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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by Guest Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:27 pm

The real U.S. unemployment rate may be 22.1 percent for February, not the 8.9 percent reported by the government, according to economist John Williams, author of the "Shadow Government Statistics" website, who has argued for years that the federal government manipulates the reporting of economic data for political purposes.
The monthly unemployment rate report turned out by the BLS defines unemployment as those currently without a job who have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

This definition excludes from the definition of unemployed those who have grown so discouraged that they are only marginally looking for work, as well as those who are considered underemployed because they have been forced to accept part-time or lower paying full-time employment because no other jobs are available.

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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by TR11005 Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:53 pm

Since 2006, the Alternative method for Unemployment Rate has made many people mad, that was even before the recession became official in December of 2007. In August 2008, it became apparent. Many lost more than there shirt. The rest is history. BLS still promotes this lie politically for the Wall Street Banksters (Money Hungry Gangsters).

Part-timers are partially unemployed. Unless your dead you still need to work. Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media 482574 Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media 619286


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Post by Mike473 Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:04 pm

"So, where the seasonally adjusted U3 unemployment rate dropped from 9.4 percent in December 2010 to 8.9 in February 2011, the non-adjusted U3 unemployment rate is moving in the opposite direction, from 9.1 percent in December 2010 to 9.5 percent in February 2011.

Read more: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers"

That is amazing.


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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by Guest Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:19 pm

Of course the government mis-reports the numbers. Because they know that it would have an adverse effect on the economy.

Instead, the President and his administration, and forgive me for saying this, are deliberately cherry-picking the best numbers and reporting that as the unemployment rate and even the media has become complicit with the Obama Administration.

President Obama needs to wake up and start telling the American People the truth. He's quickly losing what little credibility he had left the more he leads Americans on. To start, he needs to begin by telling the American People what the real unemployment rate is. Instead, he's so worried about his "popularity" among voters that he's deliberately reporting the wrong numbers.

Even Hollywood actors, who supported him during the 2008 election, are only now starting to express their displeasure with the way he's running the country. Everybody might have seen the interview that Piers Morgan had with Matt Damon and he really spoke a lot of truth. Piers Morgan replaced Larry King and it's an interview show.


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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:49 am

I really don't think this is as malicious as people like to make it out be.
However, I am not really happy with the numbers are being handled either.

I think that 8.9% is probably a pretty accurate number IF You do not count the 99er's and people not qualified for benefits.

The 22% might be accurate if you count everyone who doesn't have a job for any reason.
I know a lot of people just think they should count all the 99ers but this just isn't possible.
Realistically there is no way to keep track of how many people have exhausted so no number will be truly accurate.


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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by tristen303 Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:51 am

The Dems learned it from my party during Reagan just count how many are on UE don't count how many lose benefits etc. You can tell the media really want Obam re elected again.


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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by Guest Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:15 am

All the news articles I have read since those numbers came out give the Republicans the credit for the drop in the ue rate.


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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:18 am

"Shadow Government Statistics" LMAO YOU THINK??????

People in this COUNTRY NEEDS TO WAKE UP and realize the GOVERNMENT IS A LIE!!!! LIFECLOCKS ARE A LIE, CAROUSEL IS A LIE!!! had to thrown in the Logan's run ref Razz

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Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:26 am

And soilent green is people!!!

I'm with you munster.

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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:28 am

lendmeflight2 wrote:And soilent green is people!!!

I'm with you munster.

Give the richies time and we will be. While they have all the REAL food because they CAN afford it. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:37 am

lendmeflight2 wrote:I really don't think this is as malicious as people like to make it out be.
However, I am not really happy with the numbers are being handled either.

I think that 8.9% is probably a pretty accurate number IF You do not count the 99er's and people not qualified for benefits.

The 22% might be accurate if you count everyone who doesn't have a job for any reason.
I know a lot of people just think they should count all the 99ers but this just isn't possible.
Realistically there is no way to keep track of how many people have exhausted so no number will be truly accurate.

On thurs I think I was watching a net work and the talk host ask a business guest about the Feb job creation numbers and he said it was questionable of the accuracy of the total job creation numbers. Also funny he said that when the unemployment numbers cam out on friday that they will show a little higher than the 9.4% because of the many getting back into the job market! Hum, now the unemployment dropped .5% in one month. at that rate that means Obama and his lies would lower the unemployment .5% every month. lets see, that means he will have the unemployment miraculously down to 7% in 3mos.. His numbers are lies. that means if say 9.4% is equal to say 6 million unemployed because we have not seen the true numbers. then if 6 million are 9% unemployed then a .5% drop is 282,000 found jobs! But is that due to many has given up looking again! So confusion with the anaylist estimates saying that the rate would go up because of many entering the workforce.. but yet Obamas numbers said that Feb produced about 214,000 new jobs and yet .5% even at a low 6 million unemployed that is still equal to 282,000 people found jobs! If the unemployment numbers at 9.4% was say 8 million then a .5% drop would mean 376,000 unemployed off the unemployment rolls! Figure the numbers.. If the unemployment rate was estimated a total unemployed even at 5 million out of work then .5% would mean 235,000 people found work.. The .5% drop is a total lie.. no way!! Take the calculations I used and they said some 200K jobs+ were created in Feb, and if that is true and even if ALL were private sector jobs which they were not.. then where did the other 50,000 to 100,000 other jobs come from. way back when it was estimated that there were say 6million unemployed that meant that it would take over 12 mos at 200,000 per month to just create 2.4 million jobs or hires. and in one month he is saying that 252 lowered the rate from 9.4% to 8.9%.. something is very wrong.. .5x3 mos is 1.5% and that means if that rate drops .5% for next three months that unemployment rate would be 7.4%.. R U kidding me! Thats a miracle recovery! Miracle!!! I said it before I am also amazed the pres. can't even figure where the numbers came from... Because he is saying in the month of Feb the rate dropped .5% . and yet stupid enough to show roughly 214,000 0r so new jobs were created and I don't know how many was private sector jobs. and yet if .5% is at 6 million total unemployed 282,000 found Jobs! But yet stupid enough to show only 214,000 new jobs were created and maybe 54,ooo were private sector. I am just throwing that out there because I have not heard how many truly were private sector... also figure with all the layoff's of public sector jobs announced... NO WAY Hosea Obama! I can't believe how they think we are so gullible! Thats amazing. Ok, take any figure and calculate how many total unemployed there are and ho much a .5% drop is... come on! I used low numbers. If it was higher than 6 million then that means the numbers of new created jobs would be even higher than I figured...I am so amazed.... terrible lies!!! 1 month and .5% drop... .5% in one month is hugh.. and also says if that continues three months that the 8.8% will be just 7.3%.. NOW DOES ANYONE HONESTLY THINK THAT THE ECONOMY IS SO GREAT THAT THE UE RATE IS LOWER THAN IN THE 2005 ERA IN JUST THREE MONTHS! I know I am ranting and all but it ain't happening. when economist said it would take years to lower the unemployment to pre recession era. And yet in 1 month we are just a % or two away from that era.. I am totally amazed.. How dumb they are! We are in a miraculous recovery! I said this months ago they would let 99 er's drop off and that would be the reason the UE rate dropped, but they are touting it due to millions of jobs!!! If anyone thinks an extension is coming take it from this troll it ain't happnin!!!!Unless some garau shows me the miracle of hope it is going to happen! It ain't and call me a troll or whatever you want...


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Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:51 am

Blank the riches crap!! deal with the lie reality and total misrepresentation of the truth and phony job numbers and the .5% drop lie!! If anyone falls for it they are morons!


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Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:54 am

mistermunster wrote:"Shadow Government Statistics" LMAO YOU THINK??????

People in this COUNTRY NEEDS TO WAKE UP and realize the GOVERNMENT IS A LIE!!!! LIFECLOCKS ARE A LIE, CAROUSEL IS A LIE!!! had to thrown in the Logan's run ref Razz

MM I ranted as usual on the job numbers and the phony .5% drop... they do not add up at all.. I am sick to my gut... how can they lie so gullible... I quit and I am sick... there is no extension coming. the only thing that will catch the liars is when this economy rolls off a cliff and their lies cannot stand anymore.They will look like total idiots!! The fall will be a very big one... its because they think everyone is convinced of their lies!!!


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Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:54 am

The love of MONEY is at the ROOT of ALL THE LIES. Once one accepts that, all the OTHER lies fall into place and WHY they KEEP doing it.

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Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media Empty Re: Yikes! You won't believe the real jobless numbers-Federal docs contradict 8.9% hyped by media

Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:56 am

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:
mistermunster wrote:"Shadow Government Statistics" LMAO YOU THINK??????

People in this COUNTRY NEEDS TO WAKE UP and realize the GOVERNMENT IS A LIE!!!! LIFECLOCKS ARE A LIE, CAROUSEL IS A LIE!!! had to thrown in the Logan's run ref Razz

MM I ranted as usual on the job numbers and the phony .5% drop... they do not add up at all.. I am sick to my gut... how can they lie so gullible... I quit and I am sick... there is no extension coming. the only thing that will catch the liars is when this economy rolls off a cliff and their lies cannot stand anymore.They will look like total idiots!! The fall will be a very big one... its because they think everyone is convinced of their lies!!!

Tell a lie long enough......

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