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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:48 am

An ill-conceived scheme to make an end run around public opposition to major spending cuts to entitlement and social programs has foundered, with leaders of both parties huddling through the weekend to come to terms on a joint explanation for the spectacular failure of the super committee.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:02 pm

Time to get loud! They are a D I S G R A C E!!

The only upside to this is that the markets, the media and the country are screaming about the lack of Jobs. We could ride this wave and force their hands. Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles 34243


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:01 pm

And just another view of the failure of the Super Committee and Congress in general.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:04 pm

And another glowing report:

Make sure the defense budget never gets touched. D I S G R A C E F U L!!!!


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:48 pm

Still waiting for the big announcement from the Super Committee. Markets are taking a beating and the unemployed and 99ers sit and wait, as usual.

Please all, do not take this sitting down. We need to express our complete displeasure as often as we can.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by JoanB Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:26 pm

I hate to say it, but I was more worried that they would come to an agreement, which would have been Democrats being "bipartisan" by giving Republicans everything they want and selling us out.

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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:40 pm

JoanB wrote:I hate to say it, but I was more worried that they would come to an agreement, which would have been Democrats being "bipartisan" by giving Republicans everything they want and selling us out.
I agree with you. I thought for sure the Dems would cave again. This whole "super-committee" idea was very scary.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:00 pm

Not that I wanted the Democrats to cave, that's for sure, but I worry that now that it has failed, if the ratings agencies decide to jump in, our interest goes up. I further worry that any additional help for the unemployed, the #99ers, the middle class tax cuts and no hope of a jobs bill. That's why I worry about this giant flop.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:13 pm

President's news conference this evening. He stands firm, there will be a veto if anyone tries to get around the 1.2 trillion in cuts. They can continue to try and work together and arrive at a reasonable compromise. Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles 34243


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by tristen303 Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:26 pm

You guys the Repubs are out flanking the left and want the downgrade come! The more expensive the borrowing costs the more spending must be brought down; remember raising taxes is giving them more money to spend that isn't theirs.
They've got a year before the cuts come in and the one term Pres will be out so the cards the Dems are holding int this poker game are useless.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:40 am

Well, thanks tristen, that was uplifting. I am sure everyone feels much better now. (eyeroll)

If we listen to your argument, then the American people are dumb enough to vote for a person or a party that would basically, perpetrate fraud on the American people, the voters, to get the Republican Party back in complete power. Now, we could see the logic behind the attempt to do so, but you don't have much faith in your fellow Americans if you think they would get behind such a desperate plan that would have consequences that not only our children and grandchildren would wind up paying for, but their children as well. Think about what you are saying. If we get yet another downgrade from the ratings agencies (the very smart people who ignored the housing bubble altogether, sorry, but eyeroll again), our interest rate to say China, goes up again, not to mention all of the other loans we have out there. So automatically, we raise the deficit, not for anything useful, just for interest, because we couldn't agree. Then we immediately get our "war" committee to start lobbying to not have the "failure" cuts go into place, for the military. Now I am all for veterans benefits, medical assistance and housing assistance, along with jobs assistance for all our vets. Do you think the vets will see anything from that fight, "hell no" (sound familiar). It's for the war mongers. Do the American people have to keep building nations with our money, keep troops all over the place to build, protect and spend, spend, spend. No, we need a real military, people, bases and the expenses that go with it. You, yourself are a vet. Should families of veterans constantly be asked to make a sacrifice, year after year so Haliburton, Blackrock, GE and the like can make the almighty buck. The spending has to be wise and it should start with the very social issues you seem to despise.

The President may well be a one term President. I hope not, but that's my opinion. I have to live with the will of the rest of Americans, so do you. My hope is that when the dust settles and the "book tour" candidates go away, we are left with an intelligent, reasonable human being who will then run against President Obama, not the clown college they are trying to tell everyone that the American people want. This American doesn't. I don't want to be told what and where to save, where to get medical help, who to buy from, when to buy, who I can and cannot recognize as a couple, person or friend. I don't, as a woman, want to go back to the 80's where my female related Dr's werent covered and I had to go to Planned Parenthood, because they will close them as well and then what do we do. As a veteran, aren't you worried, that the party you support has done nothing but constantly vote no on issues that would greatly change your life?

The other thing, and this is for myself and all members. Please remember that every day someone new joins us and reading posts that tell us we are done, is exactly what they are joining here to get help for, not to be told, it's over. We are all here to support and help. Debate is great, but we all need to preface our statements that it is our opinion, or that we would like to debate certain points, not just post with emotion and anger. Some members may be completely turned off and not participate at all. All members are welcome, all opinions are welcome, all points can be discussed, in a way that is human and thoughtful. A good debate is healthy, it doesn't have to be just one way and it doesn't have to hurt. Many of us came here originally to get away from the hurt, looking for some comfort among friends, in the same situation. Please remember, think about what you are posting, because it's not about what you say, it's how you say it. Guilty as charged, I know, I am not without blame here. Just needed to post a reminder.


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:14 am

Interesting read from Politico this morning:


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:45 pm

Please all, take the opportunity to let them know how you feel. Join one of the advocating campaigns and make your voice heard. Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles 34243


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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by lendmeflight2 Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:24 pm

This whole debate around whether Obama will be a one term president because of the super committee failure (and other things) is amusing to me because it is so irrelevant. If Obama is voted out things will be the same or worse than they are now in four years time and then everyone will be talking about "one term Romney". Then everyone will swing back to vote for Alan Grayson to beat Romney. It's really absurd the way we choose a president. If we are having a bad day we vote against whoever the president is, if tomorrow is a little better we vote for him.

I know this is just my opinion and might sound crazy but if the American public had the least bit of education on how the government runs and who actually makes which decisions AND if the majority of us didn't make decisions based on what religious crazy people told us to do then we wouldn't have been in this mess to start with.

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Join date : 2011-02-21

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Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles Empty Re: Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:35 pm

Well said. And good to see you. Super Committee Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles 34243


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