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Payroll tax cut, jobless aid deal likely: aides  Empty Payroll tax cut, jobless aid deal likely: aides

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:16 am

After another fiscal fight next month, U.S. lawmakers are likely to agree to extend payroll tax cuts and emergency unemployment assistance, senior congressional aides said on Tuesday.

Stunts designed to score political points may intercede, but in the end, the direct hit to Americans' wallets and risks to the economy posed by lapses in either program make an agreement probable, aides said.

Republicans will push hard to get both extensions fully paid for and make them deficit-neutral. If that can be assured, a deal will happen, they said.

Keep up to date with the latest news on the extension of unemployment benefits on the Ways & Means Committee Facebook page, "ExtendUI"!!


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Payroll tax cut, jobless aid deal likely: aides  Empty Re: Payroll tax cut, jobless aid deal likely: aides

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:39 am

I have to agree, some will make themselves available for the "Capitol Soundbite" to make it look good, but the economy is so insecure and unsure right now, I don't think they would risk it. They will just make us worry. If they were smart, they would come back next week, out of the gate and just start approving these bills. It would stabilize the economy as much as it can, stabilize the markets and the fears and help the spending for the last 35 days of the year. It would clear up all unsurety. But, they aren't smart and they probably won't.

Please all 99ers, this is the chance for you to contact Ways and Means and get you voice heard. This extension has to include those of us who have exhausted.

Monday, we will start again. Please join me. Payroll tax cut, jobless aid deal likely: aides  34243


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