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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts Empty Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

Post by mistermunster Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:51 pm

"We are going to put out a plan that gets our debt on downward trajectory and gets us to a point of giving our next generation a debt-free nation," Ryan said, even as he predicted that the politically charged initiatives he intends to lay out in the 2012 budget beginning Tuesday would give Democrats a "political weapon to go against us. But they will have to lie and demagogue to make that a political weapon."

These BLeep ARE NOT going to give an inch what-so-ever.

"giving our next generation a debt-free nation"

It's ALWAYS TOMORROW with these BLeep , What ABOUT TODAY's GENERATIONS that they screwed over in ALL this. We are told to eat beans and die. It's the SAME garbage OVER and OVER with them. Hell with the people of TODAY who are actually living....Always THESE "FUTURE" generations they speak of. They WON'T be a FUTURE for ANYONE if they keep this course.

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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts Empty Re: Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

Post by Guest Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:16 am

There won't be a next generation if they don't fix it now.

No, that is not really true, the rich will survive. I forgot what Tea Party politician last year called us "strays' that needed to be neutered.


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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts Empty Re: Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

Post by mistermunster Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:20 am

DesperateInRI wrote:There won't be a next generation if they don't fix it now.

No, that is not really true, the rich will survive. I forgot what Tea Party politician last year called us "strays' that needed to be neutered.

Ever heard a DEM make such comments or FINAL solution statements towards the unemployed or the people???? The RThugs sure have a LONG list of spewing such things.

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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts Empty Re: Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

Post by mistermunster Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:26 am

DesperateInRI wrote:There won't be a next generation if they don't fix it now.

No, that is not really true, the rich will survive.

Only until the 80 million screaming Chinese with knives come over the hills to finish off the imperial capitalists in their beds. And they won't have the rest of us peasants around to defend them.

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Age : 62
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Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts Empty Re: Republicans propose $4 trillion in cuts

Post by Guest Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:32 am

mistermunster wrote:
DesperateInRI wrote:There won't be a next generation if they don't fix it now.

No, that is not really true, the rich will survive.

Only until the 80 million screaming Chinese with knives come over the hills to finish off the imperial capitalists in their beds. And they won't have the rest of us peasants around to defend them.

LMAO That is true, but it just made me laugh thinking about it.


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