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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by sraney Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:59 am

"Why are governments paying private financiers to generate credit they could be issuing themselves, interest-free? According to Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, it was all part of a concerted plan by a clique of international financiers. He wrote in Tragedy and Hope in 1964:

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations."


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:00 am

I'm a dual citizen and I'd like to ask you what your point is in just posting someone else's viewpoint?

It sounds like a bunch of bullshit. And bullshit is just that.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by sraney Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:18 am

What does being a "dual" citizen have to do with the powers of finance? Now I can see clearly how easy it was to take this country. Americans for the most part are some of the most witless blanks on the planet - dangerously so. They know lots about sports and Hollywood celebrities, but next to nothing regarding what's going on in the rest of the world and they don't care. Keep "having fun" and ignoring everything around you - the powerful are depending on your apathy.

From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company's operating revenues, to map the structure of economic power.

The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships (see image). Do you think this was planned to "stabilize" global capitalism???


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by elvis44102 Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:46 pm

""Why are governments paying private financiers to generate credit they could be issuing themselves, interest-free? According to Professor Carroll Quigley,""

of course he is refering to the fed-reserve practice of loaning money to government that goes on world wide....

very good articles...

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:26 am

sraney wrote:What does being a "dual" citizen have to do with the powers of finance? Now I can see clearly how easy it was to take this country. Americans for the most part are some of the most witless blanks on the planet - dangerously so. They know lots about sports and Hollywood celebrities, but next to nothing regarding what's going on in the rest of the world and they don't care. Keep "having fun" and ignoring everything around you - the powerful are depending on your apathy.

From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company's operating revenues, to map the structure of economic power.

The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships (see image). Do you think this was planned to "stabilize" global capitalism???

I like original words, not link to quotes. Silly Billy Bull.

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:50 am

YousinMach wrote:I like original words, not link to quotes. Silly Billy Bull.

If someone can't eloquently explain their opinion with their own words, what's the problem with them using the words of another?


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by sraney Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:00 am

YousinMach wrote:I like original words, not link to quotes. Silly Billy Bull.

So what you're saying is, you prefer commentary over actual investigative journalism? Sounds like you'd be a fan of Fox "News" - as long as everything they say purports to your limited engagement - no research or facts required. Just curious dual citizen, do you see a pattern in what George Bush did here and what his buddy Harper is accomplishing in Canada? Harper, also an evangelical, is heavily influenced by neoconservatives as was Bush. They most definitely have an agenda - you can read about it at: Project for the New American Century:
Oh, that's right, you don't like links or having to make any personal effort to investigate. Do you think perhaps your attitude is why we are in the merk we're in right now? People listening instead of checking the rhetoric?

""Why are governments paying private financiers to generate credit they could be issuing themselves, interest-free? According to Professor Carroll Quigley,""

of course he is referring to the fed-reserve practice of loaning money to government that goes on world wide....
Bingo elvis44102 So we should be asking, why does forty cents out of every tax dollar go to some crooked investment bankster that the Treasury borrowed from for interest payments while the FED lends to the royals at zero interest??? Talk about a slight of hand - it should be the other way around!!


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:53 am

Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Omgee10Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Omgee210
Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Lip_qu10

Oh, I'm worried that you had to come up with original material to quiver me. I think you guys talk in tongues and need to concentrate on finding a job 10 hours or more a day.

Word smithering and bantering back and forth seem to be your existence, which personally needs a balance to seeking employment.

Looking for the fall guy will not better your life.

I'm tired of the cynical whining of those of us who think the government owes us everything because we were born here. Start a business if you're so clever. For god's sake stop looking for Uncle Sam's tits to suck on!

Title: Super Senior Economists
"Extensive macro and micro economic experience in providing hyperlinks to what someone else said"
Skills: Avoiding reality and pointing the finger


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by elvis44102 Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:28 am

""Oh, I'm worried that you had to come up with original material to quiver me. I think you guys talk in tongues and need to concentrate on finding a job 10 hours or more a day.

Word smithering and bantering back and forth seem to be your existence, which personally needs a balance to seeking employment.

Looking for the fall guy will not better your life.

I'm tired of the cynical whining of those of us who think the government owes us everything because we were born here. Start a business if you're so clever. For god's sake stop looking for Uncle Sam's tits to suck on!

Title: Super Senior Economists
"Extensive macro and micro economic experience in providing hyperlinks to what someone else said"
Skills: Avoiding reality and pointing the finger""

this is an online "support comunity" for those of us who wish to and or need to suport each other....

speaking only for myself....yes I am "my brothers keeper" and i thank you for your support..


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:57 pm

Elvis, please don't be mad at me. I'm only giving my opinion.

This is a wonderful forum with nice members like you. But just read the "Titanic sinking" topics that are posted. Some friends need to be pulled "from the dark side", possibly by their britches, and shown the light.

Talking gloom and doom all day is not healthy, and the everyday doomsday articles don't help. I am trying to encourage positive reinforcement here and for individuals not to feel hopeless although that's easier said than done.

Post for jobs, take supplemented government training, and network... it's hard to do on a dime's worth of savings or mental "wore to the bone" but we gotta!

I believe that if I told about my life and the battles I continue to fight, there would be much more appreciation and respect for me. But I can't be that personal.

Happy Easter, Elvis... and everyone!

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by elvis44102 Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:32 pm

Six months ago or maybe a year ago I posted an article which referred to US agricultural Aid (farm aid) being paid by all of us to the benefit of giant agri-business being responsible for putting many Mexican farmers out of work… I mention this as I like to think of myself as pretty knowledgeable (don’t we all)..(and it was news to me)

Now this is not an insignificant amount as the article mentioned hundreds of thousands of people who then come to the US….
This little problem seems to illustrate in a microcosm symptoms and problems of the entire system.

It illustrates how people are quick to blame others and fall into categories of racism, bigotry etc.
I personally belief in Making a “gratitude list” and thinking of the positive things on a daily basis.
I don’t know what if anything can be done about some of these problems within the system, some drop out entirely, I am not in a position to do that. Presently we are at a point were more people seem to just be made aware of such systematic faults.

As we all know all to well, unemployment and the feeling of “grasping at straws” can tend to wear an individual down abit…(try the gratitude list) I don’t blame anybody for getting upset or getiing mad from time to time it called being human….one of the FEW things that I dislike is somebody who has all the answers and “knows it all” and wont even listen to another viewpint…some call this contempt prier to investigation

happy easter to yousinmach.....

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:12 am

YousinMach wrote:Oh, I'm worried that you had to come up with original material to quiver me. I think you guys talk in tongues and need to concentrate on finding a job 10 hours or more a day.

Word smithering and bantering back and forth seem to be your existence, which personally needs a balance to seeking employment.

Looking for the fall guy will not better your life.

I'm tired of the cynical whining of those of us who think the government owes us everything because we were born here. Start a business if you're so clever. For god's sake stop looking for Uncle Sam's tits to suck on!

Title: Super Senior Economists
"Extensive macro and micro economic experience in providing hyperlinks to what someone else said"
Skills: Avoiding reality and pointing the finger


Ooo, if I am currently working, am I allowed to quiver you with cynical whining and speak in tongues? Please say I can! I'm a total super senior economist! Promise!


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:22 am

If you wish to, Ranbrow123. Tear the ass out of what I've said. Make a difference. Go destructive with my opinions!

Thanks for using the QUOTE button. Still waiting to hear from #3.

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:25 pm

YousinMach wrote:If you wish to, Ranbrow123. Tear the ass out of what I've said. Make a difference. Go destructive with my opinions!

Thanks for using the QUOTE button. Still waiting to hear from #3.

Nah, I'm not going to beat you up. All I'm wondering is when did it become a bad thing in our society to be able to speak (or in this case, write) eloquently and back up your facts? Why is it "speaking in tongues" instead of "being intelligent."


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:37 pm

ranbrow123 wrote:
YousinMach wrote:If you wish to, Ranbrow123. Tear the ass out of what I've said. Make a difference. Go destructive with my opinions!

Thanks for using the QUOTE button. Still waiting to hear from #3.

Nah, I'm not going to beat you up. All I'm wondering is when did it become a bad thing in our society to be able to speak (or in this case, write) eloquently and back up your facts? Why is it "speaking in tongues" instead of "being intelligent."

Ummmm. so...

1. You won't beat me up
2. You are asking about speaking eloquently
2.1 With the introduction of (2), you are obviously stating that you are speaking eloquently since no one else said that
2.2 Or writing (2.1)... still the same inference
2.3 And with (2.1 or 2.2) therefore you are stating the facts
3. Speaking...
3.1 Speaking
3.2 Speaking in tongues
3.3 Speaking intelligently
3.4 (3.2) vs (3.3)

Got me hon, damn if I can make out your logic Basketball


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:11 am

YousinMach wrote:Got me hon, damn if I can make out your logic Basketball

Well, then, let me spell it out for you: I am saying that -- at least to me -- almost all of your posts in this thread seem to talk down to people on here who actually take the time to come up with an informed viewpoint. "Don't think, don't complain, it's your fault, now go find a job."

Is that not what you meant to say? If so, feel free to set me straight.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:59 am

Nope. You're dead wrong.

I've said look for a job 10 to 12 hours a day, leaving your self proclaimed eloquent posts afterwards, which in the end are dust in the wind unless I've not been apprised other-wards.

USA... you'd be the poster boy. America wasn't built on "what about me?"... it was built on "innovation and forward motion".

But now it's built on "we took it for granted". Sorry Charlie, get a visa to work elsewhere.... or re-read what I've tried to say.

But you won't.

Have you been set straight? I doubt it. As long as you can't "hear the customer" then you'll keep going. What does America produce that the rest of the world needs?

It only produces the ideas and then allows the rest of the world to produce the product and profit. See any problems in what I've said over and over?

I'm sure you will.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:22 am

YousinMach wrote:Nope. You're dead wrong.

I've said look for a job 10 to 12 hours a day, leaving your self proclaimed eloquent posts afterwards, which in the end are dust in the wind unless I've not been apprised other-wards.

USA... you'd be the poster boy. America wasn't built on "what about me?"... it was built on "innovation and forward motion".

But now it's built on "we took it for granted". Sorry Charlie, get a visa to work elsewhere.... or re-read what I've tried to say.

But you won't.

Have you been set straight? I doubt it. As long as you can't "hear the customer" then you'll keep going. What does America produce that the rest of the world needs?

It only produces the ideas and then allows the rest of the world to produce the product and profit. See any problems in what I've said over and over?

I'm sure you will.

I don't necessarily find fault in your opinions, rather, in their presentation. Bees, honey, vinegar, etc.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:41 pm

Bees & Honey
Eloquence, as distinct from rhetoric, has no aim: it is a play of words or other expressive means. It is a gift to be enjoyed in appreciation and practice. The main attribute of eloquence is gratuitousness: its place in the world is to be without place or function, its mode is to be intrinsic. Like beauty, it claims only the privilege of being a grace note in the culture that permits it.

The raw truth without flower and honey, of which our plight is certainly of vinegar.

Cutting through the mustard seeds... Yousin

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:26 pm

YousinMach wrote:Bees & Honey
Eloquence, as distinct from rhetoric, has no aim: it is a play of words or other expressive means. It is a gift to be enjoyed in appreciation and practice. The main attribute of eloquence is gratuitousness: its place in the world is to be without place or function, its mode is to be intrinsic. Like beauty, it claims only the privilege of being a grace note in the culture that permits it.

The raw truth without flower and honey, of which our plight is certainly of vinegar.

Cutting through the mustard seeds... Yousin

Do you think it's hypocritical to call people out for using other people's words, then turn around and do just that in that first paragraph, there? (For the curious, it's a book called "On Eloquence" by Denis Donoghue.)

Anyway, I believe you misunderstood what the man means by "has no aim." He doesn't mean "eloquence is useless," he is saying that eloquence is different from rhetoric because eloquence "is what it is." He is asserting that people who use rhetoric usually have an agenda in mind and want to sway you towards it with exaggeration. Eloquence doesn't have such agendas. Rhetoric and eloquence are similar, but different in the underlying goals.

From the same author, a couple of paragraphs later:

Normally, we recognize an eloquent event as a flare of expression, an excess or superabundance of its qualities. But there are several kinds of eloquence. Some are thrilling in their audacity—they are prophetic, magical, sublime, we futilely say: if we tire of them or are not in the mood to appreciate their excesses, we say that they are pretentious, as Coleridge spoke of "a nimiety, too-muchness." Shakespeare's sonnets are such a case. But there is also an eloquence of least means, as in the shock of understatement, where one's excitement arises from the surprise of finding something said so barely yet so definitively


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:25 pm

"Hook, line, and sinker", Ranbrow123. You sure took the bait and then some.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:52 pm

YousinMach wrote:"Hook, line, and sinker", Ranbrow123. You sure took the bait and then some.


Sounds like something someone who lost the debate and wanted to save face would say. Are you a politician?


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:54 pm

ranbrow123 wrote:
YousinMach wrote:"Hook, line, and sinker", Ranbrow123. You sure took the bait and then some.


Sounds like something someone who lost the debate and wanted to save face would say. Are you a politician?

Hon, I've never lost a debate in my life. xox

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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by ranbrow123 Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:20 am

YousinMach wrote:Hon, I've never lost a debate in my life. xox

Honesty is not the same as truth.


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Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor Empty Re: Oh Canada! So Rich - And So Poor

Post by YousinMach Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:25 am

Truth is not the honesty of same.

Pig latin. Please try harder, Avis.

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