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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by Marc Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:22 pm

First topic message reminder :

First of all, I will try my very best not to use profane language but I apologize if I can't control myself and offend anyone.
Apology posted. Check.
Here we go. Are all the potential employers out there freaking ****, or they just like ***** with people for the fun of it?

I interviewed with this clown a couple months ago. He and his partner own a pretty large electronics distributor in the area, dedicated to commerce within the Latin American region. I was recommended to him by a pretty good recruiter friends of his, which interviewed me for another position but felt my qualifications were the perfect match for these guys.

The interview went pretty well. His personality seems to be of him being a man of few words and straight shooter, which I personally like. After about 25 minutes of talking, he tells me that he likes me and that I am the guy they are looking for, but at this time they don't have any available space in their current location and they are building a brand new, top notch building with a super showroom paid by a manufacturer and blah, blah, blah but it won't be ready until August or September. Regardless, he wants to explore the possibility of perhaps having me working from home (I live literally 2 minutes away from his offices) until the new building gets done, but he wants to speak with his partner so they can "bring me on board" as he said.
He mentions he was going to be out of his office the following week (this was on a Friday) but to call him the following one to work out the details. I did so, and he told me that he hadn't had the chance to speak with his partner since they are so extremely busy and short on people for the volume of business they are handling. I reminded him of how much I could help him with his problem if he was to bring me on board right away, and he said "yes, yes... I know. That's why I got to speak with George about it. Give me a few more days to do it" and I told him I would call him the following week to give him plenty of time.
When I call the following week, I learn that George is now out of the country for about a week, but he again asks me to follow up with him in a few days.

Long story short. After almost two months, he tells me "I'm so sorry but I think it will be better if we wait for the new building to be completed to bring you in".

So why the ****2 are you interviewing (and offering) jobs to people if you don't have the room to hire them?

Want to hear another one? Here we go.

I submit my resume for a position I found online of a cellular phone distributor here in my area. Needless to say this one fits like a globe. 20 years of experience and all the contacts in the world. about 10 minutes after I press "send" I get a phone call. Its them. They say "how soon can you come for an interview?" and about an hour later we're face to face.
The guy interviewing me starts right away saying how impressed he was with my resume and that as soon as he saw it and the companies I've worked for he knew I was the right match. We speak about several people in the industry we commonly know, and he mentions a guy in particular that is a friend of his and I worked with in two different companies for several years. He tells me if I could wait a few minutes because he would like to introduce me to the company's owner. A few minutes later, he comes and we spoke for about 5 minutes or so and he excuses himself by saying "Well, so and so here will handle the details and hurry up and come. I have a warehouse full of stuff for you to sell".
We handle details, agree on salary and other stuff, fill up my paperwork and sign the paperwork for background release and such. The guy tells me that as soon as the background stuff comes back they are ready to tell me when I start. I asked him if it would take probably a few days and he replies "it should be sooner than that".
Well, I said to my wife "I got a job, baby". I haven't heard from them in two days, so I call to find out what's the delay. I know my background check is perfect, because I've never been arrested and I've passed a really detailed one a few months earlier when Comcast offered me a position as one of their subcontractors. Gosh, I even have a concealed weapon permit.
The guy tells me he hasn't heard back from it, but he's going to check and call me back. When he does, he asks me for my wife's name, which I gave him. About two hours later he calls me back telling me about the result being ok, but he mentions I had a foreclosure and a previous bankruptcy. I say to him that it is correct, as I am an unfortunate victim of the economy like many other millions of Americans, and he agrees with me on it. In fact, he mentions a condo in Jacksonville, Fl he is ready to let go back to the bank. I ask him if he foresees this being an issue for the hire, and he says that he don’t expect it to be and will call me back. Two or three days go by without a call, so I email him and call him in the next day. He is out of the office for a week. When he comes back he emails me back apologizing for the delay but he had to go out of town. He says he’ll call me before the end of that week. No call.
The following Monday, I email him again asking him for an answer because he told me almost 3 weeks ago that I was hired and I was eager to start right away. His response about two hours later said that “The owner had decided to go with someone without experience in the market” but he mentions that he would be happy to sell me products so I can sell to my customers and wishes me luck.

You know that feeling when you know you’re **Moderated**?

But wait, I have one more for you.

After applying to an ad on the internet that was looking for a savvy guy with experience in the Caribbean / Latin American market and has real experience and qualifications, I get a phone call for an interview. The guy I interview with and the company shares the same name, so I know I’m talking to the right guy. He’s my age, gives me a brief history on him and the business and we proceed to talk about me, my experience and qualifications, and what it would take for me “to come on board” financially speaking. After a little bit of hassle from both parts we come to an agreement. He says he will talk to his brother, but it is a formality because he is the one running the business. We also talked about family, personal stuff and a few light jokes. He even shares with me the following day he’s going to have a vasectomy done because the wife doesn’t want any more “oops” so he’ll be out that day and perhaps even the following one as well, so he’ll talk to me on the following Monday.
I didn’t hear from him so I called him Tuesday and he apologized for not calling me back. We briefly spoke about his weekend, and he said to me “I will call you tomorrow”. He doesn’t call and I give him two days, then I call. After he answers, I point blank ask him if he’s ready to move forward because after our conversation I decided to jump on board and therefore stop looking for other jobs… I mean I’m very politely asking him if he’s ready to crap or get out of the pot because this is bullshit.
His answer at this point is pretty original: He says there are three positions he’s got to take care of, and he has some serious problems with his warehouse, so he’s got to a) fire the guy at the warehouse, b) shuffle some things around and c) fire a guy in the sales floor BUT do it in a way he will then take the vacant warehouse job… in order to bring me on board. He stresses how touchy the situation is and he is trying to figure out how to “handle it”, it will take a while. No commitment on time. Sounds like it could be a week, a month or a year.

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on? Does the phrase bring you on board means something different these days, kind of like "aha you been punk'd" stuff?


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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by americatheneedy Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:00 pm

Love it New Wave You go Girl!!! I'm still hot too-from the hormone imbalances. Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 74863

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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by New_Wave_Princess Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:08 pm

americatheneedy wrote:Love it New Wave You go Girl!!! I'm still hot too-from the hormone imbalances. Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 74863

I was hot too the other day but realized it was just some weird illness I had. Very Happy

Sick and Tired, if you haven't worked in 10 years and your last job was what they consider unskilled that's being hit with several issues. It's not far, but the longer one is out of the working world the worse off they are. I know for me personally once I find a job again I hope not to be out of working until I retire, even if I have kids. I was never the stay at home type anyway, but in this economy that is just too risky. I have a friend who stayed at home 10 years (well she was mostly lazy but that's another story) and once she tried finding a job she just couldn't. Add in that she was obese and there you go. She did eventually find a job as a cashier.

Unfortunately they do discriminate on looks too, which is wrong. I was a model, I still look good, but I know I am 40 and I won't look like I did at 25 in a few years. I think about this a lot because in my 20's I relied on my looks more than my brain because I learned the sad reality that women are judged more on looks.


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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by Guest Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:19 pm

I have to admit that although I loved having the opportunity to stay at home with the kids, I wish I had worked more. I was self employed for a bit as an Independent Field Inspector (drive by home inspections) and I am starting to pick some inspections up here and there but its not enough at the moment. My contact at the company I do inspections for says its picking up quite a bit so I am hopeful that i can get into it full time soon.

If I do well Im going to get my Real Estate & appraisers license. I would also love to dabble in politics and economics but we'll see what happens.


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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by americatheneedy Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:47 pm

Isn't it ashame that this society punishes women for raising their children and then they talk about you if you don't.

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Location : North Carolina

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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by New_Wave_Princess Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:52 pm

Yep it really is. If a woman stays at home she is attacked and if she works she is attacked. Women can't win. Of course men that stay at home are attacked too.


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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by Marc Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:42 pm

Well, a couple things surfacing I thought to share with you all.
The first one comes from up north. My youngest brother emigrated to Canada less than 3 years ago, and in such a short period of time he has been able to secure a small business loan, which allowed him to get with a partner into a business, which he now fully owns and gives jobs to 5 people and growing. He also just purchased his first home, all by the age of 24 and after pretty much running away from the US with ten grand in his pocket. It is a beautiful thing and I'm super proud of him, and he's been very concern about my situation and truly wants to help. He told me on Saturday he's going to come up with something if I'm ready to move there, and at this point I don't care because I'm just too tired of going thru this and hopefully I can convince my wife to follow suit if the call comes in.

On a separate issue, there is this really well off guy I became friends with a couple months ago, and he just came with a new product which in essence is a vitamin / medicinal cocktail used in racing horses for treating illnesses and stuff, and he has verbally given me the green light to start contacting places in Latin America and start doing sales there. It could be really good and even if it doesn't solve my problem right now, it could develop into something and I will pursue it and see what happens. At this point is it a race against time, so whatever pans out first is what I will do.


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Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't waste my time, Mr. possible employer

Post by mscpateach Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:37 am

Marc it must be exciting to have two possible avenues to success. Best of luck to you in whichever path you take. It definitely is a matter of who you know these days.


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