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Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

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Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Empty Re: Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Post by wausauguy Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:33 pm

DesoerateubRI A friend called me this morning and as he was talking I heard this on the radio and I told him what I had just heard and he said something like what planet are they on.
For me, it just adds more hurt, I "know" this is not the whole story, I mean unemployment / hiring has not been burst. But, there is a part of me that is feeling as though somehow the hiring and jobs are missing me and that it must be my fault in some way. At this point, I admit I can hardly function so saying I am a good candidate for any job just doesn't feel authentic anymore.
I know, I have to pick myself up. I need to watch how much I put into negative words and such, i certainly do not want to reinforce the negative.
After losing an $8 an hour job after 2.5 weeks.... not sure how much further down I can go.
I want to be proven wrong but to me the headline is all hype. When I land a reasonable job and have it for more than a year.. then I could say yeah the economy has improved.


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Join date : 2011-04-24

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Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Empty Re: Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:48 pm

It is not you! This has been going on for millions of us for well over three years! Even the main stream media were pointing out this morning after these numbers came out that many of these so-called jobs are part-time, minimum wage jobs that a person cannot live on. They also mentioned that the "discouraged" workers were not included. "Discouraged Workers" is a nice way of saying "99ers" or exhaustees. Of course we are discouraged, but continue to seek employment. Do people really believe that people who have run out of benefits and still have no job stop looking for work? I want to scream every time I hear the unemployed have given up!

Hang in there! We are all in this together and here for each other. Somehow, we will get through this.


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Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Empty Re: Unemployment rate hits 8.3 pct. after hiring burst - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Post by wausauguy Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:53 pm

You are so right on. While I am expressing feeling defeated, I have not "given up searching for work" as is seems to be described too often.
Thank you for the reminder... it is not "all about me".

I better get going and start living my day instead of wasting time online.



Posts : 197
Join date : 2011-04-24

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