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99 weeks of UI causes major depression

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99 weeks of UI causes major depression Empty 99 weeks of UI causes major depression

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:55 am

This is rediculous, its the fact we dont have JOBS that causes this not the checks.

This Administration's policies are making some of my patients sicker.

Social and economic policies have psychological consequences. This is very apparent in the case of the federal government extending unemployment benefits up to 99 weeks.

In my practice alone, several individuals have found it much harder to overcome symptoms of major depression and anxiety because they can't rationalize giving up their unemployment checks and taking jobs that would pay them less (sometimes far less) than what they were used to earning

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Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 50
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99 weeks of UI causes major depression Empty Re: 99 weeks of UI causes major depression

Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:58 am

THERE ARE NO JOBS! Why is that so hard to understand???? If there were, we wouldn't be living like this! Why do some people think we enjoy living in this hell? Figures this was published by Fox News!



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99 weeks of UI causes major depression Empty Re: 99 weeks of UI causes major depression

Post by TR11005 Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:17 am

This is from FAUX News of course! It is suitable jobs, stupid.!

People get major depression mainly due to being angry inside. This causes a chemical imbalance. The anger is because of no jobs, not the length of being on UI. Their skills can get rusty, but will quickly come back if given proper time.

Did you forget to ride a bike? No, but you don't take off riding it at 30 miles per hour either. You work backup to the level or exceed it in a short time, if given a proper chance.

The UI checks are means of getting by until a suitable position comes along. It is not taking the first McDonalds position that come along or told to get by stupid ignorant people that have no clue.

The workers making $100,000 or morre. Have a greater problem in adjusting. UI is less than 50%, maybe 10% of what they used to make.


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99 weeks of UI causes major depression Empty Re: 99 weeks of UI causes major depression

Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:38 am

Don't even read it. They probably paid this "practioner" to do the interview and, with all the laws regarding privacy, I sincerely doubt they could get a Dr. to make that statement. Look who owns them. Need I say more.

We will never change the minds of "those" kinds of people, why waste your energy. We need to change the minds of those who can get us Jobs and Benefits.

August 2 is coming. Jobs report is not good today, more of that to follow. Then you'll see how quickly minds will be changed. 99 weeks of UI causes major depression 34243


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