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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:07 am

Kicking 'em while they're down

Arizona's conservatives have committed an extraordinarily mean and petty act, even by the low standards of today's Right. They've refused to change one word in a state law - a change that would have let at least 15,000 people keep receiving unemployment benefits. And they've done it even though it wouldn't have cost their state a penny.

Even Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, the guiding force behind last year's draconian anti-immigrant law (and at times so cartoonishly mean that she could be a Simpsons character herself), tried to get them to change their minds. Their response was, in effect, "You didn't ask us nicely enough." As Business Week reports, they were really holding this money hostage to push their usual corporate and rich-person menu of tax cuts and deregulation.


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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:13 am

That is insanely cruel and irresponsible behavior. Im sick of them getting away with this stuff. Evil or Very Mad


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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by laine25 Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:19 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
Kicking 'em while they're down

Arizona's conservatives have committed an extraordinarily mean and petty act, even by the low standards of today's Right. They've refused to change one word in a state law - a change that would have let at least 15,000 people keep receiving unemployment benefits. And they've done it even though it wouldn't have cost their state a penny.

Even Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, the guiding force behind last year's draconian anti-immigrant law (and at times so cartoonishly mean that she could be a Simpsons character herself), tried to get them to change their minds. Their response was, in effect, "You didn't ask us nicely enough." As Business Week reports, they were really holding this money hostage to push their usual corporate and rich-person menu of tax cuts and deregulation.

As an AZ resident all of the above it true. Now 15,000 unemployed have to suffer. It may not seem like much to people who don't live here but for a woman to call into a local radio station and say she now won't be able to have air-conditioning as she can't affort to pay for it...well this is tragic. Our temps are ranging from 111 to 115 daily. As mentioned in previous posts, I'm writing, emailing, calling, faxing everyone. The only response I got from my respresentative for my district was " I would have voted for EB extension and "good luck with the job search". I can't believe these people.

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Age : 59

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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 pm

laine25 wrote:
DesperateInRI wrote:
Kicking 'em while they're down

Arizona's conservatives have committed an extraordinarily mean and petty act, even by the low standards of today's Right. They've refused to change one word in a state law - a change that would have let at least 15,000 people keep receiving unemployment benefits. And they've done it even though it wouldn't have cost their state a penny.

Even Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, the guiding force behind last year's draconian anti-immigrant law (and at times so cartoonishly mean that she could be a Simpsons character herself), tried to get them to change their minds. Their response was, in effect, "You didn't ask us nicely enough." As Business Week reports, they were really holding this money hostage to push their usual corporate and rich-person menu of tax cuts and deregulation.

As an AZ resident all of the above it true. Now 15,000 unemployed have to suffer. It may not seem like much to people who don't live here but for a woman to call into a local radio station and say she now won't be able to have air-conditioning as she can't affort to pay for it...well this is tragic. Our temps are ranging from 111 to 115 daily. As mentioned in previous posts, I'm writing, emailing, calling, faxing everyone. The only response I got from my respresentative for my district was " I would have voted for EB extension and "good luck with the job search". I can't believe these people.
you should contact that Rep. and ask for suggestions on where to begin to look for a job - they don't exist!


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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by laine25 Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:51 pm

He doesn't answer my emails. I just sent him the quote above. Let's see if I'll get an answer.

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Age : 59

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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:39 pm

This currently affects close to 15,000 now, DES is reporting an estimate of 30,000 by year-end. Reps are still claiming that the funds need to be tied to job creation, would only agree if businesses are given tax incentives to create more jobs. So, I guess they don't think that jobs will be lost since the 3.5 million in funds for the extension will not be available to spent in AZ. I see strip malls on every corner with signs that read Sq Ft. available for lease, thousands of stores/food/vit/automotive and othermarkets folded. Not all were not based on some speciality either.


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Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona Empty Re: Why Conservatives Punish Their Victims: A Lesson From Arizona

Post by laine25 Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:48 pm

I know. I see a lot of business that have gone under. A lot of buildings are empty. My feeling about the tax incentives for businesses would be first you take care of the people who are suffering, the unemployed and then worry about tax incentives later. There is no guarantee that businesses given tax incentives would create more jobs. Another thing they could do is to hire people and then lay them off.

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Join date : 2011-02-21
Age : 59

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