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Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries

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Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries Empty Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries

Post by need_a_break Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:07 am

Other countries have envied our middle class. They have rich people and poor people but not a thriving middle class. So why are politicians and big business in this country sticking it to the middle class? It took decades to produce the system we had. A strong middle class is how you diminish poverty.

China, with their wide spread corruption and the result of giving their people low wage jobs are not getting the experiment to work. Do we want this here?:


Posts : 139
Join date : 2012-04-12

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Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries Empty Re: Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries

Post by MaryKay Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:58 am

Other problems are now in existence as well, as need a break points out, the middle class envy is spurring problems for countries with these very low wage workers, as it should. They are no longer sitting silently and accepting low wages they are starting to require and in some cases, receive higher, competitive wages.

Of course, many economists knew this was going to happen, predicted it and they were not believed, they were lefties.


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Join date : 2012-08-11

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Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries Empty Re: Epic Fail: Low wage jobs in other countries

Post by Guest Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:11 pm

It's been a long race to the bottom, started in USA 30 years ago. China now trying to real in housing prices, those chinese workers have been demanding bigger and better housing driving up the prices, and so it goes. Maybe USA companies will come back now that US wages will be lower than China/India at some future point. Yea, right! Not with all the tax breaks and give aways from both governments they won't.


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