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College graduates taking low paying jobs

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College graduates taking low paying jobs Empty College graduates taking low paying jobs

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:53 pm,0,4017296.story

This is terrifying. These are people graduating with degrees, many with masters, yet they are working at Starbucks or waitressing.

Tiffany Groene is waiting tables.

Erin Crites is making lattes and iced coffees.

And Anna Holcombe is buying and selling gold.

These three Chicago women share more than just scraping by with low-paying jobs: They all have master's degrees and are unable to find work in their specialty areas.


Posts : 378
Join date : 2011-02-21

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College graduates taking low paying jobs Empty Re: College graduates taking low paying jobs

Post by Guest Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:15 pm

New_Wave_Princess wrote:,0,4017296.story

This is terrifying. These are people graduating with degrees, many with masters, yet they are working at Starbucks or waitressing.

Tiffany Groene is waiting tables.

Erin Crites is making lattes and iced coffees.

And Anna Holcombe is buying and selling gold.

These three Chicago women share more than just scraping by with low-paying jobs: They all have master's degrees and are unable to find work in their specialty areas.

Tell me about it. I have the education and experience. I was one of probably millions that applied to McDonald's yesterday. One of my college degrees is from one of the top colleges in the country. So much for that. It doesn't matter anymore.

At this point, we have to take whatever we can get to survive. If and when things turn around, then it may be possible to re-enter our fields again. Until then, it is a matter of survival, not a matter of what type, level or how many college degrees you have.


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College graduates taking low paying jobs Empty Re: College graduates taking low paying jobs

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:18 pm

And many fields will never recover. What I found interesting about the article was many of them had pr/communication degrees as do I. There just aren't many of these jobs to begin with and it's getting worse. Technology did this to us, between outsourcing and merging several jobs as one.

I applied at McDonalds too but don't expect to hear back.


Posts : 378
Join date : 2011-02-21

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College graduates taking low paying jobs Empty Re: College graduates taking low paying jobs

Post by delko Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:01 pm

I did not apply. I have received rejections and most of the time never heard back from places like Staples, Lowes, Home Depot, Rite Aid, Barnes & Nobles....the list goes on. So why bother anymore???
Hear I am, 17 years of professional career building after graduating with a Business Degree in 1993 with a 3.92 GPA, applying to low paying unskilled jobs, and not even getting a word back from them. Where and how does this end for me?


Posts : 88
Join date : 2011-03-21
Location : New Jersey

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