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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by "G" Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:27 pm

The American 99ers Union was contacted on Thursday and we were asked to release an official statement with respect to Rep. Lee & Rep. Scott's strategy as relates to H.R.589. Below you will find our official statement:

Given that H.R.589 began taking shape only two weeks into the new congress, both sides of the aisle were so polarized (not to say bipartisanship ever runs rampant in Washington), that finding a Republican to break from party lines so early in the game would have been a true challenge. Are there Republicans who have voted to extend UI? Yes. Are there Republicans who represent districts with high unemployment? Yes. Are there Republicans who believe extending UI is an economically sound decision? Yes. As is evident by a number of Republicans breaking rank on Thursday’s budget vote, the climate is now a bit more conducive to gaining support from those on the right.

While the phrase, “create jobs” was the battle cry of the republican party during the election cycle, it is quite obvious that their hyper focus on the deficit and spending erased any traces of the aforementioned campaign promise. Cutting spending in one area and simply moving it to another would be a tough sell at this time. I would also suggest one must keep in mind that both parties are so intertwined with their “pet projects”, and an unwavering loyalty to what their respective committees have produced, while not impossible, reaching a consensus on what to take from where is a major challenge.

If H.R.589 is designated as an emergency spending measure, no one has to take from any existing program. The cost of the bill would be offset and the end result, as is common knowledge among economists as well the CBO, is that the dollars invested in extending UI would bring about a positive return ranging between $1.61 to $2.30 with respect to the impact it would have on consumer spending (which accounts for 70% of all economic activity). Final outcome…The bill will more than pay for itself, stimulate economic growth over the 14 week period it is in place, create jobs at an accelerated pace and all without the painstaking task of searching for funding.

In conclusion, I suggest two key factors must be considered and have been considered by Rep. Lee and Rep. Scott:

1) H.R.589 meets all of the historical criteria and precedents that should allow this bill to fall under the heading of emergency spending.
2) How many government programs bring with them the level of return UI offers?

Regardless of the mainstream media bubble that has been created with respect to our Nation’s “solid” recovery, macroeconomic indicators which have been growing at an anemic pace at best, are now in some key areas, beginning to move in the opposite direction. As was stated by both Rep. Lee and Rep. Scott, Speaker Boehner & Rep. Cantor did not deny the protracted unemployment problem, as well its devastating effect on the population. The Republican leadership could have easily taken a hard stand with respect to UI, just as they have with many of the other entitlement programs of late. I would certainly not proclaim victory at this time, but this is a major step forward.

Gregg S. Rosen, CPNLP
The American 99ers Union


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Join date : 2011-03-11

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:32 pm

Thanks Gregg for the update, and also explaining the mentality behind the thinking Of Lee and Scott in regards to how to move forward with this bill.

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:42 pm

so Is this correct that they are out until 2 weeks. Then is it possible that some movement on 589 make take place when they return???


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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:04 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:so Is this correct that they are out until 2 weeks. Then is it possible that some movement on 589 make take place when they return???

It is possible they could be negotiating in the two weeks that Congress is not in session. The do return for committee and caucus meetings. Boehner suggested to Rep. Lee and Scott that they work with the Ways & Means Committee. What is positive is that the GOP Leaders do recognize there is a serious problem.


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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by tbucsfan56 Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:14 am

Whatever needs to be done needs to be asap for many people. But at the sametime the torch needs to be lit under business to fined a way to start hiring. 14 weeks will go by fast and jobs for all the unemployed is the real answer.


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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:26 am

Agree! When they get back after recess, other than 589, the need to pay IMMEDIATE attention to job creation. Even if they do, it is going to take a lot longer than 14 weeks to create enough jobs even to get the national unemployment rate to 8%. There are no jobs. I am sick of seeing the same jobs posted for months at a time, and recruiters and temp agencies who advertise they have all kinds of job openings. These jobs aren't real. I think today was on of my most discouraging days job searching. There was nothing on any Job board or newspaper that I haven't applied for - some several months ago.

Maybe the 14 weeks will bring us to mid to late summer, and then it will be time to reconsider extending the deadlines again for those on regular unemployment insurance and federal tiers right now.

Rather than fight over a budget that is only going to cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and futile attempts to repeal health care reform, their number one focus MUST be jobs.

Oh, and right in the middle of this, they will be also heavily involved with their re-election campaigns.


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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by tbucsfan56 Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:47 am

DesperateInRI wrote:Agree! When they get back after recess, other than 589, the need to pay IMMEDIATE attention to job creation. Even if they do, it is going to take a lot longer than 14 weeks to create enough jobs even to get the national unemployment rate to 8%. There are no jobs. I am sick of seeing the same jobs posted for months at a time, and recruiters and temp agencies who advertise they have all kinds of job openings. These jobs aren't real. I think today was on of my most discouraging days job searching. There was nothing on any Job board or newspaper that I haven't applied for - some several months ago.

Maybe the 14 weeks will bring us to mid to late summer, and then it will be time to reconsider extending the deadlines again for those on regular unemployment insurance and federal tiers right now.

Rather than fight over a budget that is only going to cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and futile attempts to repeal health care reform, their number one focus MUST be jobs.

Oh, and right in the middle of this, they will be also heavily involved with their re-election campaigns.

I agree, and thats a really cool sig you have there.


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Join date : 2011-03-23

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:50 pm

"G" wrote:The American 99ers Union was contacted on Thursday and we were asked to release an official statement with respect to Rep. Lee & Rep. Scott's strategy as relates to H.R.589. Below you will find our official statement:

Given that H.R.589 began taking shape only two weeks into the new congress, both sides of the aisle were so polarized (not to say bipartisanship ever runs rampant in Washington), that finding a Republican to break from party lines so early in the game would have been a true challenge. Are there Republicans who have voted to extend UI? Yes. Are there Republicans who represent districts with high unemployment? Yes. Are there Republicans who believe extending UI is an economically sound decision? Yes. As is evident by a number of Republicans breaking rank on Thursday’s budget vote, the climate is now a bit more conducive to gaining support from those on the right.

While the phrase, “create jobs” was the battle cry of the republican party during the election cycle, it is quite obvious that their hyper focus on the deficit and spending erased any traces of the aforementioned campaign promise. Cutting spending in one area and simply moving it to another would be a tough sell at this time. I would also suggest one must keep in mind that both parties are so intertwined with their “pet projects”, and an unwavering loyalty to what their respective committees have produced, while not impossible, reaching a consensus on what to take from where is a major challenge.

If H.R.589 is designated as an emergency spending measure, no one has to take from any existing program. The cost of the bill would be offset and the end result, as is common knowledge among economists as well the CBO, is that the dollars invested in extending UI would bring about a positive return ranging between $1.61 to $2.30 with respect to the impact it would have on consumer spending (which accounts for 70% of all economic activity). Final outcome…The bill will more than pay for itself, stimulate economic growth over the 14 week period it is in place, create jobs at an accelerated pace and all without the painstaking task of searching for funding.

In conclusion, I suggest two key factors must be considered and have been considered by Rep. Lee and Rep. Scott:

1) H.R.589 meets all of the historical criteria and precedents that should allow this bill to fall under the heading of emergency spending.
2) How many government programs bring with them the level of return UI offers?

Regardless of the mainstream media bubble that has been created with respect to our Nation’s “solid” recovery, macroeconomic indicators which have been growing at an anemic pace at best, are now in some key areas, beginning to move in the opposite direction. As was stated by both Rep. Lee and Rep. Scott, Speaker Boehner & Rep. Cantor did not deny the protracted unemployment problem, as well its devastating effect on the population. The Republican leadership could have easily taken a hard stand with respect to UI, just as they have with many of the other entitlement programs of late. I would certainly not proclaim victory at this time, but this is a major step forward.

Gregg S. Rosen, CPNLP
The American 99ers Union

I was very encouraged with the outcome of the meeting last week. It is a major step forward. Just the fact that the GOP acknowledged that long term unemployment is a great problem in this country right now, and urged Rep. Lee to work with the Ways & Means Committee to find a solution for funding is a positive step forward.

Please, all members, continue to contact Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor and the Ways & Means Committee (as well as YOUR Representative in Congress). Here is a link that provides important contact information for the individuals above:

Also keep in mind that due to tight security issues on regular mail now, Congress advises that all correspondence be in the form of email. ALL regular mail to the Capitol, and other offices in Washington, is sent first to a "clearing house" to ensure the safety of the content. Your message to Congress may be delayed up to two months. Please see this information provided by

Congressional e-mail really took off after the 2001 anthrax attacks, when letters containing spores of the deadly bacteria were sent to two senators. As a result of that scare, all constituent mail now has to go through a rigorous process that delays its receipt significantly.

"That’s when we really made the push to go electronic," Clark said. Since then, Write Your Representative has become increasingly popular.


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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Tue May 10, 2011 8:36 pm

Just a reminder.

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Judi58 Tue May 10, 2011 11:14 pm

I am reminded everytime I am hungry and have nothing to eat.... That post above is April 17th, almost a month ago...

I am not even sure what hope is anymore....

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Join date : 2011-03-08

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The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589 Empty Re: The American 99ers Union Responds to Question with Respect to H.R.589

Post by Guest Tue May 10, 2011 11:20 pm

Judi58 wrote:I am reminded everytime I am hungry and have nothing to eat.... That post above is April 17th, almost a month ago...

I am not even sure what hope is anymore....

There are more current threads. The topics are in the HR 589 Forum. Here are some:

There is a meeting scheduled on Thursday at 2:30 pm with President Obama and the CBC.

A good way to keep up to date is to check the "View Posts Since Last Visit" option under the navigation bar.


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