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Unemployment Benefits Empty Unemployment Benefits

Post by ferryg Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:29 pm

I am sure this is covered somewhere else on this site, but with two young children and an on-going job search, I simply do not have the time to read every thread. So forgive me in advance.

I am unemployed for the first time in my working life, 22 consecutive years of actual employment (not counting the lawn cutting the years for that...actual workforce). I am a professional engineer and have been for a number of years.

I have NO understanding of unemployment benefits whatsoever. I live in PA, and I was approved for 26 weeks of unemployment, which appears to be the maximum benefit. However, what happens after the 26 weeks expire if I do not find a new opportunity? I understand that it is possible to move on to Federal benefits, but is that the case?

How long do they last?
Will the amount be roughly the same as my state benefits?
How do you apply for the benefits...what are the requirements?

I have always thought that someone can receive benefits for 99 weeks, not that this is my plan at all! However, I am trying to understand what is available to me.

Can anyone help?

Thanks very much...also new forgive any instances of violating board etiquette (written or unwritten) in my post.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-08-13

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Unemployment Benefits Empty Re: Unemployment Benefits

Post by elvis44102 Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:02 pm

welcome to the forum ferryg for the past several years there have been many tiers of extra benefits available.

those extra tiers will expire at the end of the year, and congress will have to authorize them again

nobody knows what for sure what will happen, but heres a short version of history..

there were several months back in the 2009-10 era that congress stalled for months at a time before renewing or originating extra tiers.

the latest move by congress has upped the state unemployment qualifing rate for elligibilty for extra tiers (say from 6.0 percent to 7.0)

here in Ohio sequestration has reduced benefits by 17%( meaning a reduction of dollar amounts, since May of this year)

I would think congress will reauthorize extended benefits, but with some mechanism to reduce them
(number of weeks, tiers, amount) but cant say that for sure

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Unemployment Benefits Empty Re: Unemployment Benefits

Post by jmainframe Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:09 pm

Hi Ferryg,

Unfortunately, I must welcome you to this forum, only because you're here because you lost your job. I must commend you for staying employed during the worst of the economic collapse that started in 2007! Like most who've been gainfully employed during that time, I bet you thought, through the news media and speeches by politicians, that the unemployed were well taken care of, and that the unemployment situation is gradually improving. You'll soon find out, if God forbid you're here long enough that none of this is true!

The government has essentially turned its back on the long-term unemployed (uneffectionately called the 99ers), and they, including the underemployed have been trying, unsuccessfully to organize and fight back against this criminal act. No one here ever thought that our government would ever abandon its own people, leaving them out in the cold to simply self-destruct so that the government could deny any wrongdoing on it's part.

On a positive note, if you were simply laid off, or even fired, you will be able to file a claim and get your benefits. Even if your former employer tries to accuse you of misconduct, they very rarely, if ever are successful. The unemployment agencies tend to side with the former worker and not the employer in cases like that.

Hopefully, your stay here is a short one, and that you'll be back at work quickly. Keep in mind that age discrimination, and discrimination of the unemployed is running rampant and totally out of control these days.  

Good luck with your job search my friend, and thanks for any contributions to this forum that you make!

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Join date : 2011-02-24
Age : 65
Location : New Jersey

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Unemployment Benefits Empty Re: Unemployment Benefits

Post by 503Depressed Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:34 pm

Welcome to the forum, Ferryg!

I don't have any faith that UI extensions will be allowed to be voted on. The current do nothing/Repug/Tea Party congress, doesn't believe that any unemployed or poor person needs any help. Until we get some people in congress that have hearts and balls, no job bills or anything remotely helping those that have suffered so much during the on-going depression/recession will be created, or if they are, won't pass the Tea Party house.

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Unemployment Benefits Empty Re: Unemployment Benefits

Post by elvis44102 Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:47 pm

the mostly southern republicans are of a different culture...
they believe in the "natural order of things".
they believe that white men are at the top and all others play a subserviant role...

The tend to believe in the prosperity christian church...

they think "god" "rewards" his chosen ones and shows disfavor to the heathens..

this is of course circular logic, and our country as a whole has IMO been held back by these backwoods types...

they are allways wanting to seceed from the US while usually getting more fed tax dollars than they pay..

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Unemployment Benefits Empty Re: Unemployment Benefits

Post by ferryg Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:20 pm

Thank you for all your replies.


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Join date : 2013-08-13

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