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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

Post by carrielynne Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:57 pm

guess that wont matter anymore....test positive ONCE in your over....


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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty Re: wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

Post by Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:10 am

Wow! That is really harsh. We have had presidents and vice presidents who have admitted to smoking pot in their "younger" days. That is really not fair.

I don't see how they can do this when alcoholism and drug addiction are considered "illnesses" and many are even awarded Social Security disability benefits because of their addictions.


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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty Re: wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

Post by sbraney Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 am

I was going to comment and saw somebody already did - remember this? It's all about union busting...

"The PMA is the same cabal that tried to break the ILWU in 2002-3 with a lockout

Edited on Wed Mar-02-11 08:03 PM by Ken Burch
This is probably payback for their defeat in that effort.

They can use this ruling, if it isn't eventually overturned, to blacklist anybody who's ever tested positive for pot. Given that most of the ports they control are based in cities where pot usage was and is common, this could achieve through piss testing what they couldn't achieve through padlocks.

I hope the ILWU (of whose maritime division I'm a member) fights this.

What I can't figure out is why the Ninth Circuit, which right-wingers up here in Alaska always bash as biased towards liberals and environmentalists, would issue such a reactionary ruling."


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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty Re: wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:00 am

Politicians DO WHAT I SAY NOT WHAT I DO should be tattooed on their foreheads.

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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty Re: wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

Post by americatheneedy Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:09 am

What about false positives..yes they happen for a variety of reasons, including certain painkillers and some heart burn medications? This is scary.

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wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober... Empty Re: wow...for those who turn their lives around by getting sober...

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