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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 11:23 am by DesperateInRI

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Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:14 am

Voted! Thank you for posting the link. Smile


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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by chopthis91 Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:12 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:Vote today in Ed's poll!

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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:16 pm

Voted and shared!

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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:49 pm

Voted! "Yes" was 97%!

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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by sbraney Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:01 pm

Voted but would like to share the following:
The latest Mother Jones included this brilliant piece from Kevin Drum.

Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About

Please pass on to everyone in your distribution lists. I think that he is spot on regarding the Democratic party and is something that I've been trying to explain to my loyal democratic brothers and sisters. It is extremely important to understand what the loss of union funding has meant to the democratic party, who traditionally was representative of the working class - he also explains the role of the DLC and Bill Clinton's agenda to be more corporate friendly.

Notice that nobody speaks about a revenue problem created by huge negotiated tax breaks for corporations and the investor class. As long as people parrot the propaganda presented by the corporate owned media, we are doomed to become just a bunch of benefit less, underpaid serfs. We have got to be willing to look at what happened - especially since 9/11 to create the debt - the interest on $14T only serves banksters, and the tax cuts that amounted to a few hundred for most working class citizens, but hundreds of thousands to the upper crust. Privatizing the wars in the middle east has been extremely lucrative to Wall Street. The number of third party, "unknown" private contractors that were created to perform services for very familiar firms - deals so convoluted that it would require millions of very qualified people just to unravel, have left us with an enormous money pit that serves only the investor class at the egregious expense of our human and financial wealth. This insanity must stop. Both parties are guilty - the United States is an empire with a web so entrenched - installing dictators around the world isn't going to work anymore - if we are to survive and see any kind of future our web of deceit must be broken. I cannot blame other countries for treating us with the same level of consideration that we've had for them - ignoring their plight for so many years via our willful ignorance. What we are experiencing now is nothing compared to the suffering that our foreign policy has supported abroad.


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Particpate in Ed's Poll:  Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class? Empty Re: Particpate in Ed's Poll: Poll: Are GOP Governors' actions against unions part of a strategy to undermine the middle class?

Post by guest Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:31 pm

Voted and thanks for the link. CNN has been showing a poll showing that 61% of people think that Unions should retain bargaining rights.

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