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CBS Sunday News: Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression

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CBS Sunday News:  Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression Empty CBS Sunday News: Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression

Post by evw59 Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:42 pm


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Location : Portland, Oregon

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Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:24 am

"If you have been unemployed for 6 months or more, it takes a much deeper toll - not just on your personal finances and your career prospects - but on your emotional well-being," said Paul Taylor, an executive vice president with the Pew Research Center.

Tinong Nwachan said no matter how hard it's been, he isn't giving up on his search.

"I'm taking everything one day at a time. Eventually I know I'm gonna find something," Nwachan said.

All he says he's hoping for is a job that will take more of his time, and take him off the streets.

Read more:


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Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:25 am

This article needs to be tweeted, retweeted, shared on Facebook and sent to every member of the House & Senate!

Oh yeah, Austan Goolsbee too! He doesn't have a clue! Evil or Very Mad


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Post by suri Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:04 pm

Clueless? You are TOO KIND!! CBS Sunday News:  Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression 895764


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Post by Kulkulkan Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:12 pm

"That person has to realize that, discover what field they want to work in, become trained and find a job in that field," said Jerry Nickelsburg, Sr., an economist at UCLA.

Duh, nitwit. Perhaps if you ivory tower types were to , perhaps, give us some idea WHAT to be retrained in, or how someone with NO money can afford that, you would be worth something. Really insulting, really, since it implies we are somehow too dumb and/or stubborn to adapt.

Also, the comments section just makes me Mad. At this point I don't care if Obama or Bush are to blame. Just help us fix it!

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Age : 52
Location : Santa Maria

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Post by americatheneedy Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:23 pm

I am so frickin sick of hearing about retraining. I went back to school and retrained for a area with mass "shortages"-teaching, now they are laying all the teachers off because they have blown the money on bs. Now I am stuck with loans because of my retraining. I am so sick of hearing this-I know others are as well. Retrain in what???? Nobody is hiring.

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Location : North Carolina

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Post by jchapman Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:40 pm

That retraining B***s*** is just another excuse in a long line of excuses, that started with "we inherited a mess left by George Bush.. The economy sucks, & the news media is just trying to cover Obama's lies & the Wall Street crowd that he keeps company with.


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Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:39 pm

I've spent countless hours doing research looking through trade publications and other articles trying to figure out what to consider being retrained for. Almost everything is tied to the fact that if the unemployed don't have money to spend, then it is likely that particular industry will not have plentiful jobs either. I've seen all the stats posted from the BLS about what fields are growing, mostly healthcare (and, I really am still not convinced of that, I know nurses that have been laid off). And, I live in a sunbelt state with elder folks. Medical facilities are actually over built in some places. I'm not opposed to retraining, but I'm too old to go 100 percent into this line of thinking, come out of the training with no experience, and limited jobs because that field has been blown up as well during my training period, or whatever.


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