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Government job openings plunge in January

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Government job openings plunge in January Empty Government job openings plunge in January

Post by Guest Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:41 pm

Looks like public job openings took a plunge in January:


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Government job openings plunge in January Empty Re: Government job openings plunge in January

Post by Guest Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:51 pm

I did hear this yesterday. Sadly, I think it's only beginning.


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Government job openings plunge in January Empty Re: Government job openings plunge in January

Post by Guest Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:07 pm

It's going to get worse. I've already known that when the collapse of our economic system started in 2007 and 2008 that it was only the beginning. It would only continue to collapse because neither the Democrats nor the Republicans had any system in place to compensate for an eventual crash.

You know very well that Washington knew that this was coming yet nobody had any emergency fall back plans to counteract any disaster like what our country endured.

Republicans only acted to save the banks and big business when they should have pumped billions of dollars into job creation and unemployment while they worked on fixing the economy, When Democrats were in charge, they never took the jobs crisis or unemployment compensation seriously enough and worried more about passing health care reform for an entire year while American jobs kept disappearing.

Throughout 2009, Congress concentrated 95% of their time to passing the health care reform and they completely ignored the fact that jobs needed to be created and ignored unemployment compensation for the unemployed. They even ignored the same problem for 2010 and they continue to ignore the problem for 2011.

It's like the only reason they are spending the little time they are on it is because Rep Lee keeps pushing for it and that American voices are starting to grow even louder.


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