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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:32 am

It seems like everyday people are asking, "Where is Barbara Lee?" She was on CSpan this morning once again talking about HR 589, the 99ers, lack of jobs and high unemployment.

A better question to ask is, "Where are the Co-Sponsors???"


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 am


While we know its very important and imperative to remain positively optimistic with a positive attitude at all times in trying to find multitude of ways to communicate and influence our working politicians as we have done, at same time I think many on the forum board etc.. raise a fair question that can be asked as it has been 4 months now to where not whole lot of any real debate or serious discussions of any transpiring on that bill or any other yet on additional weeks etc...
, and furthermore, lets be honest, nothing directly was really stated today directly in her behalf about '589' , but rather one simple statement she 'tied' in with a couple other generalities as to jobs and as a whole/group and CBC need to pick it up a bit during month of June. Plus, all this was of course today was a media type showing on ideas basically but nothing concrete and just with a reporter so we do have to be realistic and take it for what it's worth. We have to continue to educate our own people on UC and/or those that continue to get laid off in the job market.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mistermunster Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:37 am

DesperateInRI wrote:It seems like everyday people are asking, "Where is Barbara Lee?" She was on CSpan this morning once again talking about HR 589, the 99ers, lack of jobs and high unemployment.

A better question to ask is, "Where are the Co-Sponsors???"

THATS right, WHERE are the "82"?????? They ALL should be running OFF at the mouth on this. Mad Mad Mad Mad

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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:35 am

Friends, again it's not about the 'OTHER 82", as much as it is the 'other 500', or at least 20 or 30 of them we (and the "82") need to pursuade and influence aboard our ship for the unemployment with additional weeks, its a collaborative effort. Understand we need our team of 82 so to speak on same page of more emphasis possibly, but it's ALL OF THEM on both sides of isle that need come together as bills/ammendments evolve with UI and whatever else it ends up being tied in with. And, what we need is a leader to influence the other 81, like Lee or whomever at this point.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am

mj33 wrote:Friends, again it's not about the 'OTHER 82", as much as it is the 'other 500', or at least 20 or 30 of them we (and the "82") need to pursuade and influence aboard our ship for the unemployment with additional weeks, its a collaborative effort. Understand we need our team of 82 so to speak on same page of more emphasis possibly, but it's ALL OF THEM on both sides of isle that need come together as bills/ammendments evolve with UI and whatever else it ends up being tied in with. And, what we need is a leader to influence the other 81, like Lee or whomever at this point.

I understand it is about more than the "other 82", however if they spoke out and were as proactive as Rep. Lee, there would have been a chance we would have seen more movement on this. Since its introduction, Reps. Lee and Scott have been the only ones to mention it. Don't you think it would have picked up more momentum if over 80 Reps. put the pressure on the W & M Committee, spoke out in the mainstream media, brought it to their constituents attention, etc? I certainly do.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:44 am

yes, I agree with you in sheer numbers that more than one obviously is better than just one in itself, but I think the quality and strength (even if just one person) is greater and can be more influential than the quantity (or number) of consituents at this point. The overall tone and level of intensity from the very few that may or do seem to have an interest in aiding us the most could benefit and needs pick up more than anything is all Im implying.

At the rate of the jobless rate (and todays #'s) to where we are at today, everybody knows there should be more depth of talks by either 1 and/or all of them, including Representative Lee.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by sbraney Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:15 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it require 218 of the 435 representatives to pass this legislation in the house? If so, we still need 136 of "our" legislators to step up to the plate. Since the cons have so predictably overwhelmed the democrats by convincing the pathetically gullible public that they are fiscally conservative, I sincerely doubt that anybody will risk their neck to, as they say "pay people not to work" in this climate where the "grownups" have convinced the unconscious that spending is the problem - NOT Bush's tax cuts during wartime - creating a situation that anyone with even a breath of experience could have predicted --the resulting federal deficits would trickle down to subsequent loss of funding at the state and local level. So the serfs received a $400 "tax break" - borrowed, so we'll all owe far more than the money was worth, yet the corporations and the ownership class got 10x that amount - the working class received their bill too since they don't participate in the tax game, and here's the best part: since this amounts to trillions in deficit spending, the working class communities will have to forego government services - reduced police, fire, infrastructure, education, etc, etc., resulting in a devastating race to the bottom. Yeh, this is what America is all about...this is the "democracy" that we're trying to spread???

The democrats failed us miserably early on by wasting so much time with the giveaway to the insurance companies - after all, if you didn't gather anything from the bailout heist, AIG (American International Group!) and other insurance companies are investment banks too, and Obama owes his career to banksters. Instead of working on something that would have truly helped the citizens of this nation, they insisted on passing more taxcuts for the wealthy (themselves) and forfeiting a golden opportunity to create a socially progressive America - we could have led the world in green energy and instead of more taxcuts for stateless transnationals, encouraged small businesses to renew our idle manufacturing facilities and once again put America back to work. Instead, they continued the Bush and Clinton mistakes and gave our heritage away to big business. Now the corporations and banksters are so powerful that they cannot be controlled - isn't that fascism when corporations run the state? We the people (taxpayers) will be on the hook for $250,000 per deposit - and in case you missed it - most of the depositors AREN'T Americans!! We're global and the global slaves pick up the bill for their owners. We exist to serve them. Don't you smell something stinky here - from $40,000 after the Great Depression to $250,000 after the Great Recession with no criminal action whatsoever? Bonuses awarded for failure??

In addition, after the economy tanked, the republican party had absolutely nothing to redeem itself until President Obama decided that it was more important to try and play with the bullies - as Clinton did - in order to be popular. Teenagers who lack strong internal support succumb to similar pressure in highschool when they are so easily led by their peers. It infuriates me that so many in the United States are suffering because of these "bipartisan" efforts to turn the country into a plutocracy, but perhaps "bipartisan" is just cover for both DINOS and RINOS whose real agenda amounts to enriching themselves at any cost to this society and the world at large. Remember the gangsters in the democrat party: Rubin, Summers and Greenspan who swung both ways - Geithner is a protégé - consider how many former Goldman Sach's CEOs/Board Chairmen were appointed as U.S. Treasury secretaries - is that democratic - whose interests are they serving? The working class is being robbed, our Treasury looted, but until we honestly internalize this and demand serious action, nothing will change. They only have a short window of time to complete their pillage - the carnage is becoming painfully obvious even as the corporate owned MSM continues to try to paint a pretty picture of hope. What do you think the money they allocated for "homeland security" yesterday is really going to be used for? When you steal, you have to protect yourself from the eventual uprising as the multitudes take matters into their own hands. The perpetrators always make sure that there are just enough left with very lucrative jobs to keep the myth alive, and convince others that they must have some obvious shortcomings or they'd be prospering too - but serfs all eventually get screwed and ultimately turn the channel too. When your money is worthless, the value of your real estate and investments tank too, because they are based on the value of your currency. Well, just ask the Germans who were robbed by the same group of vicious scoundrels. "German deficits had to be financed internally -- a difficulty which greatly accelerated the printing of fiat currency." Think FED and QE1, QE2 and now QE3...Do you really believe what Bernanke is telling you? Soon we'll see him in front of another Congressional oversight hearing as his predecessor did stating, "well I guess I was wrong" - and, is that it??? We accept this bull$hit without consequence? I was wrong and your money isn't worth the paper it's printed on??

The largest annual contribution to the outstanding public debt during the Nixon years was $30.9 billion; Ford - $87.2 billion; Carter - $81.2 billion; Reagan - $302 billion; Bush(Sr.) - $432 billion; Clinton - $347 billion; GW Bush - $1,017 billion; Obama - $1,885 billion.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:18 pm

meaningless !


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:meaningless !

HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? 944440


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:27 pm

We somehow need to keep contacting the representatives of Black Caucus as we have been with informing them the drastic, desperate, and crucial need for working with and pursuading the Ways and Means committee to move forward on our bill, for economic spending and the 7 million long term unemployed, with no income and out of work.

its nice to here a verbal statement on the direct intent with addressing the need/problem relevant to our cause and the HR 589 bill, as it took a few months it appears for it to finally come out, and all we can do is hope she'll keep up the fight and the CBC working alongside ways and means committee members.

they can bargain and add ammendments in consumer spending, investing, and job creation, and if they cared enough on both sides of isle, we'd have solutions, but we just keep getting hundreds of foreclosure rates etc... On good note, an auto co. in Indiana for Honda expanded a 2nd shift but as Greg on Unemployment Roundtable is pointing out today with his numbers over past entire half hour, we are not moving forward.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:16 pm

Ok, so as I expected from after listening to the released statement today from Repr. Lee and from the 'tone' of where things were at as of yesterday morning from CSpan's morning 'view with Representative Lee on various subject matters, the CBC crew of 42 website directly revealed within last half hour on its site that NOTHING was even mentioned or brought up as to the subject and issue of long term unemployment/exhaustees at yesterdays recent meeting with the Black Caucus. Now, if the blame is going to be on Nancy Pelosi, since she heads the schedule, according to the article, then it is our duty and even moreso the entire leaders of CBC who were most active in writing the HR 589 bill themselves, to influence and pursuade 'fancy' Nancy to have someone included with giving FLOOR TIME to speak on unemployment.

there is no excuse on this matter whatsoever, none, and im saddened to learn that it just shows we have a looooong way to go to where even the one specific party and on smaller scale the group within that, (CBC), has to go for collaborating and actual caring about the enormous problem in todays society, long term unemployment as it pertains to the economic crises/downfall.

We need to write and call TODAY AND MONDAY every major player in 589 from CBC letting them know it is UNNACEPTABLE for them to not pursuade Nancy Pelosi to make that a pertinent topic of discussion at some point during individual floor time from yesterday's meeting.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:18 pm

Furthermore, I commend Ms. Lauren burke, creater of Crewof42 website for her objective reporting on this issue so we can be updated on current daily events from such meetings etc.. and in her efforts in getting it out to the public. thank you!


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:26 pm

Pelosi once again tweets the GOP have done nothing to create jobs and still ignores the 99ers? She really does not care. I tweeted her on her hypocrisy.

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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:32 pm

And this back and forth childish debate of blaming the 'other side' has just gotten totally out of hand, and is getting very very old, not one side, democrat, repub, tea party, or independent has done anything as for specific job intervention/creation or for immediate financial/public assistance for the long term unemployed.

Great post THEMINNOVERMBER! We need to call Pelosi's office on this matter now, asap, and monday letting her know we DEMAND AND WANT AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY NOBODY SPOKE ON THURSDAYS CBC MEETING AT 2:30 ON THE TOPIC OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND LONG TIME EXHAUSTEES/hr 589????


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:35 pm

All the Dems in the House need to band together and demand action NOW. The CBC is only a small portion of the the Dem. caucus in the House. The GOP needs to be called out on their lack of job creation ASAP, and it needs to be done by every Democratic Congressperson. Time for the games to stop! It is also time to stop laying the blame on a small contingent in the House - they should ALL be united in their efforts to expose the GOP leadership for what they are - hypocrites!


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:36 pm

I wish Lauran would have somehow got this information sooner so she could have posted for our public use, so that we could have let Greg Rosen know on his Unemployed Roundtable blog talk radio weekly show this afternoon, as he does a great job of reporting up-to-date factual statistics, but now will have to wait for next week, unless somehow Paladette hears about it on her Jobless Talk radio blog show this evening at 6pm.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:38 pm

mj33 wrote:I wish Lauran would have somehow got this information sooner so she could have posted for our public use, so that we could have let Greg Rosen know on his Unemployed Roundtable blog talk radio weekly show this afternoon, as he does a great job of reporting up-to-date factual statistics, but now will have to wait for next week, unless somehow Paladette hears about it on her Jobless Talk radio blog show this evening at 6pm.
I'm sorry, but I can't take that person seriously. Neither can a lot of other people. Gregg Rosen knows his stuff - the other one doesn't. That is a fact.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:39 pm


Very good points, agreement with there. AT same time, however someone at the small local group level that is primarily out there representing us, meaning the unemployed, and specifically 589 or having more influence with it than others, being the CBC, have got to step up to the plate and demand to speak in our behalf, do u not agree on this at the very least? If I wrote a bill or co-signed it, I would want to speak on the floor during a commitee meeting alongside and with the President and minority speaker in the same room, that to be is just plain common sense. it has to start small before it can spread rapid fire on large scale, thus getting the followers aboard over time. If nobody speaks about it, why else would 81 others get on board??


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:42 pm

Ok, ur certainly entitled to your opinion and I respect it indeed. but, not sure what Greg has to do with what I said, never said anything about him as it relates to Miss Burke, and are you saying that Miss Burke with all her efforts and information provided over time would LIE about her own support she has for the CBC, and basically being our only voice. Don't u think she would look like a total fool on her behalf especially with all her personaly experienced interdealings as photographer wtih white house consituents. What purpose I guess would she want to do this?


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:48 pm

mj33 wrote:Ok, ur certainly entitled to your opinion and I respect it indeed. but, not sure what Greg has to do with what I said, never said anything about him as it relates to Miss Burke, and are you saying that Miss Burke with all her efforts and information provided over time would LIE about her own support she has for the CBC, and basically being our only voice. Don't u think she would look like a total fool on her behalf especially with all her personaly experienced interdealings as photographer wtih white house consituents. What purpose I guess would she want to do this?

I certainly wasn't speaking about Lauren Burke! She does an excellent job with her Crew of 42 blog! I was speaking of the Job Talk radio program you mentioned that airs later this afternoon and the host of that show.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:53 pm

Ok, my apologies, thank you for that explanation in your post, (smiling). yes, well , at same time, as long as someone can legitimately communicate the facts as they come in , I believe in that person and taking the stance as he/she intends to while getting the facts out there, and her voice is just another voice asl ong as it is for purpose of common good and articulated in right fashion, as you have stated in past.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:56 pm

As far as Im concerned, if Im Rep. Lee and Scott, I personally am demanding a private meeting with the chair of CBC as to why no floor time was not given on HR 589/long term unemployed, and would DEMAND an answer in support of the thousands of constituents they represent in each district, and on the national level for a bill they both co-sponsored, that at very least is what they can give us (answers) as to why Pelosi didn't care to being it to table yesterday.


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 pm

mj33 wrote:As far as Im concerned, if Im Rep. Lee and Scott, I personally am demanding a private meeting with the chair of CBC as to why no floor time was not given on HR 589/long term unemployed, and would DEMAND an answer in support of the thousands of constituents they represent in each district, and on the national level for a bill they both co-sponsored, that at very least is what they can give us (answers) as to why Pelosi didn't care to being it to table yesterday.

I agree!! This has been my point from the outset of 589 intro! Yes, We need to call and contact everyone that plays a roll in congress BUT I also say we need to keep asking Lee and Scott to keep the fire hot. We can only do so much as well as they! But they are in power and also if they fight and keep it hot then the co-sponsors keep their fire lit also! But if we do all the contacting , then why should they do anymore. Especially if they are truly dedicated! We cannot hear " They have done as much as they could"... It ain't over until its over. But if they cease to work hard, then the end of 589 will be much sooner!


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:51 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:
mj33 wrote:As far as Im concerned, if Im Rep. Lee and Scott, I personally am demanding a private meeting with the chair of CBC as to why no floor time was not given on HR 589/long term unemployed, and would DEMAND an answer in support of the thousands of constituents they represent in each district, and on the national level for a bill they both co-sponsored, that at very least is what they can give us (answers) as to why Pelosi didn't care to being it to table yesterday.

I agree!! This has been my point from the outset of 589 intro! Yes, We need to call and contact everyone that plays a roll in congress BUT I also say we need to keep asking Lee and Scott to keep the fire hot. We can only do so much as well as they! But they are in power and also if they fight and keep it hot then the co-sponsors keep their fire lit also! But if we do all the contacting , then why should they do anymore. Especially if they are truly dedicated! We cannot hear " They have done as much as they could"... It ain't over until its over. But if they cease to work hard, then the end of 589 will be much sooner!

It isn't just Reps. Lee and Scott!! They only represent a very small portion of the people who will benefit from this legislation and they have been doing all the talking! Where are the other 81 !!! They should be demanding action also! Everyone is criticizing the two people who are actually speaking out!! There are 81 others who we have not heard a peep out of!


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HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors?? Empty Re: HR 589 - Where Are the Co-Sponsors??

Post by mj33 Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:09 pm

Desperate: I think perhaps another way to get the point across is that we need to see the power of either 1, 2, or 10 consituents of the legislative body, to begin in small #'s being that the way the hearings and private meetings are designed and set up is directly for that, for single persons to have 'floor time' to speak, as in case of yesterday where 2 members were chosen to speak to rest of their colleagues by Miss Pelosi. I don't think Rep. Pelosi wants bombarded daily with micromanaging to where being approached daily on every single bill, ammendment, and/or speaking the entire caucus etc... but rather seems much more professional and convenient to have 1 or 2 voices representing the caucus etc... for certain subjects, issues, or matters, which is how basically they all follow, and we have seen decent amount of CBC at times use the designed nightly floor time speaches on Cspan debating in favor of unemployment and extensions on various fronts/levels over past 5 months. Just think that need to start small and take full advantage being that our CBC has done lot of majority of legwork on the established 589 bill and allow those few sponsors of bill follow up and let the branches build so to speak, and be the chiefs with allowing the Indians to join along, but someone needed to step up to plate and I think take advantage in expressing the pertinence on HR 589 to the president yesterday and has find that dedicated way to 'press' Pelosi in any way possible, even if it's just 2 minutes of speaking.


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