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House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies

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House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies Empty House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies

Post by Guest Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:47 pm

The House Agriculture Committee endorsed a letter this week to Budget Chairman Paul Ryan arguing that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which helps low-income Americans purchase food, would make a better target for cuts than automatic subsidies to farms.

Let them eat cake, indeed.

House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies Supple10,-but-keep-farm-subsidies



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House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies Empty Re: House Agriculture committee: Cut food assistance, but keep farm subsidies

Post by js123 Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:43 pm

Cut Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Ryan has lost his freaking mind. Here are some important information for you about federal farm subsidies. Please send letters to Congress that federal farm subsidies needs to be cut immediately. Monies from the fund are going to the wrong people, billionaires and people in Congress. I would like them to return all the monies they took from the program because they did not need it. This is a typical scheme of rich taking from the poor.

"WALL STREET BANKERS and retired hedge fund billionaires have been talking about fiscal responsibility and deficit reduction, preparing the masses for austerity measures and cuts in social services—which we are told are regrettable, of course, but necessary nonetheless. Well, here is the perfect welfare program for the bailout queens to show off their fiscally conservative chops: Let’s see them cut federal farm subsidies, which funnel billions of dollars to the richest Americans, including notables like Ted Turner, David Letterman, Scottie Pippen, Paris Hilton’s grandpa, Charles Schwab, Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen and just about every single one of Sam Walton’s degenerate heirs."

and a video taping of the Young Turks

Is Michele Bachman a Welfare Queen?

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