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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Angelicrisis Fri May 13, 2011 12:45 pm

Why is she being so quiet before another vacation, and more importantly why is looking at the head of the Ways and Means committee? who is obvioulsy as corrupt and idiotic as the republican party. It's almost as if they want to wipe our existence off the planet. I don't even understand how any of this could be happening the way it is. It's inhumane and embarrasing. Is this really America?..... Frustrated


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri May 13, 2011 12:56 pm

Listen this is a PIECE OF CRAP blog that uses the terms 589 and 99ers to get views. ITS ALL BS!

Please don't read this TEA PARTY CRAP.

They lied last week and said Osama died in 2001 ALL based on BS!

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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Angelicrisis Fri May 13, 2011 1:09 pm

I notice the tags appear in google whenever you type in 99ers and HR589, but I did'nt know they affiliated with the tea party ( I hate the tea party). As far as the Bin Laden thing, I think there is always gonna be someone trying to discredit Obama for killing Osama. Thanks though, I always read blogs that are as impassioned as that one with a grain of salt anyway, but looks like I need to cut the grain in half.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty What happened to HR589

Post by woodhorse74 Fri May 13, 2011 1:41 pm

I believe this now is a dead issue. Why haven't we heard from Barbara Lee?


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 1:50 pm

woodhorse74 wrote:I believe this now is a dead issue. Why haven't we heard from Barbara Lee?

The latest statement from Rep. Lee on Unemployment and HR 589:§iontree=35,57&itemid=2361

You can check these sites daily for updates from Rep. Lee:

Last edited by DesperateInRI on Fri May 13, 2011 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Fri May 13, 2011 1:55 pm

sorry, but these links only say what we already know. they say nothing about the next plan or steps to continue the fight!! Just says what the repubs. are gutting unemployment extensions. Ok, That we know.. What is Lee's next move and her co sponsors????? Legit question..


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Angelicrisis Fri May 13, 2011 1:58 pm

Thanks for posting that DeperateinRI. Im curious now to see what statement she has to make after the meeting yesterday. I give her credit enough to know that a compromise is going to be the quickest way to get passage of this legislation. Gotta look up that congressional calendar to find out when they get back. I have'nt lost faith, but for the 1st time in a while my spirit feels beat down.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 2:16 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:sorry, but these links only say what we already know. they say nothing about the next plan or steps to continue the fight!! Just says what the repubs. are gutting unemployment extensions. Ok, That we know.. What is Lee's next move and her co sponsors????? Legit question..

I understand that these links tell us what we already know, I was just providing them so you can keep checking back.

Most Reps. provide daily updates, statements and news releases on their site. The best way to stay up to date is to check their sites frequently for further information.

Here is another site to keep watching for information regarding HR 589:

Also, may Reps. also have Facebook pages. You don't have to use Facebook to view their pages. These links provided, as well as using Facebook and Twitter, are the most effective ways to keep current on any pending legislation.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty where is Barbara Lee

Post by woodhorse74 Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:28 am

So where is she today? Where is Scott? I think we can forget about 589.
We've all been waiting for some word. How long can we go on like this?
422,000 new unemployed people this week. Pretty soon everyone will be
unemployed. It would be wonderful if all the bs stops and everybody gets
one year of additional unemployment insurance after the 99 weeks. That
should help the economy get going and save our dignity and economy.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:05 pm

I wasn't able to catch it, I am looking for the link now. Rep. Lee was to speak today on CSPAN1. When I find it I will advise.



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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by mj33 Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:13 pm

To answer the question, she is where she normally is about 80% of time during her congressional working hours, in DC and in few hours, to her own admission 'either at 2pm or 2:30pm will be meeting with the president and her caucus/party line. She'll be basically discussing generalized 'ideas' as it appears once again, folks, nothing is going to get directly discussed today, next week, or the week after, we're looking into July now and most likely August before anything for us 99'ers will be adressed as the issue on medicaid and the debt ceiling as it relates to the overall budget will be primary areas of focus during their debating and legislative time in DC. This really is sad and stinks, but neither party line in my humblest opinion has shown anything, including independents, on a specific jobs intervention program, and Representativs in congress have not yet showed anything other than 'talking the talk' including the black caucus. It is quite obvious that for past 5 straight months their continues to be much division and seperation after listening to the representatives speaches from yesterday and Barbara Lee this morning, just seems like 'talk' and 'ideals/philosophies, but no action or plan.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:15 pm

**Moving topic to HR 589 Forum**

Rep. Barbara Lee was on CSpan this morning answering questions.

Where were all the callers?

WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. 482574

Video clip from Rep. Lee's appearance today, June 2, on C-span.

Last edited by DesperateInRI on Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:26 pm

So we have to keep up the fight. WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. 34243


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Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:17 pm

Yes, we have to face the fact that legislation takes time. I know a lot of people only started learning about the political system when they lost their job but if she brings this to a vote today and it fails it's finished. It can't be brought back up. Look how long civil rights legislation took to pass.

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Post by mj33 Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:34 pm

Bottom line seems to be what it always is as for in the legislative branches, it's in their hands and and we know multiple bills and/or ammendments will be included on both senate and house, but we will be included, just that the focus of intervention between employees and employers has obvioulsy not been brought to table for past 1/2 year, and won't until next month, at very earliert as more debating will continue between debt ceiling and spending.


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WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article. Empty Re: WHERE IS BARBARA LEE! Interesting article.

Post by Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm

***Merging with Existing Thread***


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