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Post by Guest Tue May 10, 2011 11:18 pm

Important message to all:

In light of the recent events in congress, we are all feeling discouraged and defeated. The latest attack by the GOP on unemployed Americans is reprehensible and barbaric. It seems like just when we think we are getting somewhere and that they will do something to help us the GOP does something even more unthinkable than ever. DONT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!! Help us fight this madness if your not already.

Advocating for H.R.589
What we need to keep in mind is that they will listen if enough of us work together and keep contacting them. We all need to call, fax, tweet and email daily. You dont have to do all of those things but pick one you are comfortable with and stick to it. (As you all know, things aren't getting any better and you could easily become a 99er before you know it.)

Once they realize that we will not back down they will do something to help us. They will also get more of a sense of how many of us there really is.

We usually dont like to push this on people who dont feel comfortable doing it, but we need all the help we can get. Congress WILL listen if enough of us are contacting them on a daily basis. There is power in numbers.

We cant let this latest attempt by some of the GOP to gut Unemployment benefits deter us from our mission. We have to keep going and stick together. It is an exhausting fight, but it will be worth it in the end to see so many people get the help they need and deserve.

Some of you may think that advocating and contacting congress is hard or maybe even useless. I have to tell you, it is not! We have all the contact info you need right here on this site.

If anyone has any questions or needs help to get started PLEASE dont hesitate to ask us!!! We would be more than happy to help you get started. It is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your time.


Calling ALL Unemployed...We need all the help we can get! You MAY LOSE YOUR BENEFITS IF YOU SIT IDLE! 34243 diffrince

Last edited by Sick & Tired on Wed May 11, 2011 10:51 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Jobless_in_Ma Wed May 11, 2011 1:45 am

Well said Sick & Tired and it is so true! I hope ALL members take part in fighting against these bills introduced by the GOP in both house and Senate. your Livelihood depends on this.

Its not Just 99ers anymore being hurt, its everyone!

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Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 50
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Post by Guest Wed May 11, 2011 2:14 am

I really feel that numbers make a difference. We need mass amounts of individuals making contact with them. Mainly to Rep Dave Camp right now, since he is the one who holds our fate. Also to the President because he is meeting with the CBC tomorrow. We need him to stand behind us.


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Post by Guest Wed May 11, 2011 10:09 am

It doesnt take very long to send a tweet, fax, or email. I suggest tweeting, faxing and callIng if you can.

Emails seem to take longer for them to sort through. There are free Fax sites that allow you to send 2 free faxes a day. Look at the right side of this page, you will see "FREE FAX SITES".


Dont be shy, if you have any questions please ask us...we will help you get started if you havent already!


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Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:44 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:Important message to all:

In light of the recent events in congress, we are all feeling discouraged and defeated. The latest attack by the GOP on unemployed Americans is reprehensible and barbaric. It seems like just when we think we are getting somewhere and that they will do something to help us the GOP does something even more unthinkable than ever. DONT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!! Help us fight this madness if your not already.

Advocating for H.R.589
What we need to keep in mind is that they will listen if enough of us work together and keep contacting them. We all need to call, fax, tweet and email daily. You dont have to do all of those things but pick one you are comfortable with and stick to it. (As you all know, things aren't getting any better and you could easily become a 99er before you know it.)

Once they realize that we will not back down they will do something to help us. They will also get more of a sense of how many of us there really is.

We usually dont like to push this on people who dont feel comfortable doing it, but we need all the help we can get. Congress WILL listen if enough of us are contacting them on a daily basis. There is power in numbers.

We cant let this latest attempt by some of the GOP to gut Unemployment benefits deter us from our mission. We have to keep going and stick together. It is an exhausting fight, but it will be worth it in the end to see so many people get the help they need and deserve.

Some of you may think that advocating and contacting congress is hard or maybe even useless. I have to tell you, it is not! We have all the contact info you need right here on this site.

If anyone has any questions or needs help to get started PLEASE don't hesitate to ask us!!! We would be more than happy to help you get started. It is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your time.


Calling ALL Unemployed...We need all the help we can get! You MAY LOSE YOUR BENEFITS IF YOU SIT IDLE! 34243 diffrince

This message from S & T is even more urgent now than it was back in May! Congress has just 14 days left in this Legislative Session, and are set to adjourn for the year on December 8. Don't forget, the "Super-Committee's" debt ceiling and budget cut battles still have to be fought during these 14 days.

It isn't just the "99ers" who will be affected if unemployment extensions are not addressed. The federal and state eb extensions will end. The last day to file for a new tier is December 24. Those who are currently receiving extended benefits will finish the tier they are on and that is it! In some states, EB will end immediately.

Time is running out quickly.
Calling ALL Unemployed...We need all the help we can get! You MAY LOSE YOUR BENEFITS IF YOU SIT IDLE! 443294


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Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:11 am

See this thread regarding Congresses packed agenda in the next 14 days. No mention of job creation or unemployment extensions. Please help out in any way you can!
Calling ALL Unemployed...We need all the help we can get! You MAY LOSE YOUR BENEFITS IF YOU SIT IDLE! 34243


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