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Post by sraney Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:01 am

"Ms. Raimondo drove perhaps the boldest pension reform of the last decade through the state's Democratic-controlled General Assembly. The new law shifts all workers from defined-benefit pensions into hybrid plans, which include a modest annuity and a defined-contribution component. It also increases the retirement age to 67 from 62 for all workers and suspends cost-of-living adjustments for retirees until the pension system, which is only about 50% funded, reaches a more healthy state."

Here's a democrat that's helping to spread the familiar sound bites - it's time to run the moles out of the party - "Unfortunately, public pensions all over the country are gobbling up more and more taxpayer money and producing nothing in return but huge deficits. It's not even certain whether employees in their 20s and 30s will retire with a pension, since many state and municipal pension systems are projected to run dry in the next two to three decades. "

"In the last 15 years, Ms. Raimondo, who is 40 and the mother of two children, has helped found two venture-capital firms, Village Ventures and Point Judith Capital. She was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and has a bachelor's in economics from Harvard and law degree from Yale. Still, serving as treasurer of the smallest state in the country probably wouldn't be the next career step for someone with such impressive credentials and ambition."

Are you still impressed by anyone from Oxford after Clinton, and Yale with Bush, and Harvard with Summers as President??? Sorry, that train left a long time ago...These creeps have been awarded these credentials to give them the appearance of legitimacy which is why we must demand transparency in the admissions process. Oh, he/she is much smarter than me - they must know something I don't. I like Matt Taibbi's explanation though - "they took the best education and chose to use it to defraud the public and become nothing more than common criminals." Using your law degree to intentionally re-write legislation that miraculously showers wealth in your favor doesn't take a whole lot of skill, just the capacity to be devious and unscrupulous - with an extremely selfish veneer.


Posts : 40
Join date : 2011-09-14

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