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Post by Unemployment_Scholar Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:58 pm

Hello, my name is Jonathan Wickert and I am interested in talking to people who are currently unemployed.  I am a graduate student from the University of Missouri and I am conducting research to understand what uncertainty people experience during unemployment and how they manage that uncertainty.  The title of my project is Managing Unemployment: A Phenomenological Exploration of Social Class Differences.

The population that I am interested in studying is unemployed American adults who are at least 18 years old.  Your participation will consist of taking some pictures of what symbolizes your experience, sending those to me, and then chatting with me about the pictures and your experiences. Your total participation should take between 60-120 minutes depending on what you have to say.  For your participation I will send you a 10 dollar Walmart gift card.    

Your answers will be kept confidential, you can pick a pseudonym.  Your participation will help further understanding about the ways people manage uncertainty during unemployment.  If you have further questions, or would like to participate, you can call me at (920) 286-9561 or send me a private message on here. If you Google my name and University of Missouri you will also find my CV which has my e-mail address.

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Post by Hunterforjobs Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:38 pm

Don't need to send pictures as symbols I can tell you in one word. NIGHTMARE. But I just finally got a job and start on the 3rd. Tension+stress+depression+alienation+isolation= NIGHTMARE.

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Post by Unemployment_Scholar Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:29 pm

Hunterforjobs wrote:Don't need to send pictures as symbols I can tell you in one word.  NIGHTMARE.  But I just finally got a job and start on the 3rd.  Tension+stress+depression+alienation+isolation= NIGHTMARE.

Congratulations! I hope the job works out for you. Smile 

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Location : Missouri

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Post by Hunterforjobs Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:12 pm

Thanks, good luck with your research paper. To bad you were not on a few years ago, you would have been bombarded. That was when people were listening, now no one listens.

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Post by jmainframe Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:01 am

Yeah, good luck with your research Jon.

Currently, I can't help you because I'm working 2 low-paying jobs, one parttime, one fulltime in order to get by. But when I hit rock-bottom a couple of years ago (I still feel like I'm bouncing on the floor), I did go the full 99 weeks of unemployment. When the Jim ("How are we going to pay for it!") Bunnings of the world fought to wrongfully block any further unemployment extensions, I decided to quit my quest to get back into my IT career and take any job(s).

Like Hunter said, you would have served our group better a few years ago during the depths of the economic collapse when the government was more receptive to our plight. Maybe you can switch your recearch topic to "Getting Displaced Workers Back Into Their Chosen Careers During The Jobless Recovery".

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Post by Unemployment_Scholar Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:39 am

jmainframe wrote:Yeah, good luck with your research Jon.

Currently, I can't help you because I'm working 2 low-paying jobs, one parttime, one fulltime in order to get by. But when I hit rock-bottom a couple of years ago (I still feel like I'm bouncing on the floor), I did go the full 99 weeks of unemployment. When the Jim ("How are we going to pay for it!") Bunnings of the world fought to wrongfully block any further unemployment extensions, I decided to quit my quest to get back into my IT career and take any job(s).

Like Hunter said, you would have served our group better a few years ago during the depths of the economic collapse when the government was more receptive to our plight. Maybe you can switch your recearch topic to "Getting Displaced Workers Back Into Their Chosen Careers During The Jobless Recovery".

Jmainframe, that is actually something I have been writing about more recently.  The tensions that unemployed people face: Needing support but not wanting to ask for it because it exposes them to unwanted social costs, receiving backhanded support that is well intentioned but insulting, and needing work but turning it down because it is not meaningful work or is demeaning work.  I know I'm late to the game but hopefully I can still do some good.  I got into this research after someone close to me became unemployed.  This person always had a nice paying job and suddenly they were not wanted for over two years.  I quickly saw that this unemployment thing is far more complicated than many people think.  So I got motivated to give unemployed people another outlet to say what they need to say.

I feel for you. My students typically assume that working two jobs means you're making a lot of money. At that point we usually start talking about what working two jobs can do to your mental and physical well-being, your social life, stress levels and such. Soon they begin to realize that life gets real tough sometimes.

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Post by Hunterforjobs Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:58 am

Unfortunately, unemployment isn't just for the older people, I know plenty of college aged kids trying to find work and are having a hard time. They say the economy is getting better, probably is but is very slow, some places see it quicker than others. I hear the housing market is getting better, but I think that is the real estate industry just exaggerating to make people want to buy and sell their homes. There are still many foreclosures and short sales on the market. Working two jobs is going to be the norm from now on.

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Post by jmainframe Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:17 am

Hunterforjobs wrote:Unfortunately, unemployment isn't just for the older people, I know plenty of college aged kids trying to find work and are having a hard time.  They say the economy is getting better, probably is but is very slow, some places see it quicker than others.  I hear the housing market is getting better, but I think that is the real estate industry just exaggerating to make people want to buy and sell their homes. There are still many foreclosures and short sales on the market.  Working two jobs is going to be the norm from now on.

True, I have 2 cousins and a niece who graduated a year ago and still aren't working. They'll take you as an intern, but when it comes to paying them, that's another story.

I wouldn't be suprised if the real estate industry were cooking the books. Years ago, people would go to jail for falsifying such statistics, but not today. The watchdog groups and inspectors general must still be on vacation.

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Post by Lynn132 Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:43 am

Hi Jonathan,
I guess I can say unemployment gives you a new perspective on life. I don't and cannot enjoy the simple things in life we all take for granted. I became unemployed in Sept 2012. Landed a temp job in January but it ended in June because they found someone to hired direct to replace me, even though I was told I was doing an excellent job. I managed to pick up a part time retail job which at times I felt ashamed when former coworkers came thru my line. I have to see them give me the I'm sorry look while all along I have to put on like I'm cheerful and life is good when I'm practically dying inside. You see, I'm a college graduate but this didn't happen til I was 33. Five years later...its been a roller coaster. I apply, and apply and apply and hear nothing. I've gotten to the point to where I put my pride aside and try to network putting it out their that I need to know someone with a connection to get me working again. I've lost several friends, I don't participate in the things that I use to love doing. It damages your self esteem and makes you wonder what's wrong with you. I'm tired of standing on the sideline watching others enjoy life and I cannot.


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Join date : 2012-12-14

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