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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by ExhaustedinCA Tue May 31, 2011 7:54 pm

I just watched this and it brought tears to my eyes because we all are in this same place no matter what state we live in and we all relate. This is the kind of thing you would never see the MSM reporting on and that is just so sad. This is the kind of thing that needs to go viral!!!

Alright time to get back to work RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten 671705

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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by Guest Tue May 31, 2011 8:02 pm

Rhonda Taylor. She is a wonderful person.

RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten 1362819209


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by Guest Tue May 31, 2011 9:58 pm

She did a great job! She said everything that needed to be said.


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by carl98430 Tue May 31, 2011 10:17 pm

She speaks for all of us, and she did a heck of a job, too! I only wish that members of Congress would realize just how serious our plight has become. It's one thing to get fired or to quit your job. But when your company shuts down and you lose your job, or if you're laid off because of budget cuts......then there ought to be assistance afforded to you until you're back on your feet. Unemployment Insurance is just what the names implies - INSURANCE. It's paid into by our employers for times like these. And if we can continue to dole out billions upon billions of $$ for education, road-building, school-building and other projects around the world, then surely our government can do something to help its own citizens who have worked hard, been honest, played by the rules, and lost their job due to circumstances completely beyond their control.

God bless Ms. Taylor. That video should be shown to every member of Congress.


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by mj33 Tue May 31, 2011 11:20 pm


while your point is very important and raises very much concern, we all know that much economic research is what these politicians look at as for spending the money for 'insurance' or not spending the money, so unless we have a creative job intervention plan or program that involves both employers and new employees currently out of work, we can argue until we are blue in the face but taht approach isn't likely going to le them know to where they'll just feel 'sorry' for us and compassionate. Todays world doesn't allow for that aspect, and we all know there's various ways people become laid off, terminated for various reasons including budget cuts/company lay offs just to name one, but eventually we'll get our day with emergency insurance and jobs plan I do think, maybe later this summer.


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by mj33 Tue May 31, 2011 11:26 pm

Something that Ive always wondered for over a year now, which to me is just 100% PURE COMMON SENSE, and somethign Ive mentioned in different ways to different settings, is why don't the professors and leading researchers in these peer reviewed magazines and on university level do research on the long term exhaustees themselves, the tens of thousands or few million and gather a sample study as to whether or not the current existing public assistance programs are indeed reflective of working for the american citizens they are intended for, including those out of work. In other words, do they qualify for this or that, and if not, why not. Hm.... is that asking to much or too complicated, and furthermore, why isn't an organiz. like NELP workign as a liason to connect with the economic world at the doctorate/university level. Today I did much research on labor economics in workplace as it relates to unemp. insurance and not one direct article about current public programs out there subject to us, yes the LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED. I read and browsed through hundreds of articles so am telling the truth. ETA does become involved as part of its own labor stat's but we still have LONG way to go.


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by mj33 Tue May 31, 2011 11:29 pm

in case anyone has interest level or passion for further readings on that subject matter, specific journals and past readings on research can be obtained through Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Public Economics, and Journal of Labor Economics, which are few good sources tying in topic of unemployment insurance just name one of its areas of course.


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by Angelicrisis Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:25 am

What a beautiful person, and soul. Thanks Rhonda Taylor, you are appreciated!


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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by americatheneedy Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:13 am

God I cried.

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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by Judi58 Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:28 pm

ExhaustedinCA wrote:I just watched this and it brought tears to my eyes because we all are in this same place no matter what state we live in and we all relate. This is the kind of thing you would never see the MSM reporting on and that is just so sad. This is the kind of thing that needs to go viral!!!

Alright time to get back to work RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten 671705

Can't you put a link to this on facebook ?? I am not that good with the social networking sites... but on the 99ers facebook or 99 union page.. Many would see it then..just a thought..

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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:53 pm

Judi58 wrote:
ExhaustedinCA wrote:I just watched this and it brought tears to my eyes because we all are in this same place no matter what state we live in and we all relate. This is the kind of thing you would never see the MSM reporting on and that is just so sad. This is the kind of thing that needs to go viral!!!

Alright time to get back to work RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten 671705

Can't you put a link to this on facebook ?? I am not that good with the social networking sites... but on the 99ers facebook or 99 union page.. Many would see it then..just a thought..

I can computir

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Age : 49

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RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten Empty Re: RI Unemployed 99er speaks out on being forgotten

Post by Guest Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:46 pm

Thank you Rhonda Taylor and our prayers are with you and your family.


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