go anywhere I am on here all the time. I just stay in the background...all this mess has made me sorta negative & I know that fair well with a lot of people. Rest assured I am in it for the fight. I call, fax, email ect. I thought I had a job with amazon but guess not.

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Location : Rncho Cucamga, CA

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